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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Hmmm. Couldn't even guess at the first bit but the second point there is rather an interesting one. In the few seconds since I read it I've not been able to think of an existing stadium which has been properly renamed. Yorks ground changed from Bootham Cresent to the KitKat Crescent As I said earlier the McAlpine Stadium is called something completely different and forgettable now - (galpham Stadium) Wycome Wanders Adams Park is now called the Causeway stadium (some software firm) Doncaster Rovers Bell Vue is now called the Earth Stadium (finance Company) Bournemouth - Fitness First Stadium (that ones a bit dangerous ) None of these were named these names when built
  2. Boleyn Ground Its always been called that, its just that evryone calls it Upton Park anyway (think thats the area its in)
  3. Trust us when we Brits say - WE BLOODY WELL WON'T See theres an intrinsic difference over her - we tend to call a ground by its corporate name when its had no other name before hand. When an older stadium is renamed, no-one ever calls it by that name, they just call it the original name We're like that us Brits, sticklers for tradition and all that and bloody minded about it too I still call what is now known as a Snickers Bar a Marathon, Starburst are still Opal Fruits etc etc
  4. not worth renaming in a corporate sense, you don't get anywhere near to the same amount of money for renaming a stand, the media don't refer to it as Villa Park with the newly renamed McDeath Stand, they'd just say Villa Park You have to rename the ground to get the serious dosh
  5. Careful, that's the kind of nickname that can stick Could lead to you getting a Frostie reception at times. Can someone sponsor a certain moderator to change is name to Sugar Puff
  6. Didnt do it at Clevland Browns stadium because the fans didnt want it Doesnt say he's going to do it at VP either He says hes going to look at the situation, thats all Think about all those stadiums that have been renamed, like Huddersfield, can't remember what its called now, I still call it the McAlpine stadium as that was its original name. This branding of stadiums only really has an affect when its the first name a stadium is called (like McAlpine Stadium) when a ground has had a traditional name, rarely do we call it anything other than its original name. On that basis its always going to be Villa Park to us and everyone else So someones offering us a shit load of cash for team strrengthening and we have to suffer a cosmetic name change for a few years which we'll largely ignore and take the piss out of, so be it. Show me the money would be my answer
  7. Hunters useful at L60 and I'm one of them I'll look into it in a couple of weeks, I'm busy until then tbh
  8. Believe it or not, I was wondering about this, but you're all on a new server now, how do I migrate? Never did get round to cancelling my account believe it or not
  9. It was £550, body only, 3-month guarantee. I was originally looking for a 350d, but this was only £50 more than a new 350 with the standard lens, so I talked myself into getting it with another lens... :oops: I think you made a fine choice at a great price Peter!
  10. oh and its nice to get people talking about photography, so thanks for the opinions
  11. Not quite sure what thats supposed to mean to be honest, the D50 is a very basic camera but to summarise why you shouldn't buy it Canon are without a shadow of a doubt ahead in the Camera body and lens market, when you buy into a digital SLR you are making a decision that will be with you for years, you are buying into a system. You may well change your camera body many times but you will not change your collection of lenses - after a few years you will accumulate a good few lenses if you enjoy the hobby - replacing all of those as well as a camera body is when it becomes very expensive, some lenses are more expensive than the bodies themselves! If anyone thinks they are serious about photography they shouldn't buy the D50 - even the Ken Rockwell review you posted says -"The Nikon D50 is a great camera for basic photographers, non-photographers or backup" - the person asking for advice didnt want that kind of camera. The D70 (my camera atm as it happens) is the camera you should but in the Nikon range if you want the control afforded by a proper SLR camera - but you shouldnt buy Nikon because Canon are simply better and have had the market edge for a good number of years. So bearing in mind that Canon is the manufacturer I'd recommend for the above reason, the only option is the 350d as its their entry level dSLR and is roughly speaking their equivalent of the Nikon D70S this is a completely objective opinion of mine as I'm a nikon user myself and I have no problems with Nikon either but Canon have the edge no doubts about it.
  12. As it happens, here's one I did in Autopano t'other week - not finished it yet, dunno if I'll bother either as it was only taken for experimental porpoises really and that aspect of its done - mind you cloning out the missus and daughter a couple of times is something I dream about when they keep nagging me
  13. What did you use to stitch it?, its not worked that well, theres a few joining lines on it Heres a tip with shooting Joining pano's - don't shoot landscape, shoot portrait (more to join but thats what software is for), far less horizontal curvature (which is exactly whats going on in that shot) The best software for joiners is Autopano Pro - stand alone not PS plugin. It does however convert Tiffs as well as JPGs for Lossless info and its engine is so good, adobe have just had to buy it off them
  14. How much did you pay for the 20d pete ? (if you dont mind me asking)
  15. Is this some kind of LSE rule about him making his bid in the public domain ie hes announced his counter bid publically so he only has a certain amount of time to make it formal?
  16. Perhaps if Padfield hadn't resorted to slanderous, xenophobic tactics, more people on this board would be a little more fair-minded about him. What he has said to the media goes a long way to revealing his character and intentions IMHO. Well don't you think Learners tactics of pretending to pullout were a bit under hand? Whose to say he was pretending and it was a genuine reaction on his part? And even if it wasn't - to react against Ellis is one thing - to make a host of comments that range from (if they are from AV06 and Padfield as reported) xenophobic to outright lies - are they someone you really want? Thanks - but no thanks. I just don't think you should completely write off his bid just for saying ''We are not American, and want to fly the flag." I dont think he is trying to be xenophobic just that this is an English club competing in an English sport and that could give them an advantage one he would like to remind the fans of. As I've said I'm not saying I want Padfeild to win, but I don't see why people are so whole-heartly behind one bid as a pose to another when not much is known about one if not either. I think you should however realise that anyone that has to resort to such tactics has indeed lost the fight to all intents and purposes. They are the actions of the boxer on the ropes who throws a punch below the belt. Padfield has lost and he's become desperate. As for the English team in English league and being English would be an advantage, erm name me the last succesful English manager in this English league. Football is a world sport, you don't need to be English to understand it Did I mention anything to do with the manager being English we're talking about the owners. OK which of the top clubs are English owned Chelsea - nope Man Utd - nope Arsenal - yep Liverpool - Yep (for now - in the near future maybe not) So thats 50% of the clubs we hope to eventually join being non English owned Do you think being English is really that relevant or neccessary? I don't
  17. Perhaps if Padfield hadn't resorted to slanderous, xenophobic tactics, more people on this board would be a little more fair-minded about him. What he has said to the media goes a long way to revealing his character and intentions IMHO. Well don't you think Learners tactics of pretending to pullout were a bit under hand? Whose to say he was pretending and it was a genuine reaction on his part? And even if it wasn't - to react against Ellis is one thing - to make a host of comments that range from (if they are from AV06 and Padfield as reported) xenophobic to outright lies - are they someone you really want? Thanks - but no thanks. I just don't think you should completely write off his bid just for saying ''We are not American, and want to fly the flag." I dont think he is trying to be xenophobic just that this is an English club competing in an English sport and that could give them an advantage one he would like to remind the fans of. As I've said I'm not saying I want Padfeild to win, but I don't see why people are so whole-heartly behind one bid as a pose to another when not much is known about one if not either. I think you should however realise that anyone that has to resort to such tactics has indeed lost the fight to all intents and purposes. They are the actions of the boxer on the ropes who throws a punch below the belt. Padfield has lost and he's become desperate. As for the English team in English league and being English would be an advantage, erm name me the last succesful English manager in this English league. Football is a world sport, you don't need to be English to understand it
  18. My opinion very closely mirrors runetunes on this. I dont want a man who has to resort to the tactics of the gutter by trying to rubbish bids based on that basest of fears - xenophobia, to attempt to revive his flagging bid. he still can't even prove he has the money until next week, which will be a tad too late. He's trying desperately to keep his consortiums bid alive but is failing miserably. only thing he's achieved is getting Neville out of the spotlight for a day or so, that would be something to be greatful for if he wasn't a similar kind of character himself
  19. Don't buy the Nikon D50, the Canon 350d is a far better camera for the same price And don't buy anything from Jessops or Argos for that matter a) because there are always cheaper alternatives and both companies are shit The Nikon D50 isnt as good as my Nikon D70 - the D70 is on a par with the 350d features wise, the D50 isnt You will outgrow the Nikon D50 in under a year imo, its a waste of money
  20. Damian = Damian Dugdale - he claims to be the nephew of Sir William Dugdale, he used to live in South Africa and now he lives in Sweden I don't think my personal opinion of him would be fair to put on here, I also don't want a card
  21. actually cheaper than I thought it would be Thats just the first place I looked btw
  22. Might have been talking slight bollocks there, thought canon had brought out a lower model, it appears they havent yet (there was talk about it) so the model you want is the canon 350d with kit lens, just my opinion btw, don't take it as gospel but I think you'll find that most would recommend canon above anything else at the moment and thats the entry level body. Its obviously not the best but it is very good anyway and is the closest to your budget As for where to buy, dunno, avoid Jessops like the plague, best do a pricerunner search
  23. In that case from Nikon user - go with Canon, I say this because at the moment they have the edge in the lens department, trouble is you may want to save a bit more imo (not that much), don't go for the bottom end Canon, go for the second one up if that makes sense and get it with the kit lens as its not the best but it is a decent general purpose starting lens, you will replace it in time though
  24. ok, next question is, compact or SLR? More control with an SLR but the trade off is portability, SlR is ultimately expandable, compact not But if you decide SLR, you have to remember if you get "the bug" you will want to upgrade, so you are buying into a system that will stay with you forever, the main choices here are simple - Nikon or Canon. You want to stay compact the choice is much wider
  25. depends what you intend using it for. If its just snaps at family occaisions and a few holiday snaps etc, you are actually budgeting too much imo
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