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Everything posted by bickster

  1. fish are bloody awkward because they move so fast and you are shooting through glass I'd give up and go and shoot lizards instead
  2. yeah but he wants to vote for the 1850's :roll:
  3. So the reserves are no longer beneath Berger, that in itself is good to see!
  4. And the three players released have been no help at all
  5. Well if more people wrote and submitted decent articles for the front page maybe we could afford a little more quality control. If some of the people complaining about the quality of this article actually wrote some themselves, they may be in a position to have a more valued criticism. But again it has to be stressed that the message an article sends isn't important, we don't vet articles for opinions everyone's entitled to their own here. Why do I say this? Because of late we've been rather short of FP articles!! So if anyone would care to oblige, we'd only be too happy to consider it for the FP And on that note, can we get back on topic please
  6. Hendrie is back, Berger I think is still on Stokes bench
  7. Not really. Pratically anyone could see that MON thinks Djemba twins, Whitts, Agathe and (4th one?) are not good enough for Villa and just were not going to be played by MON unless absolutely has no choice otherwise. Getting rid of them doesn't change the position we are in and therefore the prices. I think that MON was priced out of Bent, probably the most likely one anyway... Told Pardew where to shove it... The 4th being the emergency loan of Kiraly from Palace, how that counts as a termination I don't know. Agathe who the detractors appear to think was awful (as did MON who hadn't played him since mid Nov), Whittingham who even during our most injury ravaged has hardly played and DJ*2 who so obviously wasn't part of anyone's plans at VP
  8. Can we stop talking about the OS Message Boards please. Firstly its totally OFF TOPIC and secondly, we don't particularly like posters commenting on other Villa Fansites, we are all Villa fans after all Posts Deleted
  9. I say this too myself every day, it won't be those 2. Carew will choose Anfield, Bellamy will reject. i find the bellamy link hard to believe, i might be wrong. But he is at liverpool and in the rotation system and very much in there team, i cant see how we have ended up so strongly linked to him, i think hed laff at us to be honest. hope im wrong though. and carew is probably just a shot in the dark from some reporter that has escalated in him being linked to the whole of europe. its good to dream tho I don't find the Bellamy link that hard to believe, I've heard a few stories already and he's only been there 6 months, the only thing that has possibly thrown a Spanner in the works is Luis Garcia being out for 6 months. But my understanding is that should Liverpool have been able to find a replacement, Bellamy would have been allowed to leave, now I'm not so sure
  10. Nobody has said its a fact. But it may very well be just that. How can you say 5-6 players of Petrov's ability doesnt equate to 5-6 times the price of Petrov? Actually you dont know, its very possible. Its the assumption that you yourself made in saying we had £30-40mil to spend in Jan, Its not what MON said at all Because price and ability are not equal, there too many other factors involved
  11. 5 or 6 players of the quality of Petrov, does not equate to 5 or 6 players the price of Petrov
  12. This thread of course presumes that it still physically exists
  13. Beckham Thread merged into this one, its where it belongs, its pure speculation and isn't really connected with the Villa at all
  14. That's fairly basic B23, you should be able to read up on that in a few minutes
  15. Am I right in thinking you want a webpage, where people click on a link and they then download a PDF file that you have already created?
  16. bloody hell three days and it slipped to page three Anyway, saw this before on a stumble - if you ignore the spiritual toss that the festival about (and by clicking this link you will miss it) Blink photography I thought that a) the bloke took some great shots and it was a cool idea for displaying photographs on the web
  17. What does that post up there by me in red say? look, we're not trying to be Party poopers or stifle any discussion but can we keep this topic for direct communications with the General please These things are perfectly valid discussions, just start another topic for them in the correct forum (or better still use one thats already going in most cases), thats all we ask We want this particular topic to be kept clutter free to facilitate the Generals ease of reading it PLEASE!
  18. Can we keep this on topic PLEASE! No little side issues, its not the purpose of this topic
  19. If people want to discuss the £5 ticket offer for the Watford game, can they do it in the appropriate thread please That way the General only has to read the relevant questions and not wade through all sorts of side issues Thanks and back on topic please
  20. General Are you aware that the local paper, the Evening Mail are so desperate for news from you that they have to lift direct quotes from you, posted on this website in order to fill their newspaper?
  21. I think theres mileage in it as long as Plop are confident of a replacement
  22. very much doubt Milner would be a Villa player today, Newcastle even if they agreed to sell (which they wont) would need to have a replacement lined up
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