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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Yep and I say that as fan and so does Michael Stipe
  2. Look up the Battle of Cable Street, trade unionists and communists (and others) fighting against fascism. You'll see not only how high end establishment figures like Mosely controlled rank and file street level thugs but also how socialists and communists in the trade Union movement actively fought against fascism. Your theory is bunk.
  3. I'm not convinced the Welsh or Scottish were anything less in favour of fighting the Nazis with everything they had than the English. I’ve never met a Welshman for my Granddads generation that were anything other than supportive of the war. My granddad wanted to join up to fight but was refused (reserved occupation - miner), his mate Jack Jones - former Everton footballer, same team as Dixie Dean, look him up, he just disappears from that team in 1937 having been a first team regular for a couple of seasons, was he injured? No, he went to join the International Brigade in Spain to fight Franco. I should also point out that my Granddad was a card carrying member of the Communist Party as were many in the South Wales valleys. I really do think you’d struggle to find many Nazi sympathisers in Wales in WW2. I have little personal knowledge of Scottish people of that generation but an awful lot of experience of the Welsh and I really can’t see any sympathy there at all.
  4. He was the abdicated King and Duke of Windsor at the time. He was also a bit more than a just a Nazi sympathiser, there are more than enough stories about him during the war. From him supposedly leaking the British plans for the defence of Belgium to the Nazis to meeting Roosevelt and appealing for him to broker peace rather than join the war. After the fall of France, he even appealed to the Germans to post guards on his French properties, which they actually did! Hitler was supposedly going reinstall him as king should he have successfully invaded Britain and were supposedly active in trying to persuade him to live in Germany when he was living in Portugal (because he'd fled France to there rather than you know… do it the same way as the BEF at Dunkirk) The real Edward was a proper Nazi story rarely gets told even now.
  5. Steve Wright was never my cup of tea tbh but sad that’s he’s gone at that age.
  6. Candidate for Hyndburn now suspended for making Antisemitic comments, though from what I’ve seen quoted “F***ing Israel” and comments about UK citizens fighting for the IDF. Don’t seem on the surface of it to be actually AS. More to be revealed I guess
  7. Georgia is chock full of Russians now, all avoiding being sent to war
  8. Its such a rare event in Southport that the press and lots of people turn up just to see it One for the fact fans, Southport is the second longest pier in the UK I think and at the end of the pier, the water is normally around two foot deep, when the tide is out, there is no water at the end of the pier
  9. great many or some, what about the others?
  10. Surely you'd have to ask yourself why other countries, in other regions still retain significant populations of Jewish people yet those in Arabic countries do not The "they all went to Israel happily" line is propaganda, it isn't remotely true
  11. All over the media if you look for it, even very pro-Ukrainian channels based in the country are reporting on the dire situation in Avdiivka in the last 24 hours
  12. Making gains, not just fighting, making gains, moving forward, taking more territory
  13. If it's anything like Southport (which given it's location, you'd imagine it is), the high tide that reaches the promenade wall happens roughly once a year
  14. Russia are still attacking Ukraine, they are even making small gains in some areas like Luhansk, Donetsk and Zaporizhia. They aren't sitting back and defending
  15. According to your list Kate Moss is in there. Prior to your post, I'd have thought I could have spotted her... still can't I wonder if @chrisp65can spot her as he's clearly shagged her at a Primal Scream gig from what he was saying
  16. Is that really a word though Wordle 969 3/6*
  17. The artist that has played at the Grammy Awards ceremony the most is none other than Bonnie “never heard of her” Raitt. She’s performed a total of 9 times.
  18. 5k followers is… 9/10ths of sod all There are really shit train spotting accounts on YouTube with 10 times that and I really am talking about really shit ones Even 50k followers is hardly enough to make a pittance She’s deluded
  19. Supports, I’ve seen some bad ones in my time. I caught the last two songs of this one, who going by the merch stand appears to call himself Eyes of Others. Thankfully a rather nice reggae / dub interlude playlist has come on. How would I describe him. Imagine if Suicide (the band, who I very much like) had happened some 15 years later and incorporated Acid House rhythms but used sixth form political poetry as their lyrics This ones about the Corporate Machine…. Blah blah Exxon Mobile…Hovis… Kingsmill… you get the drift. if I had two pairs of hands I could count everyone here. Everyone else clearly was clapping out of politeness… I hope. If they enjoyed that they need help I’m just thankful I missed the rest
  20. Most of which is still intact from what I can work out. They’ve kept it in reserve for when the F16s arrive
  21. So Pachyman tonight but on my way to the pub I spot a poster advertising a load of gigs at Hangar 34 and what caught my eye was a little bit of it was for Big Country and then there was another section for another play the hits from back in the day band (I’ve already forgotten who) but next to Big Country in a tiny space was… African Head Charge. Never seen them despite having most of their albums so that’s April 13th on the calendar and all because of the shandy drinkers favourite band
  22. Perfect example of why the linear scale is bollocks and why centrism doesn’t exist. Firstly the extreme left wouldn't give a shit about the wildlife just like the extreme right. Both would be ok with it, one wants the jobs the other wants the profits. The Green don’t drill position is neither socialist nor capitalist, it’s actually a more central view, it has to be if the extremes want the drilling surely? Green politics isn’t remotely left wing, it’s partly the politics of NImbyism and partly the politics of those that genuinely do care for the environment, which is why the greens often do better in disaffected Tory areas (another indication that it is indeed a more central position) You have the extremes wrong in your thoughts, the extremes on the linear scale want the same thing. There are far more differing positions in the centre.
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