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Everything posted by bickster

  1. People may not know this but its kinda related, there is a crime called theft by finding (or something similar), so if you find something it is not legally yours to keep. finders keepers is a playground myth. You are meant to hand it back to the rightful owner, this could be the bank in the case of bank cards etc, or simply hand the property in at a police station. After a set amount of time (6 months I think), if no-one has claimed the property you do have legal claim to it. The reason I know this is because someone stole my phone once, he claimed in his defence he found it in the cab, he therefor got cautioned with the offence Theft by finding. The other stuff I know because I'm always handing lost property in at cop shops (I have 48 hours from finding it to either return it to the owner or hand it in at a police station), I''ve been offerd a few things back after the 6 months, none of which I wanted
  2. I'd laugh at all the people withdrawing what they thought was free money only to find out later that they'd have to pay it back (they've got your card details, they know its you DOH!). Would I phone the bank? nah, it would cost them money to rectify other peoples greed too. Idiots losing out all round
  3. OK Nick whatever, really can't be bothered getting worked up into frenzy like you appear to be over something so trivial
  4. Absolute rubbish IMO, it's off target whatever the circumstance, if it goes in off the post, it's the same as an off-target deflection. So you think a non-deflected goal can be from an off target shot? A player deliberately uses the woodwork to score a goal (it does happen) and succeeds but you'd call that off target. Its also not the same as an off target deflection because deflecting off another player is rather more random than using a fixed object
  5. Ministry of Food has some most excellent recipes in it
  6. I know what you are saying Tony but he does actually make easy simple tasty food, no matter what you think of his accent and his branding of Sainsburys. Its very rarely I cook a Jamie Oliver disaster Oh and I served the above fish with saute potatoes, green beans and puy lentils
  7. Has it really ben two months since anyone contributed? Well tonight we're having another Jamie Oliver recipe Really Nice Tray Baked Lemon Sole And I have to say its absolutely fabulous
  8. That was one of the factors my work colleagues said. He doesn't come from Widnes does he? Nah, don't associate myself with them sort of creatures its just that he logic of his position would appear to be chemically enhanced
  9. That was one of the factors my work colleagues said. He doesn't come from Widnes does he?
  10. The target is to score a goal, if it hits the woodwork and goes in its a goal, its on target, if it rebounds off the woodwork and doesn't go in, its off target. A sort of close but no cigar situation
  11. apple support is better than O2 support for technical stuff, book a session with a genius in a apple shop before you take it to an O2 shop EDIT: Have you tried full reset through iTunes?
  12. its a highly original name :- MMS
  13. I know, but it does,I've even tried it with some fairly obscure stuff and it works
  14. yes unfortnately, its not done through O2,its done through the net iThink. I only spotted the App the other day but its not something I'm interested in so I didn't llok too closely tbh
  15. iphone is ace, who cares you cant send mms (you can now btw, just need a paypal account), just downloaded the best app ever Shazam
  16. Little Boots - Stuck on Repeat (Its the iTunes free single of the week) Second division Goldfrapp imo
  17. It does appear that most analysts are seeing the Euro in a sell position and Sterling in a buy situation right now and are forecasting this situation to continue for a while yet as now the markets are getting very shakey about the ECB's recovery strategy. Its all a Sigur Ros song to me (gobbledegook for the musically illiterate) but most of the sites I've been reading (bloomberg etc) seem to be painting it that way for now, Though it'll all change again in the not too distant future no doubts
  18. yes but you and I would argue all day about the closeness of the decision, we've done it on a train somewhere before, it really is a very fine line as to who is the most shit
  19. Better at being shit, the Beatles being more shit than Queen..........just
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