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Everything posted by bickster

  1. yeah they are great shots, you stumbled across the sandstorm in iraq photos ot the photo of the diagonal ice onn the lamposts - in other words it was pissing it down then it froze mid air - has to be seen to be believed
  2. Features very impressive its a canon so the lens should be very good But its a compact all the same and althought things have improved they never tell you the shutter lag time (this is bloody important for those spur of the moment / action photo's) If its as good as its previous incarnation then it'll be bloody good for a compact be interesting to see the actual photographic results especially the low light as they seem to be claiming its improved. Sounds good but as with all these things its the results that count 25 shooting modes though, to my mind is a bit excessive, never use them on my camera or my previous one, prefer manual mode, aperture priority or shutter priority depending on the circumstances, the picture modes always seem a tad gimmicky and as I shoot RAW files I prefer to alter the photos in PS rather than incamera
  3. This comment ceased to make sense and became a comment which ceased to make sense :winkold: :oops: Meant to say - "otherwise it will cease to be a phone with an inbuilt camera and will become a camera with an inbuilt phone
  4. megapixel count shouldnt affect nightshots, thats down to the sensor itelf and the lenses used, sure the more pixels the more detail etc but the over riding influnce on low light digital photography is the sensor, the lens and the degree of control you have over the camera phone cams will never have the requirements otherwise it will cease to be a camera with an inbuilt phone and will become a camera with an inbuilt phone
  5. Its just the dogs bollocks isnt it Wurzel Thats why Adobe have just paid millions for it images may still need a bit of freehand transformation from time to time but nowhere near as much as most programs what Camera phone is that btw Kitey, quality is superb for a phone cam
  6. A technique I usually shy away from tbh, I usually think its a bit gimmicky. Saw one for sale in a London Gallery t'other day, which was a very good shot of a bridge over the Thames riuned by the fact that the photographer had resaturated the red London Bus. It left me thinking that the point of the shot was a red bus, which if it had been left as a monotone the photo would just have been a great B&W cityscape. But in this instance I thought the selective colour helped give the image its focus. It would have been better if the bloke hadn't spotted me taking a photo, assumed he was in the way and politely moved to the side - a few seconds before he was right in the middle of the frame
  7. Absolutely criminal but fortunate for you none the less. I'd love to have a go at medium format one day, might see what the rental costs are like and take one out for a spin
  8. Aye its one of the few shots I took thats much more typical me photography and so far out of the ones I've done - its my favourite too
  9. I took the sky to a similar nuclear orange myself and dint like it as much, looked a bit unnatural, you might be right about cooling down the river though. And as it happens I don't sharpen my photos for showing on here purely because they are RAW presharpened before any editing and the best way to sharpen an image is to suit the output medium, so from photoshop >save for web > photoshop > Sharpen >save is just a pain in the arse - it also significantly increases file size. Much easier to leave the file unsharpened as a PS file and sharpen according to the print medium / printer when needed - otherwise the files & filenames just become messy messy messy. So yes it probably does need sharpening but I can never be bothered just to display them on a forum :mrgreen
  10. Some more - a monotone day mostly
  11. It was the symmetry that made me leave them in tbh, but having played around with it for a long time yesterday, I tried the mono - prefered the colour, like the slightly muted shades and the lighting was nice and even. If I'd been standing two inches to the left and zoomed in a little more, none of this would have been up for debate but then again, if I'd done that the kid would have been flat on his face too. Its an almost shot, nearly there but not quite (I don't mind anyone playing around with my photo's btw, other people do it all the time on another website I use - its a good learning tool) Oh and some Black & Whites will be coming up next
  12. Yeah the bird in the red is a bit annoying, she unbalances the shot
  13. didnt know em from Adam, I was just waiting on the bridge to see if enough people would clear the foreground for a brief second to have a go at the cheesy millenium bridge view up to st pauls thats been done by a million other photographers and as I was taking a test shot the lad just fell over - pure chance timing and total luck (the lad was ok he just laughed his tits off) Know what you mean about the dark thing in the top right, unavoidable though as its a tree in the reptiles cage framing as you call it is easily learnt imo, its just about knowing the various phtographic rules about compostion and thinking about them as you shoot. Photoshop also helps tidy things up with the crop tool
  14. gotta be the most photogenic certainly
  15. plenty, just got to find the time to go through them all tbh I know what you mean in a way but I was mainly on holiday and just snapping at what I came across out with the family, nothing planned and all off the cuff so I wasn't expecting much. Those are also just a few of what I shot but I chose to do those first for a variety of reasons. The St Pauls / Millenium Bridge one, just because the kid falling over makes me laugh (cruel bastard aren't I), The Sunset one because its hand held at 1/30th sec and it seemed to be sharp, similarly the reptile thing because it looked sharp even though it was shot through glass and in low light. And the Merekats because my daughter wanted me too. Mostly not my usual type of subjects either
  16. For Wurzel (and anyone else thats interested) a few quick ones from Londinium: plenty more where they came from - prepare to be bored of seeing my photos in the next week or so
  17. aye but how much was the Mamiya Med format?
  18. Here's another reason to do it - Ellis wouldn't - that is reason enough for Mr Lerner to do it, its a statement of intent, it would set him apart from the previous incumbent at a moments notice and with such a small simple gesture at probably zero cost
  19. a) Why wouldnt it be right? They've won the thing twice? Would it be wrong of Juventus to do it now they've been relegated? I really couldn't give a flying duck what other fans think of us, "oH no they are laughing at us I'll have to cry"?
  20. depends though, the Konica / Minolta system doesnt have nearly as much flexibility and choice of lenses as canon (or Nikon for that matter), though the Sony does however represent good value for an enthusiast It'll be more likely to be a £699 retail price in the shops I reckon, the canon kit lens is much better than the Sony which will also have an influence on any purchasers with half a brain
  21. I just want to see what the spec for the 40d will be (even though they've only recently announced the 30d), It'll also be interesting to see how many 30d's they sell and what price they'll start getting knocked out at Canon have really put the cat amomgst the pidges with this one
  22. well bugger me proof that a couple of weeks is a long time in digital photography The 350d by Canon is going to be replaced by the 400D a 10.2 megapixel 9 pt autofocus entry level DSLR with a sensor cleaning system onboard the Nikon D200 has won camera of the year, but its spec has almost been rendered obsolete by the 400d - seriously check the specs out Nikons cheapest "pro/serious enthuisiast camera is very similar and twice the price of new Canons Entry level "amateur" camera - that is just insane quite frankly - Nikon must be shitting a brick over the 400d especially as canons offering has what both the big boys have been missing - the sensor dust cleaning device (anyone who has a DSLR and changes lenses often will know what a **** pain sensor dust is) Not only that but Sony have seriously entered the affray too with the alpha 100 which uses the konica / minolta lense mount and also has a sensor cleaning device but I think the canon 400d just blew this out of the water too Now I don't want the 400d, I want the next camera up in the canon range which has recently been upgraded to the 30d but having seen the spec for the 400d I'm prepared to wait until the 40d (its bound to have the sensor cleaning device and a further increased pixel count) cant see much point in the 30d now either - canon seem to have dumped on its own camera too, granted the pixel count is slightly higher but the 400d has some serious advantages that make the 2 megapixel different almost an irrelevance strewth!
  23. I'm exempt whenever I have a passenger, still weatr it some of the time though (always on Motorways), depending on the particular brand of customer in the car. Scallies and I definately don't wear one, its safer not to imo, I have less chance of crashing if the word removed behind me cant use the belt to strangle me, also I need to be able to chase the tosser at a moments notice when he tries to do a runner
  24. I have the top trumps, and Dennis Wise's temper tantrum rating is 9 out of 10 aswell, and he's currently untouched at the top of League 2. Anyhoo, it'll be interesting to find out which way his career goes. If it goes well, expect ManUre to be calling within 2 or 3 years. Yeah but theres cheeky chappy temper tantrum which is over is a flash and theres dark b rooding goes on forever temper tantrum Its a question of temper tantrum definition I'd have though Celtic might have been his next port of call if he makes a success of it - then he can go to the dung pile
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