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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Middlesborough gave the world Graeme Sourness the case for the defence collpses m'lud
  2. Actually I want Steve Bruce back in charge given the current news, really he'd be perfect for them
  3. Ha HA HA HA, now Wigan can't announce Bruce as manager as there is a dispute between Bruce and sha, breaking news on SSN
  4. Who next, Franz Beckenbaur? Michelle Platini? Dick Advocaat, Jose Mourinho, a cheeky bid for Rafa Benitez maybe?
  5. Must admit, I am a sucker for a nice cold bottle of Coke every now and again, it washes the chips down at work a treat but I don't drink it (or eat chips at work) that often. But I'd still rather drink Coke with a GB label on compared to some of this imported arabic / third world imported bollocks that shops keep trying to foist on me whenever I do try and buy one. Sorry its not the same and it tastes like fertiliser. So in effect my Coke boycott is happening as I can't really find that many places apart from the supermarkets (where they sell it warm) or the 24 hour garage (where I have to sell my organs before I can afford it) as a consequence, I haven't really bought one in months and months now as the real thing is hard to find
  6. Methinks you don't quite understand Carson Yeung doesn't have the money to buy any decent club, thats how foolish and ready to sell the current owners are the current owners are amongst the richest people in the country, yet to them its always been a business and with the current TV deal have seen this season as the perfect time to recoup their investment The Golds and Sullivan have wanted out for a while (Sullivan for sure, there's quotes on that one) but the three of them have an agreement that when they sell they all agree and they all sell at once They've just lost the best manager they've had in the last twenty years, no seriously he is, the rest of them have been FAR worse. (I'm not saying he's good either, just the best they've had) The club is in more than freefall, its not like Bruce hasn't wanted to leave for a while, other clubs have tried to tempt him but the board have refused their advances, this time they found someone to pay absolutely stupid money (in managerial terms) so they've agreed but no-one in their right mind would take the club over in their current predicament, this situation is called MELTDOWN Imagine a large glacier made of bacon fat, its just halved in size and the juices are running through Small Heath
  7. Veggur - Stafrnn Hakon in amongst a pile of other electronic / ambient stuff my ipods throwing at me, have to say this tracks a bit like eating frosties
  8. Over the Hillside - Blue Nile and this I blame Blandy for
  9. Now this isn't aimed at anyone in particular............... thing is, what do you use a phone for? Thats what you have to ask yourself Me I use a phone for making phone calls, texting people, surfing the net and a small amount of calender type organisation Do I listen to music on it? nope, thats what my i-pod is for. The i-phones capacity isn't nearly large enough to cope with my music The camera in a phone for me has always been an irrelevance, not found a decent one yet. I want to take photos I use a proper camera Now thats not to say I don't want an i-phone but I will be waiting until the next gen comes out with its rumoured improved net capabilities, seeing if the memory capacity improves dramatically and it might just save me carrying around both implements but until then I can't see the point
  10. It might cost twice as much where you are Roca but over here, the N95 might even be given FREE with a new contract, the iphone won't and the contract you have to get will be exactly the same size
  11. Just out of interest why are they "our" kids? Comic Relief contrary to popular belief isn't solely a foreign aid organisation, it gives out money in this country too and not just to children clicky I think for me, given a straight fight between the two charities I say Comic Relief for the range of causes it supports at both home and abroad (that and its slightly more entertaining than tonight's celeb-toss-fest ) There was a post below this, its been deleted as I deemed it totally unnacceptable - Bicks
  12. Tegis, have you tried it? I've got an earlier incarnation and I have to say its ok its also indestructible, Its bounced out of my pocket at least five times when we've scored and had to be recovered in bits from various pieces from rows in front this season Its still going
  13. ... and yet it's Michael Stipe's least favourite of theirs. He hates it. My favourite REM has to be Losing My Religion. Losing My Religion is brilliant, obviously. It's just the irony of Shiny Happy People that really touches the little nerdy guy inside me. I don't know why Stipe would hate it, but then again you often find that songwriters can't stand some of their most popular tunes. Thinking about it, I think Stipe may dislike it so much because the song has been so massively misinterprated by so many people. its not just Michael that hates it, its the whole band And yes as a fan of REM I have to say it probably is their worst ever single, in fact I've always found it totally cringeworthy
  14. "Thats why I went down", in other words Tony it was a conscious decision to hit the deck, nothing to do with the pressure of the challenge, nothing to do with the contact itself but a conscious decision by the player to do what he did. That Sir is a dive or in FIFA parlance - simulation See football isn't a non contact sport, shoulder to shoulder challenges are specifically allowed for example, merely touching the player isn't a foul, impeding the player is. He wasn't impeded, by his own admission, he pushed the ball too far felt a pinprick in his foot and pretended he'd been shot by some sniper. When theres foot to foot contact on the ground which this most definitely was , you do not jump into the air, you carry on running and limp about 2 or 3 strides later Mind you, this is only true until the Michelle Platini revolution takes place It was a dive and the ref got it SPOT ON (just like the handball decision too imo)
  15. Don't forget Special Agent Ridgewell was also marking Gabby for our second goal :nod: Good report John, completely agree about Petrov coming back into the team and showing what he can do, like you say if it wasn't for Gabby's antics towards the end of the match he'd probably have been my MOM for the third game running Lets hope we can gain some more confidence as a team with this result against the axis of evil and get another three points on the road at smogsville
  16. It does exist, I often give the staff in our place a lift home if they are on the same shift as me, do I get thanks? Not very often, Do I get satisfaction? not at all! In fact,I spend my time and fuel doing and get feck all for it. Doesn't make me feel good, I just do it because I do
  17. bickster


    Different topic for that one methinks
  18. bickster


    :-) - or you vote for a Tory Its the same laughable stuff, shame that the real issue about constitution and how a country is run is missed. Still pop - sorry political - idol mentality is what its all about really not sure what you are on about with all this pop idol stuff, well I am but I'm not sure why you keep mentioning it whilst quoting me
  19. bickster


    Tony's word doesn't count, the british public in general didn't vote for him, they voted for their local candidate. You don't vote for Prime Ministers apparently, it never enters your thinking at all
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