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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Its definitely a buyers market now. 15% less than asking price is fine, if the sellers have any sense they should accept your offer straight away. I think 25% less than asking price is fair at the moment - prices may fall by this amount over the next 18 months anyway. If you don't need to buy at the moment, the best thing to do is just wait & see what happens. I think it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. hmm I'm not so sure that this is an accurate picture myself. As soon as house prices started to dip, it seemed obvious to me that there were suddenly a lot more properties on the market, many more For Sale boards were noticeable. A lot of these people don't need to sell, they are just hoping to sell to someone stupid enough to come close to the asking price. Sure you'll find those that NEED to sell will reduce their price so they can dispose of the asset but many vendors don't need to sell, their houses are on the market as a panic measure, if they ca get out now they will but only on their terms
  2. Totally random factoid, the keyboard player in Shakatak was a very good friend of John Peel, I even know why I know that, I remember Peel announcing it when introducing them on TOTP once - the shit my brain remembers does my head in at times, why on earth have I remembered that, what use can it be, isn't there something better it could remember to replace such trivial rubbish arrrrgggghhh
  3. Um, the sax player in UB40 is white with ginger hair, name of Brian Travers and a Villa fan
  4. I once nearly punched Carol Dekker of T'Pau fame clean in the face on TV, only because I realised she wasn't who I thought was behind me did I pull the punch. The pulled punch was however shown all over the midlands (she wasn't even remotely famous at the time I might add, she was fronting a band called the Lazers at the time)
  5. I'll be running round the streets pissed signing Ding Dong the Witch is Dead
  6. Oh here we go again, someone used the O word, the O word means nothing, as does the U word But in the Spirit of this, the most over rated band in the history of the world HAS to be ............*no prizes for guessing*................The Beatles with Queen a fookin close second Music for people who don't really like music but can't face up to the fact
  7. Thing is, not being in the land of fine haggis and whisky I'm not sure about Labour's popularity north of the Hadrian Line. Are Scottish Labour as unpopular as their English counterparts? Not something I've kept tabs on to be honest
  8. Haven't been to a fez for years, usually can't stand them to be honest but the saturday lineup for Rockwerchter has tempted us to do one day. The lure of Radiohead, Sigur Ros & the Editors on the same bill couldn't be passed up. With the added sort of bonuses of Kings of Leon & Band of Horses plus KT Tunstall (who my daughter likes) and the ability to be able to checkout MGMT who some people are raving about (but I've yet to see any reason why) makes all in all for a great dayout. None of that camping shit though, hotel in Brussels the night before, free train transport to the festival, hotel in the town centre the night of the festival, fly back the next day. If I was doing a Festival in the UK this year it would definitely have been Latitude, which I might check out next year. Latitude's line up this year looked most excellent and next year I might even be persuaded to buy a tent and do the camping thing
  9. Of course its not reliable, nor is the database the Police use either, lots of taxi drivers use weekly policies (for a variety of reasons), the police are forever stopping taxi drivers on such policies because their database is never up to date, impounding the car, at which point the driver has to pay something like 120 quid release fee (guilty of crime or not!), even if the driver has a policy document, the police still won't release the car until the database is showing the car as insured, (losing work in the process) and by the time the databse is updated, the insurance has run out again . You can see where this is going can't you
  10. BOF, do you think Jez has read the thread as he's about the third person to link to the same previous thread?
  11. Currently some subsidiary of Norwich Union, don't forget though its taxi insurance not normal so may operate completely differently. I've never lost an NCD in any shape or form for a non faulter
  12. Hmm curious, thats not how my insurance works at all, I lose absolutely nothing for a non fault accident, I lose two years NCD for a fault, MY NCD protection covers me and fully protects me in the case of one at fault accident in the year If I lost anything on my insurance the following year through having a non fault, I'd just charge it to the other parties insurance as its my cost that is their liability
  13. Hev is he insured or not? If he's not insured then make a claim with the MIB (Motor Insurers Bureau), your insurance company should be informing you of this Juju will tell you more about it
  14. Not in my business its not, I have a crash and lose two years no claims, I costs me a fortune over the next two years
  15. Sale was only completed on 2nd June
  16. it was ..now it's a Tata :shock: :-( Yeah but that only happened two weeks ago, yours is a ford
  17. Won't make a jot of difference Trust me, having Taxi insurance and having had 3 points for speeding on a couple of occaisions, I'd notice any difference more than most. Three points for speeding does not impact on your premium. In fact I know this for a fact because I had to declare them theyear before last and I was going on holiday around renewal time and I wanted to sort it out early. I went to the brokers and they had the quote from my current insurers there already, I told them about the three points, lady in the office said she very much doubted it would make any difference but they'd have to inform the company about them but not to worry as the price would stay the same. She was right, it didn't change a single penny As an aside, this may also be another nail in the governments arguement about people going over the speed limit being scum of the earth, if the insurance companies thought that people with speeding points posed anything like an increased risk, they hit you for the extra cash straight away It is amazing though how many people think that their insurance will rocket when they get their first three pointer for speeding
  18. How long will it take you to reach the fabled 30,000 posts if this thread continues
  19. Came to just over a grand last year with no claims protection - NCD full five years No crashes in last three years, three points - SP30 therefore irrelevant, Male Oh yes here's why - TAXI DRIVER
  20. How do you get from Villa Park to the Bartons Arms ?
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