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Everything posted by bickster

  1. The whole debate was pointless anyway, it was an opposition day motion and literally meant eff all. The very definition of playing politics. The difference between Ceasefire, Humanitarian Ceasefire and Pause in the Fighting, with an added Hamas are bad (which was missing from the SNP motion I believe) Literally a game of micro-semantics of no consequence to anyone
  2. 1. Heaven Up Here 2. Crocodiles 3. Ocean Rain 4. Porcupine ... The rest
  3. It had just come out of a massive refit, hence the reason for the test
  4. I wouldn’t be picking any West Ham players right now, they’ve turned to dog shit as a team
  5. I think there’s one thing missing and it’s quite crucial, parliamentary convention says that on an opposition day motion the speaker only usually selects only the government amendment, so you essentially have the motion as proposed by the one opposition party and the government amendment. Hoyle broke the convention by allowing the Labour amendment. The situation has only arisen twice before and (I think) on both occasions it had been agreed by all parties that the multiple amendments would be allowed prior to the session starting in the chamber. The SNP rightly expected that any Labour amendment simply wouldn’t be selected, their anger is justified. The Tories anger, however, is just faux outrage, it makes no difference to them for the reasons you’ve outlined.
  6. Trident is part of a whole NATO nuclear response, it’s highly unlikely we'd launch unilaterally without the US and France Also the failure of the missile, according to some former high ranking Navy bod on the radio just now is a nothing burger. His explanation was that the test isn’t to test the missiles themselves, it’s to test the subs launch systems after the massive refit it’s just undergone and the missiles they use for such tests are the really old ones. In a real launch system they'll be using the newer missiles The other thing to bear in mind is that Russia will highly likely have been informed of the test in advance. They'll have been monitoring it anyway so the idea that talking about it in the open is a bad idea is nonsense, it really doesn’t matter. The last time a sub came out of refit 8 years ago, the same thing happened.
  7. Nothing to do with it, it’s how the Riyal Mail organised their logistics in 1971 when they introduced postcodes to speed up sorting
  8. So did Jasper Carrot then I assume?
  9. Greatest album by a band hailing from Liverpool ever? Probably. For me certainly one of the greatest albums ever recorded. As much as I don’t like such lists, this would always feature in a list of my favourite albums and be pretty much near the top. I don’t play it very often, I don’t need to, it’s up there in my head, every note. Bought shortly after it was released in 1981, it’s safe to say, this album has been played many hundreds of times, it still plays perfectly, there’s hardly a pop. The textured cover after 43 years is not exactly mint, it has horrendous ringwear too but I even love that, it’s part of my cultural DNA. Over the Wall is playing as I type, I'm for some reason immediately taken back to a gig at the Birmingham Odeon, the stage full of dry ice, Mac poking out through it, wearing a check shirt and overcoat, the absolute coolest man on the planet at the time, not sure why it’s that gig, could be many It’s safe to say, this album changed my life path. I would probably ended up studying statistics at Sheffield Poly if wasn’t for this record (and others but above all, this album) Echo and the Bunnymen - Heaven Up Here. One of the greatest records aver made.
  10. So utterly irrelevant then.
  11. That’s their database error
  12. Was this before the law changed? A pay and display ticket sounds more like a council run car park, the council is a completely different beast to the likes of parking eye.
  13. Make a Subject Access Request to the data controller for the relevant camera. The ICO has ruled that a vehicle VRN is personally identifiable information so they can’t refuse the SAR on those grounds, also explain that should they not wish to release the footage all you really need are the entrance and exit times of your vehicle on that particular day.
  14. Again, this is bad advice. It needs to be reported as a crime first and foremost. The crime number is essential here. There is absolutely no point in appealing the parking charge with no evidence, they will dismiss the appeal and go straight to charge, then you have to appeal to the parking ombudsman and again without evidence and the fact that it has been reported to the police they will dismiss the appeal.
  15. Same here after the BGW he’s getting Saka'd. It’s kinda made my mind up because I was also toying with Son to Saka. Still it might get me back to Salah on my WC But this week I think it’s Darwin back Ollie and probably Palmer to Hee Chan
  16. This is bad advice, the law has changed and ignoring these can lead to a CCJ
  17. More worrying than the fine is that your car has been cloned Do you have any evidence as to where your car was at the time? Video doorbell for example? Can you prove where you were and what you were doing? Also make sure you report to the police and the DVLA. Immediately report to the police and get a crime number (important) then report to DVLA quoting crime reference number I'm presuming this a private parking invoice btw? I.e. one issued by a private company and not a council /police Challenge the charge (because it is a charge and not a fine, it’s important to understand that.) and again include the crime reference number. The police can check ANPR cameras across the country to see if the VRN registers in two completely different locations at the same time (or if it is impossible to get from one location to another in the time difference) so don’t think the police can do nothing. You may need to be insistent to make the police report and get it recorded as a crime but that is the toughest part of this. EDIT: if you think this is too much hassle, stop that thought, it could keep happening
  18. Upping the pace a little early Thee Oh Sees from 2011 - Carrion Crawler / The Dream EP I only bought this at the weekend, brand new and its a genuine first pressing from 2011 Don't let the title fool you, it's an album but I think the band wanted it viewed as two different EPs one on each side. It's immensely good for fans of loud american guitars
  19. I have no idea what you imagine this means Chris, the turnout was about 45% down on its statistical mean. It's also a seat that will not exist at the next election (which will further reduce that turnout given the timing) It's also been a bell weather seat for years, it really does tend to vote with the current national trend, it's not an ingrained Tory seat there are lots of swing voters here, voters that can and do change their minds It is however nearly half of JRMs constituency at the next election
  20. And now currently playing is the new Bill Ryder-Jones album - Iechyd Da Despite the Welsh title, sung entirely in English, just showing a bit of his Welsh heritage I think, last track is titled Nos Da but it's an instrumental Anyway again a much more pastoral affair this time from Bill too, he's so far away from his roots in The Coral now that it's hard to see the connection Definitely a grower this one, took me a few listens but I really like it now
  21. Next while later I played the new Idles album, the first Idles album I've been interested in as the rantyness has been toned down and with Nigel Godrich in the producer's chair, its a much different more pastoral version of the band, much more my thing. Utilitarian black vinyl for me, none of your fancy glow in the dark zeotrope nonsense
  22. So I started the morning with some post-Portishead motorik tunes from Beak>'s second album Beak>>
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