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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Welcome aboard but with a history like that can you please change your team to birmingham city (only joking)
  2. Pretty certain that this already exists at Preston's ground, Deepdale It does, there was talk of being located at VP for the obvious logical reason but guess who didnt appear to want anything to do with it?
  3. Thats actually just remindedme tbh if theres to be any redesign of Villa Park is there any chance of us having our AV floodlights back? I know this must appear a daft question but those floodlights were distinctive and you could see the AV lights from miles around, I miss them, they were part of the character of Villa Park for me You might not know what I'm on about here General but we used to have floodlights one in eack corner of the ground, two of them in the shape of a V two in the shape of an A - they were unique and distinctive, set us apart from other teams grounds
  4. best couple? we want more than that
  5. What happened when they discovered you with it?
  6. Nice photos there cat, what camera did you sneak into Villa Park to take those shots with?
  7. Thats a fantastic idea. I'd love to catch our reserve games on the box. That would be a great idea, however i know the reserves dont get great attendances and i dont know how they compare to man u who show the reserve games on tv. But im guessing we might get just one man and his dog turning up if we were ot show the games. I think the TV channel is a great idea but leave out the reserve games until we get more sucessful. Its very rare reserves games for any team anywhere get great attendances, most of the people get in free anyway (they are usually season ticket holders - the same deal applies in most if not every club), the only time reserve games get decentish attendances is when a star player is making a comeback, a local derby or some other important event. I really cant see a huge drop off in attendances for reserve games as a result of this (no-one goes anyway & those that do are committed beyond belief), what I can see however is a more informed fan base as a result of them being able to veiw such matches FWIW I think the idea of AVTV along the lines of what Chelsea and Manure have is a great prospect. I'd certainly subscribe to such a channel as long as Jack Woodworm isnt the presenter of anything with any seriousnness In a nutshell AVTV (on my Skybox) yes please - AVTV on the net with woodworm, I really cant see the point
  8. The rule was introduced to stop clubs putting pressure on players to withdraw from Internationals - FIFA looking after its own interests if you like - AKA Ryan Giggs syndrome but a certain French coach and others have abused it. At least Stoichkov has gone down the sensible route and not tried to anger Petrov by picking him despite his obvious retirement
  9. A round up of today’s titbits from Villa Park Firstly it appears that Gavin "the Destroyer" McCann is on the Mend. Martin O'Neill was today quoted as saying, "Gavin trained yesterday and he was back out there again this morning, so he's definitely on the mend. "We'll have to wait and see if there's any reaction and we'll have better idea tomorrow whether he'll be ready for the Blackburn game, but he's definitely getting there." It has to be said that Villa have sorely missed McCann’s ability to break up the play in the middle of the park and its no coincidence that the teams form has slumped in his absence. Hopefully he's over his calf injury and Villa can start getting on the winning ways again in the Blackburn game on Sunday. Blackburn are not without their own injury worries with Villa's former arch nemesis Gobbie Cabbage apparently ruled out for Sundays visitors, Blackburn are also reported as having a few other injury worries - something which their last defeat to West Ham has been blamed on. Nice of them to get their excuses in early Stilian Petrov has been omitted from Bulgaria's next squad by manager Hristo Stoichkov, no real shock here as Petrov is on record as saying that he won't play for his national team again whilst the current manager remains in charge. But from a Villa point of view this is good news as we could have been facing Petrov being banned from the domestic game had Stoichkov named him. At least Stoichkov has decided not to invoke further ire from the player and he'll be free to play for the Villa - which I'm sure most will agree is excellent news. Teddy Sherringham has now denied that he was approached by Villa before the transfer window closed in August, he’s claiming the quote was a total misquote and nothing of the sort happened - glad that’s been cleared up then! And finally rumours appear to be circulating in Stoke that our own Lee Hendrie who is currently on loan at the Britannia Stadium has a 24 hour release clause in his loan contract, which is not pleasing to the Stoke fans but is good news for us if we should need him back at Villa Park. Lil Lee claims to know nothing but that’s hardly a shock to anyone is it?
  10. By avfcinwales In part 1 of this minor diatribe Pete Bosworth posted a reply suggesting I’d hugely underestimated the mess the club was in, as Ellis had run the club into the ground, so much so that it was a club stuck 25 years in the past. I've thought long and hard about the comments from PB, and although I was always keen to lambast Ellis, I had to grudgingly admit, the club financially wasn't that badly off, especially in comparison to some others who finished well above us last year and who are presently winning in Europe, Newcastle the prime example. Our borrowing was very, very low in comparison. I can't argue that the club wasn't in a poor state overall, low moral everywhere, overstaffed in the wrong areas, suffering from poor leadership, poor training facilities, and so on. The squad had been under capitalised for years, was short on quality and numbers in comparison to the best, but injuries last season was the main difference to a squad that finished 10th and 6th the previous two seasons under what some on here reckon to be the devil incarnate in a managers suit. But now we have the main man managing the club, at all levels, according to so many, so where is the problem? He's already bought in a quality midfield player, the younger kids have improved, some beyond measure, he has the impetus generated by the takeover and the exit of both O'Leary and especially Ellis, so where is this desired club rebuild going to impact on the squad being improved enough to achieve a European qualification ? Surely if Blackburn, Bolton, Spurs, especially Newcastle with their huge debts, poor chairman, and lets face it not too inspiring manager can, what has Ellis done that is so limiting, so restricting, so damaging. Surely, with the start O'Neill has achieved so far, he being such a great manager, he should be able to find and purchase enough decent players to get us through to spring in the top half, and then with his affable charm, and genius get us that little bit further and into Europe, come the summer, where's the limitations? To put the whole club right will take much longer, without doubt it will, but we aren't in a lower league, we aren't restricted, supposedly, financially, we aren't hindered by a suspect manager, we have as many decent players as most of the squads outside of the top 5 or 6 and we are 7th in the Premiership as of today, what's the problem? In addition we have a ground capacity and support that can beat the arse off most, the more successful we are, the more will come in, so shouldn't European qualification be an achievable target, a priority even? I bet Bolton, West Ham, Boro, to name 3 would love to be the only Premiership side in 100 or so miles, with our potential support base. We now have top businessmen running the club, top financiers even, a top manager, tell me what is there to limit them achieving a European place apart from the usual bad run of injuries, or bad luck? I'm not asking for a miracle, I'm not asking for huge spending, just a little ambition, a little positive thinking, for in my opinion something with our present setup shouldn't be such a big ask.
  11. I could do it in the same venue in Brum too if I so wanted, Time is the problem - it also has to be me only as its a mate who would organise it
  12. nice live photo - me jealous as usual, wish I had the time to do live bands believe it or not, I actually have the right contacts and can get myself a photo pass for a certain largeish venue in Liverpool almost anytime I want, just cant find the time
  13. Very much doubt we'd get a player that the "Big 3 or 4" would be in the hunt for right now. Our viability in terms of the players we can go after has certainly improved but to compete with the big guns, nah not quite yet, in a few years maybe
  14. admirable James, but surely if you let 1 club in the prem do it, you have to let them all do it if they want to. i think it's mainly a safety issue after Hillsborough ...... Actually its got naff all to do with Safety per se, seats are no mre safe than terraces. It takes much longer to evacuate a seated auditoria than it does to evacuate a similar sized standing one. Its more to do with "Control" but they'll tell you its safety anyway - This is in danger of going OT now so can someone post some nice words for the general again please
  15. Greavsie, its not the General you need to ask that question to, its the FA. Their rules prevent it and as much as I'd like to see Terracing in some shape or form theres nothing the General and Mr Lerner can do about it
  16. Oh yes General, is there any chance the Grafitti that currently adorns the Witton Lane stand can be removed? (you know, the stuff about some bloke who used to own a small part of the club - same bloke you've given a cupboard space to in the North Stand)
  17. Welcome aboard the good ship Villa Talk general
  18. Quote a liverpool fan at work tonight "thats the first time Luis Garcia has got past anyone this season" Hughes gave Garcia that much space I'm suprised an estate agent didnt try and sell the gap betweeen them as a prime building plot with room for 3 dwellings
  19. By AVFCinWales Positives from Saturdays match Always difficult when you get slaughtered 3-1 and we were, but there were a few I thought. Firstly it was great to see Gabby eventually played in the right position, his climb to reach the ball and its lay off to Sutton should be shown to Angel and Baros, even Sutton to show how it can be done, the subsequent run off and cool score under pressure another example to them all. Secondly, although by his present standards he was poor, it was great to see Barry not at left back, and although he was poor too, Bouma with his heading and tackling ability back at left back. Thirdly, we scored in the second half and looked a better side, even if Liverpool had switched off, we still tried coming back. Lastly, considering Liverpool's dominance Sorensen had little to do, wouldn't have been so last year, in fact it wasn't. Oh and this will surprise a few, I thought it nice to look up and see Doug representing the club
  20. I disagree and I still think there is more to come - what we all have to remember is that in the summer of 2005 almost everyone agreed that our squad was stronger and that we could challenge for a spot in europe]/b], then DOL tottaly lost it and we almost went down. Er no, I certainly don't remember that
  21. I know mate, but never saw the point of listening to Radio on TV! LOL. Only time I remember doing so was when the Villain radio was there and I was unable to get another source. Anyone know what happened to that channel? They turned it off so they could .....................blah blah ...............expand the educational side, blah................. Well that was the ellesian line but in reality it was a cost saving device and a way of forcing you to pay to listen to woodwank, hold on while I nail my cock to the table But seriously I know what you mean about listening to the radio through the TV - it seems wrong, and it sounds wrong just through the TV but hook up the audio outputs to a decent amp and it sounds great and you only have to have the TV on to change the channel, you can put it on stanby when you have the channel you want
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