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Everything posted by bickster

  1. going to be cruel to be kind here that photo is awful!! you need to ask yourself what is the point of the photograph, what is its purpose, what is the focus of the image? That photo is a snap and nothing more it has no point of focus. You have a great subject there (the canal locks), these are great source of leading lines (another photographic compositional technique) - lines that lead the eye into the image and to the focal point of the photo. You need to assess the situation you are in and look around for the best way to photograph your subject. the tree - thats a no no unless you wanted a photo of the tree, the flat path in the foreground - what a waste of space adds nothing and goes right across the image Also as anthony mentioned the highlights (the whitest part of the image) is blown out, with digital photography you always need to meter for the highlights, control them and the shadow areas can have the detail brought out in photoshop later, its almost impossible to drag out details from highlight areas. To control the highlights you need to read the manual of the camera and learn how its metering works got to go to work now, otherwise I'd post more. I'm not being nasty trim, its only by constructive criticism that you can learn to improve your photography. I'm off tommorow, so if you post some more I'll try and help you a bit more but do a google on photogrphic composition, theres literally thousands of websites out there you can read that will help you learn what makes the difference between a snap and a good photograph
  2. Juju if you are going to buy a cheap dslr, buy a canon or a nikon low end model, then any lens you buy at a later date will still be compatible. You have to remember you are buying into "a system". the big boys camera are always going to be a beter purchase for this very reason. the only other possibility is buying into the 2.3rds system but thats a) expensive and not exactly taking off at great speed
  3. Well one secret is to stop the car and get out before you take a photo Depends what you mean by "good photography" I suppose You could try to make your photos obey certain photgraphic rules, such as The Rule of Thirds if thats the sort of thing you want a hand with, its easy for me to help you, but just remember the rule that rules are there to be broken too
  4. Ah a share price of below £2, that should really please Mr Petchey :roll:
  5. Its not an attempt to get your email to spam you its a genuine attempt at something aimed at changing the club for good
  6. we want the box we want the box ee i adio o we want the box (calm down Rob - the box this time is plywood with plastic handles)
  7. Bollocks to the double barelled shotgun, I want a blunderbus for the wider spread of shot
  8. I think I would too dunno why but I probably would, but I'm too normal so it would never happen
  9. Certain posters hasnt posted in here for a while has he?
  10. I don't think Ali was telling you not to post, he was just expressing that everytime you open this thread you have just that little bit of hope that somethings happened, moves are suddenly afoot, but really you know its not the case but you still get slightly depressed when you open it and nothing has actually happened
  11. New crowd control measures tested ahead of end of season protests
  12. Do you ever get bored with going over the same stuff time and time again?? Ah constructive debate at its best
  13. I didnt need to look it up, it was after £lies announced his patience was running out with the Comers, we had the "takeover will be done by xmas, new year, due diligence fiascos first then we announced the Rothschild appoinments, just goes to show three months is a long long time in the history of the Villa or so it seems
  14. By My reckoning its 4 months tops but your substantive point remains valid
  15. bickster

    Chris Moyles

    Isnt that what I said?
  16. bickster

    Chris Moyles

    Friend of DOL, sums it up nicely I think
  17. Second Coming is a great album imo.
  18. See now from what I know of past attempts to reform the bands (both have come reasonably close), The Smiths reforming would initially be a "greatest Hits" type package whereas with the Roses John Squire has said that he will only reform if they can go in the studio first and record a brand new album and I think for that reason alone I'd have to go for the Roses but being a greedy twunt like I am I'd want both anyway. Plus I've seen the Smiths far more times than I've seen the Roses So in a very tight decision - the Roses for me
  19. Will people stop posting in this redundant thread, everytime I come home from work I see its been posted in and I get false hope until I open it and find feck all has happened
  20. Just been reading a Stone Roses article in Uncut (shut it Risso) and theres a small section in it where they ask some of the major concert promoters which band out of the Smiths and the Stone Roses reforming would sell the most tickets Neither is happening btw its purely hypoythetical But anyway which of the two reforming would want to see the most, for me its a real tough question and I don't know the answer right now (yes no doubt well get those posting that hate both bands but you're just plebs )
  21. That one in particular had me in stitches CV
  22. Minger of the month candidate disqualified for being just too repulsive
  23. I'd agree with that BW, the squad "on paper" is better than GTMkII's, the results however aren't. And before anyone comes over all Steve Bruce, we had plenty of injuries that year too
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