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Everything posted by bickster

  1. The pic is Weekend at Bernie’s Bernie is the one they are holding up He’s dead It’s a reference to Mitch McConnels’s retiring announcement at the age of 247
  2. Ah yes, reminds me of playing in the steam train graveyard in Barry which was much more fun than going to the fair and cost nowt
  3. Not a chance of that, slap on the wrists for failure to declare is all that will amount to
  4. Yup Playing in an abandoned colliery, including walking down into the mine itself (way before urban exploration was a thing) running along raised sewage pipes, where there were ladders up to the inspection chambers which made it all the easier but we were still running along cast iron pipes 30-40ft up in the air playing on the railway or even just alongside it was pretty much an every day occurrence Nobody gave a shit about any of it
  5. I think they should too, it would be most excellent. The 30p U-Turn
  6. Another day another SU-34. The loss of that AWACs aircraft certainly appears to have been wildly detrimental
  7. Setting sail for America to reclaim the colonies
  8. Were they laughed at for not having pies They used to sell the strangest tiny brown prawns
  9. Was that a Midlands thing? I never really encountered it anywhere else
  10. er no, OMD, The Coral and the Zutons maybe. Bill Ryder-Jones is halfway there already
  11. How do you rebuild a building to a state that wouldn't currently pass building regulations? Given that the crooked House was in it's crooked state because of mining subsidence, surely they'd have to do some sort of work on securing the ground before any rebuilding work?
  12. Had him for weeks but as I've already done my transfer for the week, I'll still play him with Hee Chan on the bench
  13. I don’t deny it would be a huge punt but I need to do that to stand a chance of winning money in my ML
  14. They really are digging a bigger hole every time they appear right now, same never heard of him immigration minister, different show, stumped by the political heavyweights that are Richard Madeley and Suzannah Reid Indie You know when you refuse to answer what everyone consideres an easy and simple question to answer because you know it stops the subsequent question, journalists are just going to keep on asking it.
  15. As long as you want. There can be no expectation that you keep a box to send an item back anywhere
  16. but you didn't steal it off @sidcow's drive
  17. He's also a complete and utter tit who will only buy first pressings of records
  18. Maybe he just doesn't know how to pronounce Davkaus, so it's just easier
  19. I'm actually considering the option of binning off Haaland when I wild card (if Salah is fit at that time)
  20. not relevant and not true Not relevant because the Schmeatles were British so would be writing about their own life experience esp in 1962 And not true because it varies from state to state, could be as low as 13 or as high as 21 dependent upon circumstances
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