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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Still cant decide on my new Spec, thinking of going survival 31 / marksmanship 20 But as I'm going BG crazy for a bit I want a good PvP spec anyone got any ideas?
  2. Yes please please please, whoever the next chairman is don't be a Bill "I was in Corrie once" Kenwright Its great he's a fan, no one would dispute that but he keeps announcing "new investment" because he believes everyone , like the Russian Restaraunt owner who he thought was going to be the next Roman Abrhamovic, turns out he was just a tiny rusky cafe owner As a fan hes a top bloke as a chairman he's a buffoon - can we have someone whose more brain than heart Villadave, I know where you are coming from except he can take whatever salary he wants as long as a) the club can afford it and he can justify the salary by the work he does
  3. Don't know if this has been mentioned anywhere but I found a small piece in this weeks Sunday Mirror that had been left in work by someone, stating that the Comers bid was thought to be collapsing so Villa had brought in the Rothskids blah blah. The it went on to name some Norwegian who they (ok its mirror grp) thought was interested in purchasing the club, some bloke by the name of Viktor something or other? Anybody seen or heard anything more on that?
  4. PGCE - feck me teachers have more spare time than anyone
  5. I'm having a night off, in fact I'll probably have a few days off, mostly enforced through work but tonight was a night off by choice
  6. Hmm yes GerryH saw that myself but it all falls apart in the last paragraph Actually that bit is pure speculation, I've seen it mentioned that the Comers are indeed football fans, regularly attend Prem matches but support no particular team. Neither side in that particular micro-debate however have ever come up with a quote. Not seen a Comer say "We don't like football" or even Neville on their behalf. I have however seen the brother of the Comers in an Irish newspaper article claim what I've just said. You could argue that he was just saying that to help the bid (and that argument has some validity too) but its the closest I've seen to an official line on the issue
  7. The totty thread took a year to get this big, we've done it in 5 months Online games are supposedly the realms of Geeks so why don't you join us
  8. The PLC.......but no money has been spent yet which is what I was trying to say Maybe the PLC didn't actually bring in Rothchilds at all................. The Glaziers employed Rothchilds to facilitate their purchase of Man Utd......... Just guessing.... nah its a PLC appointment, thats the whole point
  9. Seeing Sie's post made me discover this useful tool for demonstrating your talent tree http://www.wowhead.com I know the official site has one, but I'll be fecked if it works for me, so show us your talent trees Me I'm about to respec I'll post mine tommorrow as I'm not sure as to the levels I have currently in some areas as I've kind of made it up as I've gone along. Then I'll post my new one if I can do some research (anyone got any links to classic hunter specs?)
  10. That and making them support the barcodes so they think ginger=red
  11. There is no way on this earth that CCT is ever getting in my cab, I know where she lives (literally 150 yds from me as the crow flies) and theres just no way. Straight on the radio with a "launch it" But on the question, thats CCT all over (all very good btw Chris - maybe I'll fax CCT and get her to ask some q's you obviousy have far too much time on your hands :wink:)
  12. Riss got to Lvl 59 about an hour after you went to bed, like I said two q's or 1 q and a AV marks of honour hand in with a small amount of grinding
  13. Dont get me started on the group for UBRS
  14. it was a bizzare plan by NTL in the first place though, company was run by a bunch of idiots whoever dreamed up " I know lets buy 9.9% in lots of PL footballclubs and we'll control the TV rights" should really have been shot And now they are owned by Teleworst *mindboggled*
  15. thotbott search engine for firefox
  16. Gartmore are an investment house aren't they? Buying shares on behalf of whatever funds they get people to buy into (used to have a small amount invested with them)
  17. Just a thought though, can it be Petchey who has forced £lies hand? Has he got fed up of waiting to cash in on his investment and has now started to apply what pressure he can?
  18. Dead deal call in the estate agents is the bottom line though, whichever way its gone wrong
  19. We're off to see Secret Machines
  20. Wont be me tonight, off out with Mr Bland in Manchester But I have got a Hunter Q in Dire Maul I could do with some help at some point, I get a trinket worth +48 ranged attack power
  21. I hope so, honestly Riss the difference is startling, I don't think you realise how much of a problem Lag was for me. I get attacked sometimes and I'm lagged, lag ends I'm dead, with sod all I could actually do about it And I might actually be able to see the holes now, I know you were joking but the resolution certainly feckin helps
  22. OMFG - I have a whole new game, sorry but what was that low res laggy thing I used to play, it was crap I've got learn how to play the game on a proper machine now
  23. **** **** re-install on the fast PC is taking all **** day, litertally What are those files you mentioned nays, not to bothered about the add-ons as they really can be installed in mins, the biggest pain is actually d/l winzip again as I **** hate that prog
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