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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Decentralised Private networks in my book It's another of those terms that has crept into some peoples usage erroneously, see also DSAR when it's SAR
  2. Not just the Refugee Convention, there's a whole bunch more too. Some legal bod on the radio just now claiming we'd have to withdraw from the entire international treaty set up and become a complete pariah state.
  3. Did you compare it to the last one and identify the changes? I did skip read it last night as I was in need of a solution to get me to sleep
  4. Sunak could play it as all Cruella's fault that it failed I doubt he will but he could
  5. I genuinely wonder how many of them realise the ECHR is nothing to do with the EU and we'd be joining a very exclusive club of Russia and Belarus in being not signed up to the ECHR
  6. First interview on 5Live this morning... "...but inflation is down to the Bank of England not the government isn't it?" And even that is bollocks, the fall is due to the energy market and nothing the BoE did
  7. idiotic second guess, need more coffee Wordle 879 5/6
  8. He was a Labour councillor at one point but he's subsequently gone full fruit loop and hasn't been a member of the Labour party for years
  9. Can’t wait to see if he’s actually claiming reputational damage when it was he himself who told everyone
  10. People Polling have a new poll out for GBeebies. Fieldwork done after the shuffle headlines of Braverman out and Cameron in etc and as much as PP are consistently showing the Tory vote at very much the lower end of the polling, they have the Tories 19% (-2) and Labour 49% (+4) a gap of 30 points. I don’t believe PPs figures, I think they are consistently off but it is interesting just as a trend within their polls that the reshuffle has had a negative effect. Tories on 19% is rather fanciful as is their Reform figure of 11% (+1), that’s 2 points above the LibDems. I suspect there is some inbuilt bias in their polling as they consistently underplay the Tory vote and overplay Reform But it’s the movement that interests me with them and not the actual figures
  11. The only one of those things they have any interest in is bringing inflation down and it’s beyond their control. In the space of time left to them, they won't be able to affect much of that anyway. Better to have them infighting, it means they'll actually manage to achieve less harm
  12. Why would your home become more of a shithole because the Tories are ripping themselves new holes that no-one thought possible? They'll only be around another 6 to 9 months in reality. They aren’t going to suddenly in fight their way to being re-electable
  13. How do you know the other cars haven’t been prosecuted too? Speed Cameras can take multiple photos, not only that on Smart Motorways, the gantries will have multiple cameras, one for each lane
  14. You could do with taking your own initial advice with regards to that last sentence not only that I suggest you read the good number of posts in this topic that he’s made where he does actually criticise Israel and it’s government quite extensively. Practice what you preach. Oh and stop putting words in his mouth.
  15. It’s the Prime Minister who effectively decides the date but it can be called no later than 5 years after the last election. So the last election was on 17th December, so if no election has been called by that date, parliament is automatically dissolved and the election will take place 25 working days later. Which means the last date it can possibly be is 28th Jan 2025 which would be a highly unusual Tuesday. (Because of the Xmas public holidays)
  16. 20 in a 30 with good visibility is too slow? Police could make a fortune in Formby with all the geriatrics driving at 10
  17. Hackney carriage meters only shift onto time rate at below 4mph. I’m not a Hackney Carriage driver, I only get paid for distance
  18. None of those roads have been altered since they were built. If it’s been changed over time, it doesn’t irk me. I was adding a new housing estate to our system today and added a Crescent, that is indeed a straight line, brand new without a hint of a curve
  19. Harder than anywhere else in the country Express and Star
  20. It’s not to do with being wrong. It’s about the rules being confusing. There's no consistency. So if you're on a 20 mph road on a driving test, what speed would be considered too low 18? 15? 10? Is 20 mph too slow for a 30? Traffic cops will always tell you that the speed limit isn’t a target speed, when does your speed become too slow? What offence do you commit when you drive below this unpublished speed? I don’t see how it fits into the the almost catch all of driving without due care and attention I’m not exactly someone that drives slowly anyway but this idea that you can fail a driving test for driving too slow is just bizarre. Sure if you are consistently driving at a speed well below the limit on the test, it shows a lack of confidence. I get that but that isn’t what people are saying.
  21. But it affects the new right of way for pedestrians rules. Someone also better tell cyclists to hurry up as they’ve also recently been advised to ride in the middle of the lane too.
  22. Makes absolutely no sense, especially in light of the latest giving pedestrians right of way when turning from one road to another.
  23. Quite frankly that is nonsense, it defies any form of logic. Most driving tests take place on 20 or 30mph roads
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