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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Well that is substantially different to over a thousand which was the figure being quoted shortly after the explosion and that figure clearly came from the Palestinian side (and that journalists weren’t allowed anywhere near the site yet.) It was being stated as fact by many news outlets even though they’d been nowhere near the site
  2. I'm having a night in with the missus, we decided to watch a film on that Amazon Prime, it’s called She is Love. It is one of the worst things I have ever watched. It's so shit we're watching it to the end to see if we can see what the point of it is And as I type it’s finished. Turns out the male actor also wrote and directed it. He needs shooting.
  3. Someone else told them that and all they could think of was boats
  4. I think he realised, which is why he did the whole price check thing because people must go How Much????? All the time
  5. Remember those helicopters and the worst day in Russian military aviation history pt III... Well UK Intelligence had this to say today 14 helicopters lost in a day
  6. He's speaking to them as the former Deputy Chairman of the Hammersmith and Fulham Conservative Association obviously
  7. Yep, one of many measures implemented as "cost saving" measures that had the desired effect Is a crime committed if nobody reports it?
  8. I just realised I hadn't voted in this poll. Can't be having the most creative and diverse musical decade in history losing out now can we
  9. Especially as Rodri is expected to return to the team If you'd asked me two days ago, I'd have said I was rolling my transfer but now Burns has risen a further 0.1 and the news that Robertson is out for a likely 10 weeks, I may do Burns to Tsimikas for a bit of profit taking and spare cash building As for captaincy I too have the Haaland / Salah / Son dilemma and logic says Haaland but I have this nagging Salah feeling. I doubt it'll be Son (you know what will happen now)
  10. Not convinced there is an abnormal stay at home Tory vote in Mid Beds. The turnout was relatively high for a similar late term by-election. Only the Carswell / Reckless elections have higher turnouts in recent times for by-elections in the last year or so of a parliament. And they were exceptional in a number of ways
  11. I was thinking about him before too. There is of course the possibility that Israel is the safest place for him right now but Israel / Russia relations are also further complicated by the fact there are currently around 600,000 Russian citizens who have a "right of return" to Israel
  12. There have already been rumours of letters going in prior to the 12 month moratorium ending
  13. Going back to the 0% thang, I had a Brewdog Hazy AF last night and I have to say it was an accurate replication of their Hazy Jane(?) It was shite but accurately shite
  14. Selective quoting, freeing Palestine from Hamas
  15. I'm absolutely not. Neither of the statements in that tweet are particularly an accurate reflection of the situation as it unfolded. The problem is he’s making a statement as seen through his own lens and not making an objective judgement based on the wider picture. Bullshit like that is part of the problem, whichever side is doing it. As Hen Mazzig is an Israeli Zionist, it’s hardly an impartial viewpoint. It’s an extremely slanted opinion and best ignored
  16. It depends what you mean, have they campaigned with one Orange cotton wool bud as their only presence? Yes. Labour have done the same for them too (and got huge internal pelters for it) in the likes of North Shropshire where they were the second placed party but stood no chance of winning.
  17. “All the evidence” is a huge stretch
  18. Not officially. It’s against the Labour Party constitution to do so, despite them begging the LibDems to stop campaigning in MidBeds
  19. Bit of a daft election pledge for someone representing an opposition party, she has no mechanism to effect those changes. If she can manage to sort the police station and the roads off she’s a miracle worker given the Labour Party has little to no influence in the authorities that control that decision making and those budgets
  20. Define success for a party not in power? In reality, it’s the stay at home Tory vote that will decide who wins the seat at the next GE. If this was a GE Labour wouldn’t even have targeted Tamworth, it’s that far down the list of targets. There is an argument that in losing this, the Tories have hurt Labour in a minor way as they will now have to pour resources in to defend the seat at the GE (Unite will insist as the MP is one of theirs) If the Tories don’t regain Tamworth in the GE my prediction of them being a spent force in politics becomes more likely.
  21. 50.1% Throbbers by my definition in Tamworth. (Tory+ Reform + UKIP + Britain First) Labour won because the minor throbby parties split the vote, the other three got 9.4% between them
  22. Yep having owned all the albums at one point, it’s one of the two Jam albums I have left on vinyl, still plays shockingly well
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