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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Sure its biased. Do you think they've been setting this up for in excess of a decade to bomb Al-Shifa hospital? Scepticism is fine, it should be the default position but this is something that has been in the public domain for a very long time. That's why I posted it, the bias of the publication isn't that relevant here, just that the knowledge has been out there for a considerable time. Those journalists and doctors on the ground denying it, are doing that for a reason
  2. @omariqy This article is from 2014 in Tablet, it references other comments by journalists pre-2010 even. There is more in the article than this extract. Note the emboldened bit. The Israelis built the bunker under the hospital in 1983
  3. FAO @omariqy Note the date of this post I'm quoting. It is way before the hospital came under attack. Al-Shifa has been known to have Hamas HQ underneath it for a very long time.
  4. Roads with incorrect designations. Just winds me up more than it should, see map below for three that are all connected. They need taking out with a nuke
  5. No it wouldn’t, there are very few roads with minimum speed limits They have signs like this
  6. Do you mean Israel allowed the transfer of money to Gaza from Qatar? About half of which went to Hamas? Or is there some link where Netanyahu directly funded Hamas himself or with Israeli Government funds. The two things are VERY different.
  7. Cripes, there were at least two more possibilities Wordle 878 6/6
  8. Actually replacing Gillian Keegan as the Minister for Merseyside Mentalists
  9. Each App can have its own setting, not all settings are global
  10. I found the express article on MSN so as to not pollute your devices. Some classic quotes (unattributed) in here
  11. I'm not convinced there are many mid ground votes for them to win any more, they certainly won't be shifting the Reform voters after today.
  12. I really do think someone should call themselves Semi Detached Kitten Asylum And @Stevo985is definitely the lead singer of one of those
  13. Much chatter (unattributed) about letters going in The Express seems to think that Bravermans Common Sense Group and Kruger / Cates New Conservative Group have 60 members between them. It's hard to tell as some MPs are members of both (Kruger and Lee Anderson definitely) and other members aren't declared 350 Tory MPs mean that 15% = 53 letters to trigger a leadership election Its possible they may have the numbers. The Guardian at one point thought that CSG had 59 members
  14. Well having just read a report with unattributed quotes from throbby MPs, this isn't getting out of my head
  15. Next couple of weeks polling could provide record making mirth
  16. Southern Comfort for me. And I like Whiskey based drinks
  17. The hardline Brexiteers may even see it as a move towards closer ties with Europe... As Cameron doesn't come with that baggage either. They'll absolutely love it He's hardly the man for leaving the European Convention on Human Rights, which is the line Braverman was going down.
  18. That's because they went into coalition with the Tories and sold out the people that voted for them (Parents of Students with Loans etc). The people that will be voting for them aren't those people in the main, they will be "traditional Tory voters"
  19. 2nd Term is 5 maybe 6 years away. That’s another 5 or 6 years of dead Tory voters and (IMO) those looking for an alternative to Labour will not have forgotten or forgiven The Tories, especially as there will only be a rump of them left and again (IMO) a majority of nutters. That will be when the LibDems have their opportunity to become a credible force again but obviously won’t win but may get to be the opposition Demographics are completely against the Tories. The saying you’ve used about a week being a long time in politics is a micro thing. Election cycles are more Macro. The defeat that the Tories are heading for will be worse than 1997. It took 3 election cycles, 13 years and a global financial meltdown for The Tories to recover and even then they just about managed to get a coalition together. Their staring point after the next election will be much much worse
  20. Welcome to the resurgence of the LibDems (who are much closer politically to traditional Tory voters than the current party) I agree with your assessment of Labour but by the third term the LibDems will be the official opposition. Tory Party once they've lost will get more toxic and their current voter demographics are completely against them.
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