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Everything posted by bickster

  1. So I just click on them and the Rep increases?
  2. No I've cashed in the scourgestones, I have argent dawn tokens
  3. Oh yeah, how do you cash those Argent Dawn tokens in?
  4. Really? thats even more insane
  5. When I found that out I respecced as I could get better than the almost 1% (trueshot Aura) from the survival tree, only thing is the pet and other party members don't get it now either
  6. I used to like the +45 agi I used to get with Trueshot Aura, until I respecced last week But here's a question, how much Agi does you classs require to get a 1% chance of a crit? This is where Hunters get really fecked over, I need 53agi for 1%, most other classes are down in the 20's, did you know the stats were different for each class?. I have 350ish agi at times -- woohoo 7% chance to crit, If any of you lot had 350% you'd be on a 15-20% chance to crit
  7. Hmm that hunters pulling in instances thing, its because idiot hunters seem to think that they should pull with a big shot, which is stupid because then they keep the aggro. Best way to do it is set a freeze trap then pull with a low rank (pref rank 1) serpent sting or similar, which will pull the mob in question and allow the hunter to run to the back to start doing damage. A hunter pulling though takes longer and theres more room for the other party members to **** up. "cmon pull!" - I'm setting a trap fuckwad. The problem with hunters in instances is the other party members don't understand the hunters need for time and space, sometimes the mob is pulled too far and we just can't get enough room for any kind of ranged attack (that happened a few times to me in Scholo last night, which is when you get accused of standing there doing feck all, which is true but theres feck all you can do as you have no room to get a shot in Anyway we can't do an instance with just us, we are tankless
  8. Manure Buccaneers, no doubt about it. I've hated them since the seventies, when they were the biggest club in the world (despite winning **** all and getting relegated), Everything sincethen (mostly the Fegiescum era) has just served to piss me off even more, Fergie is an arrogant rocket polisher, some of his players are the same, Gary Neville needs a good slap.............................. I could go on but I won't
  9. You got kicked from the guild? And you get rep from the coins but its general Horde rep (always wondered what that menat) as opposed to Ogri, TB, UC, Darkspear individually, so what does Horde rep do for you and where can you actually see how you're doing in horde rep?
  10. Oh yeah and I gratz top Riss, I'll be joining you this week, another 140k xp and I'm there, mostly rested too, so I might even do it by tommorrow
  11. Well I got one of those coins but I have to ask - whats the point in them?
  12. Nothing negative can come from playing such a wonderful game. Its just time to do other things for a while until the next mmorpg comes along, and it will... And next time there will probably be more of us being noobs at the same time tooo, which will be loads of extra fun
  13. Ah, don't be a KB whore! Too many people concentrate on this like they do with damage in instances. If everybody's tbbing and selecting the same targets, then it must make it harder to win battles. What's the point in me blowing a 600 mana, 1200 damage crit on someone with 1% health, when the same shock will wipw out a third of some players' health, making it easier for them to die overall? Its not the only reason, the other reason is my current spec is shite, having done my research it appears I've wasted 5 points in improved Hunters mark as the bounses arent that good compared to others in other trees, theres a few other area of wastage too and I've never tried survival and having read up on it I really should do
  14. lol@drat I saw that yesterday and was going to post something similar
  15. I never get anywhere on the killing blows table which is one reason why I'm changing my spec
  16. Right here's the current talent bulid, which has only ever been respecced once in 59 levels, its had no research done whatsoever and has just sort of developed as its gone on with my random thoughts Now after some research and wanting to get rep in AV up so I can get the cheaper version of an epic mount (350g saving is well worth the effort imo), I'm going over to this, which is quite a difference. When I've done the BG thing and got to 60, I'll want to respec again for a more PvE high lvl instance build but having only ever respecced once this option is still relatively cheap for me
  17. What Blandy said on page one
  18. orgi off the fp by the rope bridge, turn left on ya right
  19. 145 pages and counting, take that as a yes then remember Deathwing - Horde and you'll get as much help as we can give (deathwing may accept new players soon (after the migration)
  20. oh yes, Just checked in for a minute to check my new rank JUST crept in to senior sergeant - quite pleased with that for a first proper week of AV (even that wasnt a full week either), one day was levelling had at least two days off too
  21. I'm looking forward to it even more after tomorrow when I get the Uber PC. The only time my current PC ever lets me down in WoW is Orgri and AV. The amount of times I've been killed by lag is ridiculous. Yep it was AV that forced me switch machines eventually, started in AV and it was lagtastic at times, so that was it, changed machines right then Sooooooooooooooooo MUCH BETTER
  22. yeah its like when you get to the bridge, why the feck does everyone stop, the ally will keep you there all day, Its simple keep four or five back at the graveyard and the other thirty or so mount up and charge the bunker on the right ignoring any damge, then just keep pling back in. I've been in games where we've been at the bridge for over an hour and not even attempted the bunker Still love it though, its just that some groups are just frustrating to be in
  23. Take the graveyard, no take belinda, no take the graveyard, stop attacking the three allies in the field - yes thats the twenty of you, and turn that "heal me I'm down to 20%" spam off you word removed (how feckin annoying is that!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Only 3 hours, you sure you didnt join the same battle as yesterday? I'd be shocked if that one was finished yet
  25. 11.30 it is. Save me a slot. Can't wait for another greed roll on Beaststalker Bindings! Hmm Hunter equipment, already have them though, easily bought in the AH you know Riss, one of two members of the Beaststalker outfit that aren't BoP and are actually BoE They aren't that expensive to buy, paid about 20-25g for mine I think
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