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Everything posted by bickster

  1. I miss it, but I needed my life back
  2. ringtones are a piece of piss in garageband, I make them all the time
  3. bickster

    FIFA 10

    4am? Sometimes I've been in work for 6 hours by then!
  4. it is the grenade, it's crap, I can hear it and I'm 45 and have tinitus Even the stealth grenade? I cant hear it but some people at work can - we have been looking into this at work and have found a few websites about it - quite interesting. Apparently your hearing ability has nothing to do with it - it is the age of the ear - have you had yours transplanted from a teenager? More here Like I said I can hear it, I'm 45 with tinnitus and no I haven't had my ears transplanted, in fact they suffer with tinnitus because of the years I worked in the music industry, basically my ears are shot!
  5. it is the grenade, it's crap, I can hear it and I'm 45 and have tinitus
  6. If this works, I get to eat in peace in the canteen at work
  7. Margaret Becket, just to show that sod all has changed, surprised she never claimed a second home allowance for her caravan
  8. not tried it on wifi (which I always found slow anyway) but 3G seems fine speed wise
  9. I don't have the pin lock on and it did that to me anyway
  10. ITK is looking like a codeword for 'false' these days. 100% we have shown an interest in Owen X
  11. HAHAHA, I found myself signing that in my head about an hour ago
  12. Today I picked up Mrs Miggins, lovely old lady, gave me a 5p tip for carrying her bags to the door, it was only when I got back to the car that I realised she'd pissed herself............. You could call it "The Voice of Experience"
  13. Me too I feel a phone call and a blag coming on if the fixtures fall right
  14. should have got it from an apple shop, they're activated straight away
  15. Hmm that makes me wonder...... (a) who else is on? ( and when do the fixtures come out to see if we're at home
  16. What happened? I've smashed my screen up pretty bad (2G) and although it still works perfectly fine, it looks a right mess. Where can you get them repaired? UK iPod Repairs
  17. All the investment / takeover talk has gone really quiet again, just like every other single time its been rumoured in the last 5 years
  18. Tiger woods crashes every single time I load it
  19. One of our telephonists is going, lunatic!
  20. Pretty shit essay if it's only 160 characters long Anyway back to the real purpose of this topic. Having considered the cost of changing to the S, no freaking way am I paying to upgrade early so it's time to get my screen repaired. I was hanging on to see if the 70 quid to repair would make a difference - it doesn't
  21. Ok. SMS are really expensive and everyone should buy a £300 phone to send an email and have to pay £35 a month for it. You win. erm I never said that, I was just pointing out, regardless of which phone you have that SMS messages are hugely expensive for what they are
  22. and how much data did those texts contain? virtually next to **** all, its still grossly expensive. The fact that you don't understand why isn't really my problem transfer that amount of data and price up to the gigabyte level and you've just been ripped off
  23. Nope, you still pay for it, there is no such thing as free, the costs are just hidden and presented in a different way
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