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Everything posted by bickster

  1. free internet? Its hardly Free on iphone is it. So how much do they charge me for it? I used to get charged for it on Vodafone and had a very similar tariff price wise with similar minutes and messages, now I don't get charged any more per month and use the internet a hell of a lot more, sure somewhere in my £30 a month is a charge for the internet but the point is my bill is less and I use the internet more, much more. I see that as a win for me OK I se your point I suppose I should have said unmetered internet
  2. Hmm I think not in the near future, as someone who has over 1ooGb of music in his library and is constantly adding to it, I'd find a one device does all solution both attractive thats its just the one bit of kit to carry around but I can't see an iphone that has the capacity, the battery life to play 8 hours a day and be a phone too in the near future. If they can sort a device that will play my music for that length of time and allow me to makes calls and play music simultaneously with a huge capacity and a long battery life then they may kill the Pod but I just can't see it tbh
  3. What are the silly little faults in your opinion?
  4. I agree, much prefer the conversational approach to SMS, largely because I rarely ever want to do a multiple send, I tend not to spam SMS my contact list with jokes etc
  5. I'm no big user of sms but I have to say that he iPhone's SMS facility and the way it works, once you've got used to it, it one of the fastest I've ever used. It does take some getting used to though
  6. How desperate do you have to be when you can't even find a Woman MP to come on and defend Brown against the criticism chucked at him by Flint yesterday? Labour were forced to stick the Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for St Ives on BBC News before, I'm quite sure I heard shouts of WHHHHOOOOO????? coming from all over the country at the same time. Just to put it in perspective, thats a candidate for a seat where Labour are in a clear third place with only 13% of the vote, its not even a seat they have a chance of winning if they were high in the polls. She must be right down the list but she's the only female they could find to defend Brown, it really did speak volumes
  7. bickster


    I bought no less than five pairs of trousers that do not meet my ankles only yesterday, they were for my holidays, tend not to wear shorts for football, prefer trackie bottoms but I will wear them whe its warm and sunny too
  8. Oh dear, the Do Badleys AKA the Barley Boo's I remember putting them on in small clubs in Liverpool back in the day dontcha know. Was never really a fan tbh but they did pull the punters in
  9. Use teh zoom lens I gave you, it has a macro feature not 1:1 but 1:2 I think
  10. No its not, its up on the day and its on an upward gradient right now
  11. Aye UKIP are a bunch of corrupt rocket polishers, this separates them from Labour and the Conservatives how exactly?
  12. You may think it, it's not right though. That simply isn't compatible with Libertarian ideals, its just a shifting of power from one place to another, Libertarian would reduce the amount of power the state had. There isn't a single party that has Libertarian ideal as they all want power and libertarians want to reduce the power the state has over the individual
  13. Not much difference there then, lots of illegal immigrants being deported, so that's the same as the other two parties, its only a short step from no immigration to a points system making it much harder to get in, wafer thin difference in fact...............
  14. That has nothing to do with Libertarian, that is just transfering power from one place back to another place and has absolutely nothing to do with Libertarianism. If as UKIP want power was transferred back to the UK can you imagine what Brown and Co would have got up to with our personal freedoms? It really doesn't bare thinking about
  15. Yep, like I said closest to the Labour Party, not the same as the Labour Party. At the minute the Labour Party are probably the most right wing of the centre parties with their draconian ideas on personal freedom so they would be the closest party to UKIP, they vary in terms of policy, sure they do, but they are the closest to each other. In my opinion its only a short hop skip and a jump from the Labour Party to UKIP
  16. No really as much as I hate one and greatly dislike the other they are not one and the same ideology One is a bunch of national socialist scumbags, the other are right wing conservatives probably closer to the Labour Party apart from wanting to opt out of Europe than most of the other parties, now that the Tories have moved to the left slightly and started hugging trees at the weekend
  17. Now in the first past the post system, I would agree with that and often take that course of action BUT and this is a HIUGE BUT, under the PR list system a spoilt paper or abstained vote is a vote for the BNP imo. I couldn't possibly vote for any of the three Tory parties, nor can I vote for the Gay Drinkers Alliance, so as a result of Nazi Nick standing in my constituency I have to vote for the Tree Hugging Party as they are the main rivals for the BNP to get the last seat the way the list system works. It's part of my make up that when faced with a fascist // National Socialist type candidate I have to vote in order to prevent them getting elected if nothing esle and an abstention in this election is an aid to a BNP seat and a seat is a victory and a platform
  18. I was sooooooo excited about that, now I'm on a downer
  19. bad news - the update didn't come with 3.0 Good News - It was getting everything ready for 3.0 so it can't be far off
  20. Well I'm sure my Itunes update to 8.2.0 just said including Iphone 3.0 OS but its just doing the update as I type so not exactly convnced yet
  21. I do believe 3.0 est arrivé
  22. The bigger they are the harder they fall, No, they will not boune straight back Too much dead wood to clear out, too much to replace for one season
  23. All those listed are crap, I even consider the Style Council to be Wellers shit period
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