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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Posts deleted,, please keep to questions and comments for the general, also please keep your own personal agendas against certain people out of here, not interested, Ta - Bicks
  2. Couple of images from a band I'm working with - Deadwing Any advice greatly appreciated as "I don't do people"
  3. Re-writable DVDs Bicks, you record on them just like a video, but obviously navigating through them iss a bit easier as you can jump to the start of things you've recorded, delete whole programs, don't have to find a space etc etc. exactly. get with the times, gareth! :winkold: I have both re-writable DVD's and the record only knid. If i know there's a filem etc that i will want to keep i'll use the write once only DVD. simple, and easier to navigate through as Paddy says than a VHS. The only thing i hate about modern digital (freeview) broadcasting is that the signal cannot be trusted (especially in my area for ITV/C4 stations). Constantly breaks up for no reason. Not good when burning a once only DVD. How does this represent an advantage over sky+ Like I said, I rarely want to keep something forever and my sky+ records the progs I want, when I've watched them I delete them. Not convinced I need one
  4. Interesting then that the Welsh are reopening their coal mines because they aren't profitable :roll:
  5. Sky+ and a dvd player, cant even see the point ina dvd recorder tbh, rarely do I want to record a TV prog or film forever. I do have a VHS somewhere in the attic but its probably broken and totally engiulfed in dust
  6. Some people are bordering on personal abuse here, discuss the isssue by all means but please don't go calling people names just because their opinion is diffeent to yours. Any more and cards will have to be issued And onto the topic, my answer is probably. I'm not a great believer in striking but if it was in support of something I believed to be a just cause then sure of course I'd not cross the picket line. I've been on picket lines with the miners in 84 and again shortly after with the postal workers, both worthwhile causes at the time (and in my more militant past). I've also crossed picket lines in places where I thought the cause wasn't even justified (usually some trotskyite influenced union decision based on feck all but the flexing of political muscles by people with a name to make). Its called democracy, its my decision whether to cross a picket line based on what I believe to be the correct course of action relevant to the dispute involved This notion that crossing any picket line is wrong is just as bad as the idea that all strikes are wrong. Forunately these days I rarely have to make the choice
  7. Trotsky is right, the new law comes into effect on any new shirt sponsorship deal signed after Jan 1 2008
  8. [pedant] I presume you realise the first photo isn't actually in Rome, in fact it isn't actually in Italy either! [/pedant]
  9. My favourite of those Trekka is the one of the baskets of flowers I think (nice aperture control), some other good ones too mind And yes Paddy second Barcelona pic is a winner
  10. with that budget, get a second hand CRT monitor, cheap flat screens are shite for photography
  11. Ticks the right boxes B23 Intel Duo Core GForce 7200 etc Bet my MacPro pisses on it though even though its the same chips and graphics card (sorry couldnt resist :nod: )
  12. I've given it a few plays too, I feel very much the same
  13. Thats why theres a non debating transfer rumours sticky at the top of the page, no debate just stories from the tabs as they appear :nod:
  14. Sorry B23 Was meaning to say something about your photo, It's nice but I'd be tempted to clone out the diagonal shaow
  15. Bill, its not the Velvia action I used before, its mainly using my eyes in the RAW conversion stage to boost the greens and yellows The I did a levels adjustment layer I also burned the left hand side mountains in the distance as they were a tad too light Also put a graduated filter layer on to darken the clouds I then cloned some clouds to stop the brightest area of the clouds from both looking burned out and drawing attention uneccesarily then I had to tone down railway ballast as it was a tad too red (did this with a mask and greyscale layer - reducing the opacity until it looked right) and thats it really Oh I have done a sharper version since but it won't be that noticeable at a size useable by this forum
  16. Had a go at your image for half an hour last night Bill and here's what I came up with Couldn't do the extended colour range thing because I haven't rebuilt the action on the mac yet (which means I have to remembe exactly how I did it first!) Might have a go at that later in the week EDIT: It looks like you have dust on your sensor too (top right corner), you may have cleaned it since though, just thought I'd leave it in case you hadn't noticed
  17. Ok deleted two posts, one by Dicanio10 who was obviously on a wind up plus one further post that quoted it the West Ham fans that have thus far posted sensibly are quite welcome to continue as long as the posting remains of a similar nature But can we also keep this On-Topic and that is about the NRC situation, no rambling off on how West Ham deserve to be relegated - theres a 100 page topic for that already in the off topic forum - Bicks
  18. Nah, that would be going up , track one side one on Crocodiles by Echo & the Bunnymen, which coincidentally I lisened to about five minutes ago
  19. Right Now - its Mr Beast the Mogwai album
  20. Ok Dr Stupid, send me the original later in the week and I'll have a go at it when my new Mac turns up
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