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Everything posted by flashingqwerty

  1. Dean Smith made a point of saying Drinkwater was signed off the back of a meeting DS had with him as a result of the hunger in his eyes. Drinkwater was 100% DS signing, from his own mouth.
  2. None of which were listed as starters on my post, so i dont see your point. Your dosagreeing and agreeing st the same time
  3. You think we can attract better players than Luiz and Jack? I mean, i love your optimism, but i think that might be a bit beyond us! The only others i mention that were not starters were the fullbacks, where i say starters or competition, because good fullbacks are hard got.
  4. I get what you're saying, and would agree. The reason why i put load out above is because we haven't seen him named in a squad yet even ahead of vassiliev, who does not look like hes good enough, so i think the coaching team may not see Barrie as being ready for a while
  5. Thought i'd do a little chug through our squad to see whats needed. GK Heaton: not sure, at his age, if he will come back the same player. Maybe keep as #2 Nyland: get rid, as i think we can do better. Steer: i think hes ok, dont think DS rates him, so get rid. Kalinic: get rid. Reina: gone Sarkic: gone New #1 Promote a youth keeper as #3 RB Guilbert: shows promise. Not sure he's #1 material, but easily good enough as #2 Elmo: i think he's done at this level and we should move him on. New RB either a new starter or a decent young one to compete with Guilbert LB Taylor is done, get rid. Targett: hit and miss but has enough about him to hold on for now New LB either to start or a young one to compete CB Mings: i have my issues with him, think he has a big error in him frequently. But think we need to keep him. Engels: i think he's on his way. Don't think DS likes him. Gone Konsa: good young cb. Needs time to develop at this level. Keep Hause: he's not great, but as backup he is ok. Keep New CB. Think we need an experienced leader (i don't think Mings is well suited to it). CM McGinn: keep, nothing more to say Luiz: keep, nothing more to say Grealish: something tells me he is leaving. I hope not. Keep Nakamba: think he is a decent backup. Keep Hourihane: outside of his set pieces he really doesn't offer much. Get rid Lansbury: get rid Jota: get rid. Was worth a punt, it didnt work. Drinkwater: gone (thank f#@k) Ramsay: loan out Hayden: loan out New CM as cover/competition for Luiz (as i think Nakamba isn't a dm) New CM as cover for Jack, an attacking/creative player (possibly shared with the wing positions) RW El Ghazi: might be ok as backup for now. Keep New RW starter. Desperately needed. LW Trezeguet: ok as an impact sub, not a starter. Keep New LW starter desperately needed. ST Wesley: i remain unconvinced by him, and think Davis is the better all round striker. Still injured so have to keep Samatta: also unconvinced by him. Offers something different to Wesley and Davis. Keep? Davis: whilst not a goal threat, in open play, for me is the best of our 3 current strikers. Keep Archer: loan out Vassiliev: loan out Barrie: loan out New ST desperately needed, someone who can offer us goals. I'm thinking in the mould of Carew or Benteke when they were at Villa
  6. You said: "Of course he is involved ... Leave smith out of it" So you're acknowledging his involvement whilst absolving him of any wrong doing, which is an oxymoron. I still feel that DS isn't the man for the job, despite keeping us up. I think his coaching is questionable, the players fitness levels have been poor and his game management is amongst the worst i've seen at this level. He may learn and improve, but i've not seen enough since he has been in charge to suggest he will. And with the position we are in, i am not sure we can afford to have DS learn on the job, it nearly cost us this season. Of course i might be wrong, but thats my opinion based on what ive seen and 40 years watching and working around football.
  7. I don't see anyone here looking for instant success. I'm looking for the players to work hard and do the basics right. Something we've struggled to do for years due to a combination of poor management and poor coaching. When Leicester won the league, and i am not saying we should, could or will any time soon, they were far from the most talented squad in the league, but by god did they work hard, and their fitness levels were through the roof. Its rare we see any significant effort from our current squad. The last few games were the exception rather than the rule peaking at Arsenal. The 1st half West Ham was pre-lockdown standard from half of them. Sheff U are another great example of what hard work and good coaching can get you. They certainly do not have a top 10 squad, but are well coached and work very hard with high fitness levels. I don't see anything in how Villa have played under DS that makes me think he can deliver that. So whilst i am relieved and delighted we survived, it leaves me wondering about next season, and what will change...
  8. If you can't get your players playing confidently after a good performance against everton, a victory over palace and victory over Arsenal (who just beat Man City and Liverpool) then you probably should look at alternative vocations. I:m delighted that we have stayed up, but i am unsure we deserved it, and i remain unconvinced that the manager scouts and recruitment team are of the quality required to keep us here long term. For me, survival papers over the cracks of a pretty poor season
  9. Not sure what inconsistency has to do with a number of players putting in zero effort in the first half? Also, many of the 'inconsistencies' we've seen from these players throughout the season are basic technical issues that can be coached out of players. Leicester showed that workrate can take you a long way in this game with limited talent. Something we lacked in spades early in the season, and 8nproved in the last few games. Sadly missing from quite a few in the first half.
  10. Nerves dont cause people to stroll around a football field and not run or look like you are trying to do your job, so i don't see your point.
  11. I can't speak for the others, but that first half was appauling. Should have been full of confidence after the last few games, and got at them early on. But was clear they were playing conservatively and likely looking for the draw. Thats on DS, and shows his lack of quality as a manager. His game management is generally poor. We lacked cohesion and passion in the first half, and far too many didn't turn up. Targett, McGinn and Hourihane of particular note, were all passengers and didn't look bothered. There was a notable uplift 2nd half, but Hourihane was still dreadful as was Targett. McGinn was a little better when pushed further forward. I'd say more about Samatta, but at least he tried. He was still dreadful, but he put effort in. Davis brings so much more to the side than Samatta. Everything good DS did against Arsenal just wasn't there tonight.
  12. Difference being, if we lose we get relegated. We've been sloppy and lacked desire. Quite a few passengers on the pitch today and i think DS has set us up for the draw. Far too conservative and such a lack of passion and desire.
  13. Targett, McGinn and Hourihane have been a combination of shit and anonymous. Don't look up for it at all. Id bring Taylor and nakamba on at ht this has been so bad.
  14. If this is the case DS needs sacking. Should have come out of the blocks like a rocket to get an early goal. The way things are, if antonio hadnt missed a sitter wed be going down
  15. This is dire. Dropping too deep and no tracking 8n midfield at all. Hourihane and mcginn completely anonymous in midfield. Giving them all the time and space. Terrible.
  16. I have to give credit to DS and his team for tonight. I have been very critical of him since he arrived for his game management and lack of subs. Tonight is the first game since he took over that its been clearly visible that changes were made multiple times during the game to our shape and tactics in response to the opposition taking control in key areas. Subs were well timed, and the right players withdrawn. Well done! Now, do it all again on Sunday please!!!!!
  17. I was there that night, think it was my last visit to VP before i moved away. I would love to beat them again to keep hope alive!
  18. So you agree DS is involved but don't want to attribute any of the blame to him? Makes perfect sense...
  19. Fact is we werent, and we were carrying dead weight in midfield ahainst fresh legs. Thats what cost us. Our fitness levels must be amongst the worst in the league as most our players dont last more than 60 minutes
  20. Its pure fantasy that FS is not involved in signing the playets. He has stated publicly on many occassions that he is involved and has final say so i have no clue where this is coming from unless you are saying the manager is a liar?
  21. Watch it back. Noone track midfield runners and targett has 2 to mark 8n the box and ended up getting neither because the midfield left us exposed.
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