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Everything posted by bickster

  1. ANd I just remembered, I've found a positive about 1.9 patch, I quit the game MUCH easier than before and it doesnt tie the machine up for a good ten minutes closing WoW down now Still waiting for a tip on the loading screen I didnt know though
  2. Didnt Need it, don't use swords currently (havent for ages) and if anything I'm looking at going two handed daggers again as I can get three +15 AGI enchants into the equation (300g ) A sword right now is of little interest plus I'm not sure, if its got better stats than the polearm I currently use (can't remember tbh) Just saw a sword and didnt think NEED at all
  3. Congrats - shame I cant actually get into WoW now - I appear to be unable to handshake - fecking bollux thats what this patch is
  4. I think I'll be moving my HS around now dependant on what area I'm playing in at the time, if its Premier League or WPL I'll nip into UC and set it to there, Felwwod / Wintersping, I'll move it back to TB, theres only two reasons for HS location - rested bonus and AH, closer to where you want to be the better imo
  5. then watch when you get in as all your addons refuse to load, no auctioneer, no opium no blah blah, the only ones that load are the ones I d/l this morning before the patch that were 1.9 compliant Riss, Direct Action Bars - nah, they aint happening either Can I feck get onto an add-on site to get new versions - you guessed it - Norfolk and chance
  6. 1.3mb left and it................................................crashed, anyone shocked? thought not
  7. like I said, anything with a link to the european patch is busy busy busy down to my last 1.5mb now JOY!
  8. It is, its useless, but the official one will be d/l in a few mins anyway only another 8mb to go
  9. try logging into curse and the likes today, error message after error message, in fact any site connected to WoW seems to be having diffiulties, never mind I'm up to 5omb now only another say hour to go WoW official - errror UI-WoW - Error Curse - Error Thottbott - working no download on here though Ok whilst typing this finally found this download site which appears to be working
  10. I got a paiur of gloves whose only additional benefit was spirit Yeah like they'll sell Dont want to piss you off Riss but todays patch is 76MB - ie **** huge - its taking me an age to download it, for you thats days normally isntit?
  11. Yep still got q's in there too, some in the other prt one where we were, oh well at least I got my hunter q done Oh got some nice drops did we, Pah
  12. Auctioneer v3.2 for Dan
  13. Thats good ol' devilsaur. Me and Tarj have killed a 54 one of those. Nope I was definately refering specifically to a lvl 60 elite rare spawn called King Mosh Not your commonal garden lvl 54 elite devilsaur (woohoo I did a screenie, that means I was actually bothered enough to open photoshop )
  14. was in b4 got booted just now bah I kill away from a q too Oh yes and a lvl 60 elite rare spawn t-rex is breathing down my neck too (I so want to kill this at some point)
  15. Well I got 4 HK's against him and I only arrived in ratshit late, I'm sure you were only there for one or two of them nays And Gank Party Mark 2 last night was also cool, again they got mightily pissed off with us, theres a lvl 60 oput there who hates me, I a lvl 53 has him 2-0 :wink: He really did camp me forever to try and get that stat back (and failed I might add)
  16. Only just spotted this one, doesnt piss me offf that much hes a tool more than anye=thing, albeit one that an be resummonned if he dies but needs feeding, generally killing the cat means one high lvl food unit to get him back happy again(happy means 125% attack power)
  17. I'll tell you tonight, he'll be on my KOS list when I log in, rocket polisher must die and he's only lvl 49 (he has two lvl 60 mates b4 you all start)
  18. When you carry hunters mark, you cant stealth dan... HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA - you didnt know this dan - And yousunkentempledoingwithoutmebastards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today is do the sunken temple for bicks day, I've declared it!
  19. thats why I usually engage the enemy (when I have the suprise advantage PvP) before using hunters mark, why give people a chance to know you are there before you hit them, nice big aimed shot > Serpent sting > Hunters mark > concussive shot and take it from there. It's like advertising the fact that you are there - stupid people
  20. I had probs getting in, just after I posted my last massage in this post, then it let me in, and its great - NO LAG in Ogri No feckin drops either though
  21. Having kept an eye on whats been going on in perfect dark chat the last couple of days, Sie is right - its full of knobs
  22. thats ok Riss, I finished my q's therew for now, until I can find a group who can do a certain q(dan cant we discovered) I've mailed you my spare q items to get you going there, there may even be enough to complete one q straight away. Come straight in down the bamk on the rhs, two blokes in a burntout house, 5 grinding q's - you have a start
  23. Nays - remember the schematic: Mechanical Mithril Drongonling that I bought from the vendor in Hinterlands for 40s? Sold it in the AH today for 13g
  24. Sold my Epic axe as some of you know - 170g. Sometimes it pays to be cheeky . Especially as teh other one handed epic axe (theres only two in the game as far as I'm aware) was also in the AH for less money to buyout - My axe (lvl 42) - 170g - t'other axe (lvl 53) 150g and mine sold - go figure We need to do sunken temple soon, enough of us and we'll do it I reckon, Me and Dan had a crack at it for a laugh last night - yes just the two of us We also need to do the pricess run - properly this time, with a healer (thats YOU tarj )
  25. I like the foos, latest album (the double) is great, one cd is a full on rawk n roll and the other is a good collection of slower accoustic stuff. Dependant on my mood, both cds are very good. Like the other albums too. Grohl is an awesome musician, some of his colaberation albums are also great (last years Killing Joke one and the QOTSA one too)
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