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Everything posted by bickster

  1. AV has proven I need to swap the PC's over with great urgency, I just getted lagged to death (literally), didnt want to before as I'd have to load all the add-ons again and blah blah blah but now its a must Mount my Kodo in an area woth more than three people and it just freezes
  2. lol @ Al having just logged in and the 420 hk's I got after midnight last night didnt seemingly count towards this week and I'm still 3/4 way through Grunt, I reckon Sergeant by next Tuesday is not only possible but I'll be pissed if its not higher
  3. My HK's have gone from the 200 or so it was two days ago to over 1000 now Grunt insignia about to be bought
  4. bahhhhh I was just saying I have them if we need them, not that I was going to wear them
  5. I have complete set of Twilight Cultist armour and 2 x robe +2 x cowl in the bank also, so need two mantles for 3 sets, if we should so need it
  6. Me and Tarj just had some fun in Silithus after Sie and Nays left us Lvl 60 mage 6 hk's (ok we picked on her the first tme but SHE kept coming back and attacking us a futher 5 times!) Another lvl 60 mage 4hk's (same we attacked once, he came back for more punishment 3 times, one of which tarj was dead so I killed him all by my lvl 56 self after he atacked me) lvl 60 something else came back with the other two so we killed him before the other 2 got us (we were also being attacked by multiple mobs at the time) Then the knobby mage who came back 5 times laughed at me whilst dead er hello **** I have 11 hk's to your 1 dick cheese and you are 4 levels above me
  7. Me and Riss have 3 Dire Maul q's
  8. Limpid I can lend you whatever you want, next time you are on send me a mail and I'll send you the money by return, I've got 270g and naff all to spend it on for 4 levels yet
  9. Hmmm can't agree on that, £lies is still trying to get the best deal possible for himself and himself alone. For once its not £lies thats pulling away from this deal its the primary investors of AVIL (the Comers) because they dont think their interest in the deal (the associated land) is worth the investment and given the previous planning permission fiasco they are probably right about that. But moving on to Neville finding other investors, even if he does I don't think I want him as chairman, Yes he's a Villa man, Yes he has the best interess of the cluyb at heart but ultimately he won't have that much power as his backers could decide to pull the plug at anytime. If Neville was to take charge, in chairman terms he'd be just like Bill Kenwright constantly looking for outside investment to try and keep the club moving along and in all likelyhood he'd be failing in the task as its not easy to find investors inf football as our many failed taleover attempts have shown (as have Kenwrights continual investment announcement bungles for that matter) What we really need is someone who is financially strong in themselves and can commit his own funding in the short to medium term whilst trying to build the club but unfortunately the club being a PLC does hinder this type of takeover.
  10. I just got in straight away, my theory, corrupt session cookie, most times this has happened before I've turned off the pc and got in straight away afterwards.
  11. the real question is, when you first started the game would you have chosen Ally if you'd known they had trains? :wink:
  12. Ally have trains? bastards
  13. Lol @ Nays, sounds like he hasnt got a clue, hitting you with a concussive shot first? Don't undertand that for starters, the way I do it is send the pet in first, as the pets about to hit, hunters mark (people that put the mark on you first are daft too - er hello advance warning of attack!!!!!), then depending upon what you are facing either concussive shot then aimed shot or straight aimed shot. then a DoT (cant remember which one tbh but the mana zapping one is USELESS it uses too much of your own mana and takes no health) then if its a single target multishot is ok as you can get some serious damage with it if all three hit the same target),then an arcane shot then comes the lull until you wait for the aimed shot cooldown, which isnt long at all after all that. But where he really falls down is THE BOAR, in PvP there is only one pet to have still and thats the Cat it still usually gets 2 to 3 attacks in for every one you can offer despite the 1.9 nerfing. For a lvl 58 Hunter it sounds like his talent tree is messed up too. But no hunters mark is just erm laughable as is the spamming of multishot, multi shot has a cooldown and all that happens in between if its spammed is er nowt but if I fire it the once and do nothing but stand still at least autoshot keeps firing, but the idea is to use other stuff inthe cooldown I've already told some of you about the knobby lvl 60 dwarf mage who literally gave me three HK's against him last night. He had no mates or backup of any kind. I waas in Cenarian Hold recovering from a time out in the field, plus I was in the middle of making a coffee. So I really wasnt on the ball at all and as the graveyard is seconds away a PvP death really wasnt that much of an inconvenience anyway. So inside the hold he attacks me and all I did was watch, never touched a button, the guards **** him over in seconds and I got the HK. Right OK, lvl 60 or not on his own that was pretty dumb but he just got dumber he did it again, this time he sheeped me and the cat was set to defend so that attacked him with the guards, again I never touched a button again I got the HK. Even the dumbest would have given up by now but no, he comes back a third time using a different approach again, same result tho, I never touched a button and he was **** over by the guards once more - Never did my health go below half before he was **** over. So three HK's agaisnt a lvl 60 without touching a button - well thanks
  14. Ah Tarj, we need a hand killing a level 60 elite cat in winterspring if yer handy tonight, Me Riss and Dan just narrowly failed last night, needed a healer
  15. Never had BW so I wouldnt know tbh
  16. Thought BW had been nerfed quite heavily anyway?
  17. In fact if we all help you'll be level 60 by the end of feb :wink: Oh gratz too Riss, knew you'd over-take me again this week
  18. LOL@Nays VoS = Valley of Spirits tarj
  19. LOL thats gonna take fer feckin ever
  20. no doubt with the meter running Well if £lies is going to pay then er yes please
  21. Oh yes all the rewards for doing the VoS stuff, has anyone put them in the AH yet? or are you like me - banking them until auctioneer actually has a clue what to say about them? Did anybody get anything other than scrolls and geen items btw? Is there a chance of blue items or anything?
  22. Titan Bar v2 (the two bar version) is one of the things I managed to update before the patch most of the add-ons to it though I didn't Think I managed to get Mob Info's new version today too but the add-on sites are down again But strangely DAB is working again (not perfect but it'll do) as are most of the old vesions now, feel slightly sane again now, its all still a mess though
  23. Will someone wake me up when it either happens or its off, until then I'll just be dozing in the corner
  24. Is that what Dan was blathering on about in the VoS?
  25. have I shite, having trouble hitting a barn door without my interface
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