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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Because that is how the BBC is funded, it's one of the very few taxes that doesn't go into the general taxation pot. It is the reason the licence was introduced
  2. How is it a con? You know exactly what it’s for it isn’t a fee for using the BBC, it’s a fee for owning a TV that is used to watch live TV. The money goes to the BBC. There is no con
  3. You realise Hamas -> Iran & Syria -> Russia is the same “side” right?
  4. Those Yemeni death figures are way off. The UN estimate for the Yemeni death toll is around 150,000 from the war itself and a further 227,000 from famine brought about by the war. So 377,000 in total
  5. Up to you, each to their own but as milk chocolate goes it’s horrid stuff with the bare minimum of cocoa solids. It can’t even be labelled as chocolate in the EU as it doesn’t contain enough cocoa. Iirc it’s somewhere around 22% and to meet EU standards it needs to be 25%. I think it has to be labelled as something daft to be sold there
  6. Not aimed at anyone really, more a Cadbury’s is shit chocolate post
  7. He co-wrote the dirge Dull of Kintyre. The defence might as well rest right now. Even Israel and Hamas between them couldn’t commit a more heinous crime.
  8. People complaining about the standard of Cadbury Chocolate Its shit, what did you expect This is a company that allowed raw waste to drip into its products for a very long time before they were found out I fully expect the pelters but take those Brum tinted glasses off, it’s shite chocolate
  9. Yeah you're right, it’s Mandy she wrote herself.
  10. We yes but that is another case of reform needed
  11. Dianne Morgan is the writer as well as the actress
  12. You really could put John Cale just places below Richatrd Burton in the list of great Welsh Orator in the arts
  13. I've gone Archer to Semenyo for my bench because I don't want Palmer for Ward-Prowse until the weekend. About time I had some flexibility with some hope of more than 2 points at a cost of only 0.1 Should have 3.5mil after the weekend and then I have to decide if I want Watkins back and where the rest of it goes
  14. I'd suggest that this was actually more likely that Labour Remain voters refusing to to vote for a party seemingly complicit in "getting brexit done" And... Labour Leave voters refusing to vote for a party that was "going to wreck Brexit" Such was the importance of Brexit in the 2019 election AND such was the confusion from the Labour Party over its actual policy on Brexit. Did it affect the overall result? Hard to say but the "stay at home" Labour non-vote occurred in seats where Labour were relatively strong
  15. I think looking at the bias issues in the news / politics output is a red herring. It can be fixed with a change of government with a desire to repair the BBC. For me it's not going to make me think we shouldn't pay the licence fee, it makes me think it needs fixing
  16. Imagine preferring to watch the state broadcaster of another country (one you don't even like) because your own state broadcaster has had it's budget slashed and it's impartiality pushed to the limit (and beyond) BBC News used to be the gold standard of international news reporting
  17. lol Tolhurst and Budgie kinda gave it away as their album only just came out and they’ve not played gigs yet But how / why are General Public playing when Ranking Roger is dead
  18. The SNP are about to implode further if the rumours of their new leaders affair and Matt Hancock style lockdown breaches are true. On top of all their other woes. But the idea that Labour needs Scotland is as false as it ever was. Blair and Brown didn’t need Scotland constituencies to come to power and neither does Starmer Also Tunbridge Wells is firmly in LibDem target seat territory
  19. As much as what I said above about why he said it. I really don’t get why he’s doing it now. If it was 12 months ago, yep I'd have seen it from a tactical POV but now when the Tories are completely on the ropes, why? My only thought as to why is rather odd, I remain to be convinced by it myself but maybe he's worried about the flow of votes from Tory to Reform and he's attempting to stem that flow by trying to attract the nutters to vote Labour. Makes no sense
  20. It’s actually quite interesting that media like Sky News and Laura K were asking this question yesterday. Sky are asking it as I type for the second day running. This wasn’t happening previously, they just let the govt go on and on and on about boats and Rwanda They also appear to be saying that both parties have this massive hole in their rhetoric. Both the BBC and Sky appear to have chosen this weekend to move the goalposts in the same direction and that neither party can square the argument about more NHS staff and curbing immigration because the NHS needs immigration.
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