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Everything posted by bickster

  1. Well someone clearly is because it was posted in this topic
  2. McCartney would have been 20ish when he wrote that, is anyone suggesting a relationship between a 17 year old and a 20 year old is wrong? *realises he's just defended the indefensible*
  3. Just some results from stories between 2022 and 2023 searching on Islamaphobia Tory That's why they can't answer the question.
  4. In response to one of his own at PMQ's Nov 2023 The Mirror
  5. Its not just Cruella, she's just the one fresh in everyone's minds
  6. No not really, the Tories doing it are on the fringes. The leadership really don't want to get involved as explained upthread
  7. You could fill endless hours producing lyrics from songs in the 60s/70s/80s that could be interpreted as highly suspect. Many of them actually are too.
  8. It's because Braverman and her ilk are all making similar comments, its why they won't be drawn on saying it. They can't open Pandora's Box. Also there was a bod on 5Live yesterday about 16:30ish saying that the Tory party does not recognise Islamaphobia as an issue, they have no policy on it and they don't recognise it. They thought they could shut it down by making Anderson the scapegoat, as usual without thinking it through properly. Not that there is a route I can think of that they can get rid of the issue anyway. This issue has been waiting to explode for years, this might be it, it might not but there's never a better time for it to be raised when the party is quite clearly on the ropes And when Nick Ferrari cuts you off because....
  9. I think its likely that every one of the SNP has signed the no confidence, so over half of the signatures will be them. The rest will be Tories
  10. He was a Labour councillor, he was suspended by Labour not for his language but for using concrete blocks to physically prevent use of a travellers site
  11. The title is bad enough, really you'd write it go'ed not g'wed Also, there seems to be some debate as to whether it’s Wirral or Liverpool. Definitely filmed on the dark side but I’ve no intention of watching it to find out
  12. I highly doubt she’s being monitored that closely, she’s living in a tent in a refugee camp. Also the decision by the court had nothing to do with her, her circumstances or what she’s been up to, it was all about whether Sajid Javid was legally correct in removing her citizenship. What you appear to be suggesting is that the court is acting in the interest of the government and not being a component of our democracy. Given how many times the UK courts have gone against the government on immigration issues recently, I think your suggestion has no real basis. All they were deciding was whether he could remove it and he could because technically she was still a Bangladeshi citizen when the decision was made, she chose not to take up that citizenship, which was hers by right until the age of 21, she had plenty of time to do it but opted not to. If she didn’t have dual nationality, Javid couldn’t have removed it. And that is all the decision was.
  13. Ah, the Guardian running a story about the Chancellor now… Same old, same old…
  14. The only difference being that pre-2010 they used to be much better at hiding it. They used to have a party discipline that is now long gone.
  15. And Paul Scully MP has come out and said there are now Religious No Go areas of London and Birmingham.
  16. Sunak filled the cabinet with members of the various factions in an attempt to keep them all happy. It's a delusional tactic, it's not picking the best people for the job, it's picking people for posts based on keeping an illusion of party unity. It really is no way to run a country (or even a jumble sale)
  17. You should do I'm the Leader of The Gang (I am) for an encore
  18. The defence yesterday was risible. Laura K even asked the question but Dowden said they were completely different because Anderson mentioned Khan and refused to apologise but Braverman was making a wider point that didn't cross the line of acceptability. In true Laura K style, she didn't really press the question much. That Sadiq Khan was specifically mentioned is largely irrelevant in the unacceptability states. Braverman said the whole country was being controlled by Islamists, Anderson limited it to Sadiq Khan. If Islamists was replaced by Jews, there would rightly be uproar at the antisemitism on display, if Islamists was replace by Blacks, there would rightly be uproar... The Conservative Party has a problem and one that it cannot easily squirm out of but it does require a less compliant media to press the question repeatedly
  19. Complete and utter banker, Lord Jacob Rothschild, 87
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