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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Use the general speculation topic for this type of topic please
  2. I can only conclude you like making up things to provoke people into reacting (I suggest you read the new announcement). When exactly was Petrov suffering from depression? Was this diagnosed or did you make it up based on the fact he said he didn't have a very good time when he first got here because of all the fans on his back. To come back from that and be player of the year last year shows exactly why he's captain material, didn't give up and demand a transfer, got stuck in and rolled up his sleeves, came out a winner - captain material indeed And please don't make up unsubstantiated rubbish about players suffering from psychiatric disorders
  3. NRC Captain? I'm sorry but why? What on earth does he have that is captain material? He's a bull in a china shop, he's all effort, little intelligence and very little end product, seems to have exactly the wrong attributes for captain He's not good enough to be in the first team imo so how he can even be an option is beyond me For me it has to be Petrov
  4. Me, on the bright side, they look crap too Fortunately the travel is a short hop for me
  5. Please keep the comments to the game and not each other
  6. it's NOT only one game FFS No its two top 6 finishes and 1 game
  7. leave your phone in the office, and take your "other" mobile to the pub Gawd Tony do you need to be taught every trick in the book!
  8. Nice sunset / cloud shot MMfy, they can be very tricky to get right
  9. I should say, the first picture above is probably my favourite photo of the year so far (that I have taken obviously), so much so, its now my wallpaper on the Mac But so people dont get bored of France (because there are many more to come ), here's a few from the other day in Wales too Llyn Glaslyn (its not bad when you consider it was taken through glass on a moving (and rattling) narrow gauge railway) Waunfawr Diesel and Steam
  10. I feel the followers of this august topic are about to suffer, I apologise in advance I promise I'll do the photos in batches, Firstly some from France this year Tribute to Picasso I Tribute to Picasso II Uzes Art
  11. Is he? As I recall he seemed to be convicted of a crime because a Maltese shop owner said he bought a shirt from him. I don't know whether he's innocent or guilty and to be honest, I don't think anyone does (apart from the politico's and the secret services etc) In fact he was convicted as part of a political battle, he was only given up by Ghadaffi because he wanted to have a better relationship with the west, it wouldn't suprise me, if this cancer wasn't the flip side of the deal and getting Ghadaffi's man back to him. Who knows really?
  12. You are going to attempt reportage photography Laura (which is B23's speciality or one of them) doing it with a tripod would be impossible, you need to press the shutter release at the crucial moment not when everything is neatly in place.
  13. I find I get camera shake using a large zoom lens .. 300mm ..if you are going to use a big lens my advice is a tripod .. I've since upgraded to a 450D which has an image stabilizer and I've also purchased a 200mm lens as it 's slightly smaller and less prone to shakes just be careful that's all .... Rule of thumb with longer lenses to avoid shake Make sure the shutter speed is faster than the focal length you are using, so if its a 200mm lens make sure shutter speed is 1/200th sec or faster When it has to be lower you need some form of support, beanbags can be more useful than tripods sometimes (absorb more shutter movement) and try and use an off camera shutter release if your camera allows it
  14. That's crap. The only chance they have is if three other teams are more shit than they are If there are three teams more shit than you, you're good enough to stay in the Prem. This season. sha are fortunate this year, they are fortunate Hull exist otherwise it would be the same threee going down as came up
  15. bickster

    Do you read?

    My current read is called Inverting the Pyramid, a History of Football Tactics by Johnathon Wilson Good read so far, learning a lot
  16. bickster

    Do you read?

    Take the M away and he's brilliant put it in and he's abysmal imo Again for those that don't know, the M is put in his name for his Sci-Fi which personally I find impossible to read. His "normal" fiction probably makes him Britains most talented author (again imho)
  17. bickster

    Do you read?

    I'm a huge fan of CB and his latest Pandemonium just hit the doorstep, cant wait to read it (unfortunately I won't start it for a couple of weeks) but yes Christopher Brookmyre, is both amusing an intelligent in a very dark way, he should get a much wider audience than he has (For our American readers, the closest your side of the pond is probably Carl Hiaassen)
  18. reboot the phone first off Keep the top button held in to turn it off, leave it a few mins and see if it remembers it when you switch it back on, or will at least let you put the password back in
  19. The Riceboy Sleeps - Jonsi and Alex (As in Jonsi from Sigur Rós) (the entire album - tracks aren't worth mentioning)
  20. Did somebody use the word socialist about the Labour Party? How 1970's!, Have you been asleep for 30 years?
  21. I got a strange text from O2 yesterday saying that through a fault in the iphone software that I had been charged for Data usage whilst abroad, O2 were aware of this and would refund it in my next bill Thing is O2's billing site is down and I cant access my bill to find out how much it is
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