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Everything posted by bickster

  1. This Island Earth - Take me to the Fire Why you may ask? because I found it in a download somewhere amongst some crap and some other gems and well basically many years ago I had a bit of a one night stand with the backing vocalist She works in Tate Liverpool now, I bumped into her the other month for the first time in possibly a decade the other week too I was just curious as I found it on the net and I was right, they were crap. Which was a shame as I liked Johnny Hawkins, he was a decent drinking partner at one point
  2. good to see Jon showing the caring face of Conservatism trying to make fun from a guys physical characteristics Oh the fun that right wing bring and their caring attitudes And Spitting Image was never amusing at all
  3. Yep, let's all hope for a one party state, what could be better than decades of the Conservatives... :| We've been ruled by the conservative parties for almost three decades now, what makes anyone think changing the particular conservative party is going to make any difference?
  4. Nude - Live in Milan (show 2) 2008 - Radiohead (just got it free from the bands website as a reward for some survey I filled in For a live track its, well .... decent. The Studio track is obviously better but its a decent freebie
  5. I agree with that post in its entirety apart from one word and that is the last one. He's not a git he's a Fookin clearing in the woods
  6. Except in this instance the problem isn't completely because the prices are too high You could reduce prices by 20% over night and the houses still wouldn't sell No-one is lending any money, which is the majority cause of the probelm See this move today imo hasn't really cost the govt that much as they weren't getting the stamp duty anyway as the houses weren't selling - Just another PR stunt in my eyes
  7. A most excellent choice from the second punk in Brum
  8. In that case Irish, I'm sorry but you live in a parallel universe to mine
  9. he did one little change of direction and pass to Young that was the best football played today I Agree Pete (said so somewhere else), I'm not knocking him at all. All Barry did today was have an average game for Gareth Barry, not a crap game, not a brilliant game, just an average game and by that I mean he did a few things that were very good but he hardly put a foot wrong, he's played better sure he has but he cannot do that every game no player can
  10. Why NRC before Barry?? Seriously i was watching the match with poll fans and they were all in agreement that they were glad they didn't get Barry. But they as well as me were praising NRC for his attitude and workrate. Barry did nothing all game, apart from the odd "decent" pass, this player is meant to be worth near 20million! BTW can someone tell Curtis Davies he's not playing in the Championship anymore and he doesn't need to hoof the ball everyone time it lands at his feet. I take it you were watching the game with Liverpool fans and they were glad they didnt get Barry WELL a) they would wouldn't they, hardly a great reason for anything. Bit like the kid who wanted a 10p mix in the sweet shop but only had 5p so he bought the gobstopper that he really really wanted honest. I can name some lifelong Liverpool fans that have always rated Gareth Barry but suddenly dont rate him at all they also think most of their squad are "good" when in fact they have a full back that even NRC appeared to be skinning, two strikers playing on the wing (and apparently this shows that Benitez is astute) Barry wasnt on top form today but he did ok, did little wrong, switched play effectively as usual, made the best pass of the game plus plenty of other good incisive passes but hey, he looks disinterested so he is crap, he was ok
  11. I personally feel that you may be letting your anger at GB for the summer get to you and cloud your judgement. I cant see what GB has done on the pitch, apart from one poor performance at Stoke, to warrant the comments. Today he played well, against man city he was superb, against Odense he was superb. Without barry we arent anything like a top 4 team, with him,who knows? but we look better with him there than not, which was the whole point in fighting off liverpool all summer Agree completely PB The only thing the summer has done is in my head he's called Barry now, not Gareth
  12. Sorry to say it but for me its got nowt to do with current form. Barry wont get dropped, Petrov is playing well and NRC for all his enthusiasm and energy isn't a right winger Of the three of them last season Petrov was the least favoured so he found himself wide right Now its NRC who is in that unfortunate position, he's the one who gets chopped and changed around, moved to right back etc It'll be NRC who makes way for Milner most of the time. If its likely to be a tough midfield battle NRC will play and petrov will play thing is where does Sidwell fit in too!
  13. unless of course you decide that when there's no tenant in, you will do some repairs *whistles*
  14. Not true here, empty properties are still liable for council tax (speaking as a landlord meself)
  15. Apparently this place is called Calvignac (didn't actually go there, just stopped at the side of the road to take this) And I think I'll leave it there for tonightdon't want to bore you all too much (in one go - plenty more to bore you with tomorrow)
  16. One I took with infrared in mind straight - seems to work
  17. Sorry folks but the holiday snaps are going to be coming for a while (just started looking at them properly now I'm actually back) For some reason this works for me but something tells me it shouldn't (kids nowt to do with me btw, just some random French families son)
  18. hold on, you always could send multiple SMS messages if you mean the same message to more than one recipient What I hadn't found out what to do was send one message to a specified group of people
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