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Everything posted by bickster

  1. I wasn’t talking about your personal relationships.
  2. This is admittedly an extreme example and not entirely analogous but the principal of the timeline is valid. South Africa. Apartheid falls. The truth and reconciliation came later. That, it seems to me, is the natural order of things wanting it the other way around will never work. It really isn’t about being the bigger person it’s about getting what you lost back faster.
  3. Here we go again… centrism isn't a thing, ideologies exist at the extremes of any political spectrum not in the centre ground its become this false bogeyman for those that identify with the extremes. (At both ends) An American centrist will have a completely different policy set to a British one, centrism is a relative position not an ideology. Also saying something is corporate (as a negative) only leaves you with state ownership of everything. No thanks.
  4. Forgive? Contrition? You're treating it like a religion. Become a Brexit Atheist its the changing of opinion that’s important not self flagellation of the former heretics
  5. What? You're suggesting you have no sympathy for people whose lived experience has changed their opinion? If they've changed their mind on an ideological level that’s ok but if they’ve changed their mind because it’s not going well for them then they haven't “learned.” Madness, you have as much of a problem as they used to have
  6. Keep perpetuating the us against them line and you'll make getting back in very much harder. It’s not just those that voted to leave that need to change their outlook. Telling people or groups of people that it’s their fault because of the way they voted, retains the fault lines in society and just makes people dig in and not change their minds. It’s not remotely helpful Exception: Politicians
  7. You missed the point and this line highlights it. It implies you have no sympathy for those that did vote Brexit and are caught up in the mess. What I'm saying is you should have sympathy for them regardless of how they voted. They were lied to, they chose incorrectly but they know now. The only way we'll ever get the EU to accept us again is by people changing their minds in a mass scale so they can be sure this won’t be an endless cycle of in and out. The “you were told” line isn’t helpful, nor is it even particularly valid for farmers. When you look at the age farmers (iirc over 33% are over 65) they actually voted to remain in far greater numbers than their general demographics across the country. The past is the past, it’s done, revisiting how people in a particular industry voted, lumping them all together and quite frankly even getting that wrong, doesn’t move the debate forward one bit. Those of us on the rejoin / closer ties side of the debate need everyone onside. Visiting your own wrong perception of the past isn’t helpful, it creates division, which is the last thing anyone needs.
  8. As much as yes, this was said, you're falling into the trap of treating farmers as a bloc of people that all voted for Brexit, they didn't. It’s not remotely as simple as that and there’s no clear evidence that even half of them voted to leave. Most of the polling done before and after leads to a 50/50 split conclusion but in all honesty it’s all over the place and it depends on what type of farmer they are and where they farm. Going back and saying “told you so” isn’t remotely helpful either, it perpetuates the us and them divide. Those farmers protesting are right, support them, it doesn’t even matter how they voted, they know now how bad an idea it was, they are on the right side now and that all that matters.
  9. Yep, probably played it five or six times in the last week and it sucks me right in every time. I think it’s one of his best, just a notch below Manipulator I think. I just counted 18 records I own that Ty Segall plays on, so that includes Fuzz, Peacers, Flat Worms and Feels. I really didn’t think it was that many
  10. The missus is cooking so I can play something she'll moan about The latest from Ty Segall - Three Bells I was contemplating not buying this as I considered myself to have enough Ty but this really is a great album having lived with it for a week
  11. Saw him twice, playing with Mugstar in Liverpool both times. At least one of those has been released as an album but I have a feeling the earlier one at the now defunct Kazimer was too and they were only the support band that night (to Wooden Shjips… maybe). First time it was only when I got into the venue I realised he was on, second time he was obviously who I went to see. Ege Bamyasi, Tago Mago and Future Days are the three definitive Can albums, never the same without him
  12. It’s an album I’ve had on a dodgy CD for years, just thought it was about time I bought a proper copy.
  13. Second purchase of the day… Another timeless classic. More 70s. Curtis Mayfield - Curtis
  14. One of today's purchases. I asked if it was still available last week, “don’t think so, might be able to get a CD”. Turn up today and Bob managed to get me a vinyl copy. I do seem to be hitting an early 70s vine at the minute
  15. Well yes, especially as McNabb is still alive
  16. Neither Israel nor Hamas is attacking a NATO country. It’s a defensive alliance
  17. The way people accept surveillance culture to the point of participation is quite shocking.
  18. The Alarm and Big Country. That’s got small tactical strike for humanity's sake written all over it
  19. NATO have nothing to do with this.
  20. You all appear to be on the wrong side of the Atlantic Ocean
  21. Talking of Tube maps, this has appeared at (I think) 5 stations on the circle line Its part of a Samsung Android advertising campaign but it has people talking yes it’s dreadful
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