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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Paul Hardcastle might be a more appropriate comparison Also Reilly wasn’t really an instrumentalist in that sense, the reason he did a lot of them was because his benefactor, Tony Wilson, who loved his guitar playing, hated his voice
  2. Technically he was President wasn’t he, that was the whole point, they were trying to give Pences hand
  3. Not sure I understand the reference I obviously know who Mike Oldfield is but its the comparison I don't understand (through lack of knowledge on Oldfield mainly)
  4. You should check out Pascale Comelade, he plays toy instruments and has done for decades. Collaborated with an awful lot of people with very diverse musical styles
  5. Oh another very distinctive guitarist is Vini Reilly, I'd know him anywhere too
  6. Thats the first appeal, he's got two more routes to go down yet. He can ask for the appeal court decision to be reviewed by the entire DC circuit or he can take it to the Supreme COurt. I guess he'll probably do both as it'll delay the process
  7. It all depends which media you take your opinion from The idea that keeps getting peddled that the orange one is miles ahead is utterly false though
  8. Actually that's a wild assumption, I still get paid weekly so this is of no consequence to me though this year was going to be a great year as there were only 7 bank holidays scheduled (due to 2 Bad Fridays in 23/24 leave year) out of my annual leave of 33 days until sausage fingers had the temerity to get cancer and risks taking it back up to 8 or 9
  9. I think we have a new game
  10. Investment bankers are the biggest gambling addicts out there
  11. So that’s how they obtain their eating irons
  12. He’s going to steal another bloody bank holiday off me the Representative for Wellingborough
  13. The algo slows down price drops when a player is injured. Shitloads sold him on injury news, his price was £14.1 but only dropped to £13.9, now everyone's buying him back, he's not flagged so the price goes up faster than it fell. he may even hit £14.3 yet. It’s why I took a hit on the news that he was available because this was bound to happen by the following week.
  14. Proper Indie-pop album Eligible Bachelors by The Monochrome Set, which contains the magnificent Jet Set Junta. Another one of those bands that really should have been more successful than they were. First pressing from back in 1982, textured sleeve and plays as well as the day I bought it. Oh you might hate them for this but Johnny Marr is on record as saying that without the Monochrome Set, The Smiths would never have existed both Marr and Moz were big fans
  15. The other £3 odd record bought today. FAC133 the 12” single of Subculture by New Order which has as a B-side this. Dub Vulture, the Dub mix of the A side. This is worth more on Discogs than the tenner I bought three records for today, not that it’s of importance I wanted this B side
  16. Yeah they did that in Manchester and Liverpool too, no-one uses those either. WHy don't people use them? becuase no one wants to get on a plane dripping wet with rain and no-one wants to walk half a mile with luggage before they even get inside the terminal building They used congestion as an excuse in Manchester and Liverpool too. In fact before they used the congestion excuse, they used the terrorism excuse and moved the pickup / drop off point away from the terminal but you used to get ten minutes free, then 5 mins free then they just started charging as soon as you went in, then they increased the prices whilst shortening the time increments for charging etc In fact Manchester works a bit differently, that was what Liverpool did. Manchester have a free drop off area miles away (note not pickup - you have to get charged if you're picking someone up) which is serviced by a shuttle bus, no one ises it because its every 20 mins and takes over ten minutes to the furthest terminal, in effect every one pays the minimum £5 - its a goldmine There was never any congestion at either airport apart from Manchester but only when the Pakistan flights came in or when they dug all the roads up to implement the new system to alleviate the non-existant congestion
  17. I only bought this in the junk shop because the records were £5 each or £10 for 3 so why not It really is a proper curates egg. Given the musicians on this record it should be brilliant, those with an interest in the post-punk era would definitely be interested just from the line up... Pauline Murray (and her partner at the time Robert Blamire) from Penetration. The invisible Girls were John Cooper Clarke's backing band but thats not who they really were, they were Martin Hannett (Joy Division / Other Factory Artists revolutionary producer), Steve Hopkins (bit of a Manc musician gadfly, later worked with Nico, Happy Mondays, Morrisey) and Dave Rowbotham (Durutti Column / The Mothmen - this band is a rabbit hole that goes via On-U Sound to Simply Red in the end), John Maher (Buzzcocks) and the mercurial Vini Reilly himself (Durutti Column) You read all that and you're expecting something wildly different / angry / innovative / witty at the very least interesting Nope, it's a shite sugary aimless almost pop album and it's not even well produced (which considering Chris Nagle is engineering and Hannett producing is a bit of a shock in itself) Even the cover is by Peter Saville wouldn't even be close to his best work Its got all those ingedients and its rubbish Someone actually paid £25 for a good copy of this once (Its usually around the £4 mark) and it's been reissued quite a few times. WHY?????
  18. So yet again Lowkey is posting bollocks
  19. It's not actually expensive, comparatively, I'd say it was pretty standard for a regional airport. Bham Airport is miles behind the curve on car park charging. This system has been in place in Manchester and Liverpool for the best part of a decade now Experience also tells me that the bottom line has nothing to do with congestion and is all to do with profit. Not sure if this is true now but pre-pandemic it certainly was... Liverpool airport's car parks bring in an amount of money that is roughly equal to Peel Holdings yearly profit on the venture. That's the model now, airports are a loss leader for car parking
  20. I'm not so sure Lee and RIshi are currently on speaking terms and that may also tell you why he's on TalkTV, partly to troll GBNews / Anderson et al and partly because he's more likely to get ripped to shreds on there by his own MPs / Farage. GB News is rapidly becoming Reform UK TV so he'd be giving ammo to the opposition and he's just as likely to get ripped to shreds by BBC / ITV / Ch4. Pussycat interview with Morgan is about the best he can hope for these days
  21. £3 in a junk shop, plays fine John Kongos - Kongos If you know, you know
  22. So the Go Feet rabbit hole continues. The Beat set up their own label primarily to release their own material but they did release (or reissue to be more precise) another bands records. I don't think many people remember the album with the catalogue number BEAT 2 (BEAT 1 being The Beat's debut) BEAT 2 was the reissue of one of the greatest Jamaican albums of all time, the Lee Perry produced, Heart of the Congos. It was only three years after the album was originally released and I don't think it sold in big numbers but it'll set you back about £70 to get a good copy of that pressing these days
  23. The Beat GIrl's first name is Betty I believe but if we're going down this rabbit hole then Walt Jabsco (The Two Tone guy) is based on a picture of Peter Tosh from The Wailing Wailers album cover so.... erm .... have this
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