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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Liverpool - team in disarray - we'll win (ok I've got my super optimistic hat on)
  2. Love Radio, listen to it in the house very often and in the car less so at the moment but purely because reception is SHITE DAB signal is just not strong enough in the NW and apparently we have to wait until 2009 when they switch off the analogue telly signals so they can boost the signal - switch the feckers off now and make the poor people find something more interesting to do with their lives - like listen to radio. And what do you mean Kalim when you say you haven't had a radio since you got sky, sky has more radio channels than any other possible source of radio. must be over a hundred of the feckers and some of them are quite good, play them through a stereo and they sound ace. Both XFM and 6Music are there plus a couple of other decent stations.
  3. SAW without a doubt, the others are easily ignorable, you choose to go to see a film or the theatre. Music on the other hand is more ubiquitous, tey play it in shops,you turn on the radio and its there, music sometimes is inescapeable and for that reason SAW and their ilk are the worst offenders in my book
  4. Great those b23, i'M SHIT AT PEOPLE
  5. Obviously didn't read a post of mine then, I totally agree with that. Darren Bent - not anywhere as good as his publicity suggests
  6. Welcome back into the fold, gld you're once again a proud Villan But please don't say you believe that Doug actually appointed MON, he might have done it in name but MON was a Lerner appointment in actuallity. Lerner and MON had held talks way before MON was appointed and the takeover announced. It may have appeared to be a Doug appointment but if Doug wasn't leaving and The Lerner bid wasn't about to happen then MON would never have come just thought I'd point out that innacuracy. As I said though, good to have back as once more proud Villan. Happy posting too
  7. For once I think I've read a Malcolm article that can almost be taken at face value. I can see where he's coming from and I agree to some extent with the general direction the article heads but as Richard pointed out MON has never been at a club where the finances aren't extremely restricted. Wycombe (speaks for itself), The crisp munchers were never a spending club, Norwich is largely irrelevant and Celtic were fiscally up shit creek when he took over so to suggest that MON hasn't ever shown he can buy the big players isn't relevant. Also malcolm suggest that in the English game his achievements only mirror our own Brian Little's, incorrect, with Leicester he won TWO league cups with a team that was nowhere near as financed to the extent that Little's team was, as much as I love Little, MON's achievements at Leicester were far more impressive than Little's at Vp imo. And its this constant playing down of MON's achievements in the game, the constant trying to belittle (see what I did there ) the successes of MON that gets my goat with malcs recent articles. I do know what he's trying to say but its his overall lack of belief in MON, which despite what he says in the disclaimer shines through for me once again. In terms of the strategic analysis of our current situation I think Malc has a point but I think his underlying lack of belief in MON is what ruins this article for me
  8. Rocafella, he posts here on an almost daily basis, we all know him in that respect its not some spuds fan who isnt aware of Villa and thinks Spuds are the only team in the universe
  9. Good set of answers imo, so Jim is the sensible Spuds fan (we already knew that) Its interesting though that a Spuds fan only thinks his team is capable of a draw, must be a first for a few years, then again look at our fellow VTers some are predicting a loss for us. :roll: EDIT: for the return leg, see if you can get some replies from "Nick fromm Enfield" should provide us with a bit of pure comedy
  10. Well the one that played at VP is no improvement on what we have so I can't see the point
  11. This is the same Darren Bent that played at VP recently? Or are there two, I'm a little confused
  12. because its all Villa Talk anyway. The idea a while back was to post all the front pages in the forum anyway I think (didnt actually happen) and tbh its only recently that the front page has been getting loads of comments - it used to be just the odd few and any major discussion went on in here IMO the forum is a much easier format that most are able to use easily, the front page is a little tricky to navigate and a pain in the arse to read properly because of its tree structure. The forums more linear postings are much easier to follow Now whether a Sub forum inside the VT section is more applicable - you may have a point but it still may complicate things a bit - also I don't Know if thats possible)
  13. I'm with Richard on this, why would Richarss be wanted by the top 4? Why would Richards want such a move - surely he can see whats happened to SWP? If we're still in the top 6 or so in January, theres no way Richards can consider a move to us to be a step sideways, league position, manager, training facilities, owner with money, team on the up - which of those applies to citeh? Eminently "gettable" imo
  14. Do Villa own the "park" opposite the Witton Lane stand or is that owned by the council? If we do own it, we could turn that into a garden of statues, with a nice walk through it I'm sure the council if they own it would be amenable anyway what have they got to lose?
  15. You stumbled them, I saw them a week or so ago Not doctored imo
  16. proper Turkish Delight is wonderful, Fry's Turkish Delight however is pukey purple jelly covered in insipid chocolate
  17. Oh yes I use the Cokin filter system btw, purely based on price, pro's use Lee filters but feck me, thats mortgage time
  18. Its the salmonella, I'm innocent! And Cadbury's is the worst chocolate in the world imo and that was before they used their unique flavour enhancers :roll:
  19. definately get one but you'll have to remember these (a) a pola filter usually reduces your exposure by three stops but if you have TTL (through the lens) metering this isnt an issue, if you don't have TTL metering you will have to compensate ( the most extreme colour change is not always the best, you have to use your eyes to find the best angle for the filter on a particular shot © As you have a digital camera only use a circular polariser, don't use the t'other sort (linear) (d) CP filters as well as being used for colour enhancement are also used for reducing (or enhancing) reflections in glass, water etc (e) don't use a CP filter if you are shooting a panorama, the Filer will have a greater / lesser effect as you sweep round the image you are shooting using it with the UV filter? well it depends if it makes a difference to the exposure (a UV filter reduces exposure by about 1/2 a stop), generally I keep the UV on the lens 90% of the time, sometimes though I take it off if it gives me that crucial bit of leeway in the exposure The key to the CP filter is experimentation, its all about working out which angle on the filter gives you the best result at the time. It also has a greater / lesser effect dependant upon your position in relation to the sun Other filters to consider? - a set of Neutral Density graduated filters to help balance exposures between the sky and the land in a photo My advice would be to buy a filter system if you have more than one lens (or intend to upgrade to SLR) like the Hoya as every lens will require a different sized CP filter depending on its thread size, buy a system (Hoya etc) where the filters are held in a holder in front of the lens and you will only need one CP filter and given their price in the long run you will save money
  20. Has anyone tried Adobes new photographic software (currently in Beta testing) - Adobe Lightroom great for RAW file shooters like myself apparently (it incorporates the technology from the recently aquired Raw Shooter Pro) I shall be giving it a serious test soon methinks, currently up to Beta 4 and I know a few who've been using and its very stable, none have reported probelms
  21. Trotsky looks in the mirror and even he finds his new haircut amusing
  22. Sounds cool...i'll look out for it mate. Have added another link above btw. feck me that blokes travelled, photos from all over the world and really good ones too
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