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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Rob used to like Neville Southall though
  2. did you count all 3 of the boro fans? See Everton cant sell the second tranch of away tickets to home fans like some clubs can, even if the Upper Bullens tickets aren't taken by the away tea they are never sold to Everton fans Everton are something like the 7th highest attended club in the country
  3. I didnt say that and you know it, READ what I said, not what you want it to say
  4. In the city of Liverpool? erm Yes and being as I've lived here for over two decades I think I'm well placed to judge And no not 2nd to Liverpool in the same way as sha are to us at all, to argue that they are makes you look foolish, in fact its borderline PFE as it simply isnt true
  5. Shows how little you know about football on Merseyside and Birmingham comparatively Why will Everton always be in the shadow of the team that occupy their former ground? Everton are older than Liverpool Everton have won trophies Everton have been in top flight football for a much longer period of time that their rivals Everton fill their ground The teams are supported in equal numbers (if not Everton the slightly larger of the two by the local population) How are they in any shape or form similar to sha?
  6. Never seen either but BoB has just been released on Bluray so I've added it to my LoveFilm rental list
  7. That really doesn't happen though, most people assume that Liverpool fans come from London or Wales or Ireland or Norway. Seriously its as much of a running joke amongst football fans as it is for Man Utd fans What they don't know is which Stadium in Liverpool makes traffic announcements for the two Tunnels
  8. Yes because someone talking from a completely emotive standpoint would obviously be correct and those talking from a rational detatched one incorrect
  9. Though in a 'soft' system, the final say would still rest with the next of kin/family. Exactly, so as I stated all the way back in the thread, the thing that actually needs changing is the ability of the relatives to change the deceased's prior consent, not any of this state owning the dead body bollocks
  10. that seems to be the line that quite a few are taking on here, yes. I can understand that position, but it's not one i agree with. for 2 reasons mainly: 1. implied consent. If someone has not opted out, that means that they either agree to the use of their organs, or are not bothered either way, once they are dead. If they were vehemently against it, surely they would opt-out. 2. Once you're gone, you're gone. What does it matter what is done to your living vessel on earth once you have vacated it. Let someone else benefit, as your body is of no use to you any more. But despite all of that perfect sense Jon, it seems that some would rather take the selfish view, one often pointed towards certain political parties, and refuse this because of which political party was in power at the time of the decision. I suppose it shows a lot about the person point out a single person that said that, you can't because no one did
  11. You obviously need to lose weight then if you have moobies
  12. positive publicity for the slack jawed jokel? You see the reason this story is in the news today is because The UK Organ Donation Task-force an independent body set up to look at this very issue came out and said that an opt out scheme would not increase donors. Gordo's response was that, it wouldn't be ruled out in the future. The Govt are going to spend £4.5 mil in a new push to get donors onto the register. $4.5mil sounds like an awful lot of money to be spent on this pressing concern doesn't it? Nope its not even a decent lottery win, lets face it it is just a positive spin story, its not even the lose change in the treasury's coffers, its a miniscule amount, compared to say the NHS non functioning super duper computer
  13. Should there never be exceptions to that rule? Basically, if there were enough organ donors out there this wouldn't be a problem that needs addressing. But the truth is people can't be **** arsed to take 10 minutes out of their life to sign up. really ? does it actually mean that? who says there is a lack of donors btw?
  14. I think you need to do some research Jon We do so few transplants because of a lack of qualified professionals not a shortage of donors. The evidence of Spain suggests that changing from opt in to opt out does not actually affect the amount of suitable donors
  15. Where I would be in favour of a change in legislation is where a dead person has given consent when he was alive and the relatives change the persons decision once he's dead, that should be stopped. A decision made in good faith and of sound mind when you are alive should be honoured in death. If you opt in, that is a binding contract until such times as you opt out again and no relative can change that
  16. I don't think you've worded that correctly, there are plenty of people who can't donate because of illnesses they've previously had for example
  17. I'm against and having glanced at the topic and seem who has posted I'm sure the points have been made already so I'll not bore you any further
  18. Aha! todays fill the pages of the papers with positive guff to made the Gordo look good 1) Is the reason we in this country do so few transplants a) the lack of organs or the lack of surgeons? Do some digging and you'll find the answer 2) Why are there less organs being donated? Again do the digging and ask the questions, you might find its not for the reasons usually given 3) Is it true that in countries that have opt out policies that there was an increase in donations? (Hint: Check out Spain) So when you've done your homework, come back and tell us again what you think. Me, I'm not in favour of opt out and have gladly opted in for years. Make it opt in and I'd have to consider my position though I would probably stay in as making my political point compared to giving life to someone else seems a tad minor in perspective. Though I am concerned where this would lead us, state ownership of my corpse is not something I want to happen, thats the nanny state going way to far and sod knows what path its taking us down
  19. Improve our squad? We currently have players like Salifou and Knight on the Bench. Are you saying players like Cahill, Arteta and Jagielka, even if they didn't make our first 11 (Which Cahill and Arteta most likely would), wouldn't improve our squad? Lets put it another way, there isnt a player in Evertons first team squad that would start a game for us if all our squad was fit, they might have players that would improve our bench
  20. having now tested the above recipe, I can say its absolutely lovely BUT if you don't like your food spicey I'd consider at least halving if not quartering the amounts of paprika A real winter warmer though and the prunes really do add a nice fruity touch
  21. Has it really been a fortnight since this was added to? shameful Here's tonight's tea Pork and Bean Stew 2 tbsp oil 2 tsp of smoked paprika 900g diced pork leg 200ml white wine 420g can of butterbeans 410g can of haricot beans 350g of sweet potatoes peeled and cubed into 2.5cm chunks 2 rosemary sprigs 1 tbsp chopped oregano (fresh if possible) 6 ready to eat dried prunes, chopped 400ml chicken stock 1 bay leaf salt & Pepper 1. preheat oven to 170 degrees , then in a large bowl mix 1 tblsp oil, 1 tsp paprika, some salt and some pepper together. Add the pork and mix until its all fully coated 2. heat the rest of the oil in a large casserole and brown the meat (probably best done in batches) then remove all meat from the pan and set aside 3. pour the wine into the pan and scrape any bits from the botom of the pan (adds flavour), then add the butterbeans, swet potatoes, bay leaf, remaining paprika, the prunes the herbs and the stock, bring it all to the boil and simmer for 5 mins 4. Whilst the mixture is simmering take the haricot beans and mash them to a paste with a hand blender and stir this into the casserole, the add the pork. Cook in the oven for around 2 hours
  22. yes I have two but one of them is my camera, I call him Norbert
  23. er yes, how the f2.8 did that happen!
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