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Everything posted by bickster

  1. I have absolutely no need for a D3, it would mean new lenses even after you'd paid the £3k for the body, Full frame has its advantages but not that much. Quite happy with my D2Xs and D300 ta very much and I took both those with an Apple iPhone
  2. Not bad quality for a 2MP Camera phone! Much better than the last camera phone I had
  3. Another one for you Wendy, one with a person in so people can get a sense of perspective I remember when I was agile enough to get up as high as that person, not any more
  4. As it happens we were kind of on the way to Fountains Abbey when we diverted, it was getting late and I knew we'd make better use of time and money at the rocks. I've been to Fountains Abbey before not been to Studley Royal though. Got a nice meal in Ripon later on though, some Foody Pub just off the main square called the Royal Oak
  5. Aye been there a few times myself in the past but this was the first time for years, just sort of driving along a road and saw a sign for the rocks,, then it was a no brainer..............Just wish I't had my godam cameras with me
  6. Where is that Jim? just out of interest Yesterday I had one of those............. Why the f*** didn't I take my Cameras with me days. Left the house without them because, well I couldn'tbe bothered lugging them around on a day that promised to be fll of rain. Guess what, not rain, lovely weather almost everywhere we went and I end up at Brimham Rocks with no proper camera - Bollocks, we're just going to have to go back (that was taken with my 2MP camera Phone)
  7. you have a lens with macro capabilities, not the best at it granted but it should be able to focus fairly close in (the Tamron one in case you didn't know), iirc the D70 does have a macro setting too (not sure I ever used it though). just remember to keep the aperture as open as possible (lower F numbers) without losing focus on the important point of the image, the background will blur itself as it won't be anywhere near in focus
  8. Currently listening The Icicle Works eponymous debut from 1984 but just a few minutes ago I was listening to this stunning song. Which I have posted about before but now I implore you all to listen to as its simply stunning Serpentine - Chris Bathgate
  9. Wendy definitely has the shutter bug Nice flutterby, pain in the arse to Butterflys, the little bastards always fly off just as you press the shutter if you want a slight criticism though, the wing tip and the antenae go slightly out of the frame, its always best to pull out a bit in a shot of this type, you can always crop back in to the subject if needs be afterwards but compositionally its quite sound as you've created a nice diangonal
  10. No option for sooty and sweep? Next leaders will be puppets of the Unions as Labour are largely unelectable at the moment and hugely bankrupt in the near future. Only the Unions money can save them at the moment financially, unfortunately the unions will dominate their policy decisions too, so they will still be largely unelectable. They'll need a good ten years in the wilderness to recover from the next mauling. Any serious careerist politician wouldn't want to be Labour leader right now. We'll be back to the One Party State for a while, which is a shame, hopefully the Lib Dems can make some real inroads into the Labour heartlands, so they can push the Tories in the right direction, maybe they'll even become the second largest party, who knows, we're in strange political times
  11. Never Known - Durutti Column (a song that beats tiny song so I cant link it for you all to hear its magnificent sounds)
  12. :winkold: Look just because you have modelled your "look" on Let it Be era Paul McCarthorse there no need to be so fookin silly
  13. Ha, the Jesus is coming is what makes that one, good shot though, very good
  14. The hoverfly one is really good Wendy, hard to fault it to be honest
  15. No, Ainsdale I actually went in search of some kite boarding action but the wetsuit boys and gals weren't playing out, so I had to make do with plod instead
  16. The local Plod in action, nice work if you can get it I guess, more fun that your average police vehicle
  17. The Birth and Death of the Day - Explosions in the Sky
  18. And just to test the blandy tinysong thing, I'm currently listening to He's Simple, He's Dumb, He's the Pilot from the Sophtware Slump by Grandaddy
  19. In fact our conversation that day about them made me dig out sophtware slump again, ripping it as we speak This song is called Whooooooooo! So currently I'm listening to The Crystal Lake off Sophtware Slump by Grandaddy Knew you'd get BOH, it'd be odd if you didn't :nod:
  20. From the Beck album still (which on first listen is a good un), the track Profanity Prayers is the one that sprang out just now
  21. She'd be dead come the revolution just for wearing a Ramones T-Shirt, I'll bet she's never even heard them Anyway, currently I'm listening to the new Beck album Modern Guilt which I just scored on nipping out to Teskos for some wine, it won hands down over the new Primal scream album and I could only afford one tonight
  22. I've never done, and would never do heroin, crack or meth. I believe there are two styles of drugs - despite all the different types - recreational and habitual. Recreational: E's, Speed, Coke (to a certain extent). Habitual: Weed, Crack, Heroin and Meth. Recreational is just that, like going out for a pint. Habitual are the problem drugs. I should qualify that statement Weed smoked it for years, don't smoke it much at all any more (once or twice a year) Crack, never done that but it wasn't on the list, "normal" coke, done a few lines here and there, can't say the drug does much for me tbh, makes me talk shit for hours, as anyone that's met me on here will testify, I don't need much help in that dept Crystal Meth, never done that, never intend to, wasn't on the list either heroin, done it once "by accident" - it was mixed into some hash we bought - "sputnik" as it was called at the time, its a shit drug, never had any intention of ever doing it but one night I did, not a good night, didn't enjoy the experience LSD - done it a few times, gets boring after a while E's - (and I mean the proper MDMA stuff) - did one once, can't say I enjoyed that experience either, can't say I can see the point in taking a drug that makes you act nice to some **** you can't stand in real life. Though I'm all for it being a daily requisite for the incumbent of the White House Opium - not on the list and no longer really fashionable, not that it ever was either but way too mongy for me Speed - bloody awful drug, makes you talk complete and utter shit, gets you all hyper for hours, then you sleep and feel shit for two days, never really a fan (again not on the list) See I'm all for experimentation, don't see how you can comment until you've tried it but now I partake in the odd joint a year, usually the last weekend in January and maybe once or twice a year apart from that
  23. Houses aren't shifting so longer on the market so more for sale signs around. I'm with ender - offer 15-25% bellow offer price and chance your arm. It's not if they want to sell - you need to find the ones who have to sell. Capitalism will eat itself. No I agree with that, if they NEED to sell that is exactly the way to go, I just don't think that many NEED to sell just yet. And I'm only talking with the evidence of my eyes driving around. I'd say the houses for sale here at least are mainly in the more affluent areas. I also think that there was a sudden explosion of For Sale signs that appeared in a few short weeks as soon as the jitters started, thats what I'm talking about. In the less affluent areas there seems to be less For Sale signs. It's just my impression of the way things are, no real basis of it, purely empirical
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