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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Nah, Wyre Forest is fairly winnable for Labour, even more so if the LibDem vote collapses due to tactical voting
  2. What I'm saying is if the LibDems get 60 seats, its pretty nailed on that the Tories will be under 100, they are effectively the same outcome, so don't take the odds on the LibDem seats take the odds on the Tory Seats
  3. Oh and if anyone fancies a flutter... SkyBet are offering 7/1 currently for the Tories to win less than 100 seats 14/1 for Labour to be over 500 10/3 on the LibDems winning over 60 seats I'm not sure they've done their maths because if the LibDems win over 60 seats, I'd say it was nailed on that the Tories win under 100
  4. No, I think you're wildly wrong with that. As it currently stands they are heading for an unprecedented defeat, their largest ever by some considerable margin. They will have the least number of MPs since the introduction of the current parliamentary system with the introduction of the Representation of the People Act in 1918. The current nadir for Tory MPs is 165 which was from 1997. The Tories achieved 30.7% of the vote, their current polling is way below that. There are MRP polls from as far back as August that predict on a granular level constituency by constituency their share of the seats being 64. They haven't improved in the standings since then.
  5. In the very specific genre of Dub Poetry Benjamin Zephaniah would have been one of the most recognisable names by anyone with an interest. Probably the second most famous artist in that genre behind Linton Kwesei Johnson and that would be a close run thing. He was a Poet Laureate nominee, a professor of poetry at Oxford University. Even widening it out to the field of Poetry, in modern British terms he’d still be one of the most recognised names. I think that qualifies as legendary
  6. Yes, I'm absolutely convinced the LibDems numbers are currently lower in the polls than they will be come the election.
  7. It would be hilarious if he did remove the whip from a significant number of MPs just as he calls an election
  8. I think it's time we held a sweepstake on the number of Tory MPs at the next election The upper limit will be 100 I was pissing about with the Electoral Calculus predictor and it's actually possible given a few percentage points either way that the LibDems might actually benefit at the next election from FPTP which is hilarious. If the Tories fall to 20% vote share and the Libdems rise to 14.5%, The LibDems could be the opposition Its not outside the realms of possibility
  9. I've got 6 to play (Trippier, Gordon, Isak, Areola, Ward-Prowse, Son) but dogshit week so far (13 points) but who cares
  10. Sunak no longer has any semblance of control over his party He's got 100 or so One Nation Tories saying leaving the ECHR is an absolute red line on the other side he has the three main Throbber factions, Marc Frenchname's mob, Braverman's Stormtrooper's and the soon to be one term Red Wall Tories all saying we must leave the ECHR. I think a May General Election is almost too far away for Sunak. He'll never make it to the summer
  11. This government specialises in making claims it can’t control
  12. Nearly every purchase you make is taxed, I’m not sure why you don’t seem to grasp that
  13. Yeah you aren't understanding the compulsory in that definition. It's compulsory to pay income tax when you earn over the threshold, it's compulsory to pay VAT on non-zero rated goods you buy, it's compulsory to have a TV licence if you watch live TV. No one forces you to have a job, go shopping or watch TV. It's compulsory to pay the tax when you partake in the action that triggers the tax The TV Licence is a tax
  14. F**k me, come back mary had a little lamb all is forgiven
  15. You can call it want you want, it's a tax You seem to not understand what the role of a state broadcaster is
  16. The frog song isn't even the worst Wings audio crime, nor is Dull of Kintyre Enter only if you are feeling brave
  17. You shouldn't have a state broadcaster endorsing products by running adverts for them.
  18. You pay tax when you go shopping at Tesco or Morrisons, you don't complain where it goes, it doesn't go to Tesco or Morrisons, the tax goes into the general taxation pot You pay a tax to watch live TV (or stream on iPlayer). That the money goes to fund the BBC isn't that relevant, apart from you know where the money goes You pay a tax to drive a car, it does not go to fix the roads, it goes into a general taxation pot If the TV Licence didn't go directly to the BBC and went into the general taxation pot this line of argument wouldn't exist. Taxation goes to run the country, in theory for the benefit of all (yes lol), you and I only get to (sort of) say where it gets spent when we vote for people at a general election You using the BBC isn't relevant here, I presume you aren't unfortunate enough to be homeless, a very small part of your taxation goes to fund help for those people, maybe you shouldn't have to pay that because you aren't homeless. A fully functioning democracy really should have an independent state broadcaster, whether you choose to use it or not is up to you but you do need it to exist for the sake of the democracy that you live in. WIthout it..... well, look across the Atlantic. Again, it is not a con, there is no confidence trick here, apart from you fooling yourself that you don't need the BBC
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