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Everything posted by bickster

  1. See this has been a deliberate confusion by the Government. The Palestine March is on Saturday and nowhere near the Cenotaph. Saturday is Armistice Day, Sunday is Remembrance Sunday. So on Armistice Day, people will be marching and calling for a ceasefire, can you think of a more appropriate day to do it?
  2. It would certainly fit the profile of what I saw of him in my student days. He was an absolute arsehole when he was running with the FCS libertarian wing But I still think its a character "based on" rather than any reality the rest of us might recognise EDIT: Also Mad Nad names Dougie Smith as part of the cabal, she's claiming Dr No is someone different
  3. Fictional character invented by Mad Nad. It's apparently a cabal that includes Michael Gove that has been running the Tory Party for over 20 years even though Gove hasn't been an MP for the whole of that time. Not only that but if Gove is in the cabal that runs the Tory Party, how come both his attempts at leading the party failed?
  4. Johnny was a regular sight running over the mountains as part of his training. I was once in a cafe in Brecon and he was in front of me in the queue. He'd run all the way from Cyfarthfa Park to Brecon alongside the A470, which must be the best part of 20 miles (not exactly the safest road to run alongside either, especially back then) and it was clearly a regular thing as he was just having his "usual" fry up and the staff clearly knew him well. He ate it and then his trainer turned up to drive him back up to Merthyr. But you'd see him running over the mountains every day, he was loved by everyone, such a gentle man tbh no aggression outside the ring at all. He was a folk hero, not just in Merthyr but in all the surrounding valleys, everyone talked about him and where they'd seen him running. Whole communities were genuinely in shock when he died.
  5. History tells us that any new law in relation to civil liberties will be abused and usually quite quickly as the boundaries are tested until there is some form of push back
  6. Ah that kind of makes sense. I may have gone to the PWEI gig and that was where I saw them. Lemon Drops gigs are a bit of a blur but 86 would be too early for me to have a connection to the band as Benny Profane weren’t supporting them by then. I think the first time I saw the Lemon Drops was in some pub that put on gigs by Needless Alley but the next alley across if my memory serves me correctly
  7. No, I only saw U2 as a paying punter twice. Both times at the Birmingham Odeon. Enjoyed the first gig. Thought Dog Biscuit was a complete fraud at the second. Disliked them ever since.
  8. You would still be a reservist until at least the age of 40. There are whole reservist battalions, they must have reservist NCOs and Officers. Also highlighting the ones that have ranks doesn’t diminish the slaughter one the ones that clearly do not.
  9. I was thinking about the bands I saw at the Locarno / Powerhouse. There will be more than this but I seem to remember Depeche Mode including Vince Clarke on the Speak and Spell tour (iirc Blancmange supported) The Beat, Wonderstuff / PWEI double header, Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros, Bauhaus, The Comsat Angels and I may have misremembered this one but possibly The Mighty Lemon Drops. Fairly sure they used to have an alternative night maybe on a Wednesday or a Thursday that we used to go to too. I also know I’ve worked gigs there but those ones I really can’t remember apart from maybe another Wonderstuff gig, possibly…
  10. Isn’t it around now that you usually announce that you're on annual leave until March or something
  11. Well she ran it up the red meat flagpole, the result doesn't really matter.
  12. Nah I reckon they'd be as welcome as a water pipe in Godalming right now
  13. Is this the same four hours they gave them weeks ago?
  14. I think we need video surveillance to be streamed live on VT
  15. Shit week all-round But I managed to score 52 points with my draft league team... AND STILL LOST!
  16. As well as what @chrisp65 says above, I can't see Hungary with Orban in change ever agreeing to Ukraine membership of NATO and as he was only re-elected last year (very comfortably) its a long time before he's out and it's quite possible he'll be elected again
  17. Pre-invasion 20% of the Ukrainian economy was agricultural. A lot of those fields are currently in Russian hands. 25% of it was industrial, yep a big chunk is blown up. Add to that a big part of it was coal mining (and other natural resources too) which is something that wasn't even really viable pre-war and its a declining market... If Ukraine is to succeed in any post war scenario it needs to completely restructure but it also needs it's land and natural resources to be able to do that.
  18. Even inside the EU it will take decades to build the economy I also just don't see Ukraine giving up their territorial rights over Donbas / Crimea etc.
  19. If Ukraine join NATO, this will not reduce investment in weapons to Ukraine. Ukraine will need to get their military up to NATO specifications and with their economy in bits that won't happen without aid, lots of aid. It will also mean NATO troops on the ground for a very long time
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