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Everything posted by flashingqwerty

  1. Just to be clear, I'm not saying DS is doing a bad job. I'm saying there are very simple and obvious things he could do that would have an enormous impact. But for whatever reason, he is not doing it, and these clear and obvious things have been a feature of his career.
  2. You agree about Smith's mistakes, but won't agree it's his fault? Yeah, makes sense...
  3. We made the game hard by starting with 10 men. Barkley does not deserve to be starting. With him in the side right now, we instantly lose the midfield battle. Every game he has played in with Luiz and McGinn we have lost the midfield. As soon as he is removed, our midfield improves. That's not an emotional reaction its a fact. At no point have I said we should be beating Brighton, you've made that up yourself. All I am saying is, players not carrying their weight, like Barkley, deserve to be dropped, and players who work hard and play well, Nakamba, should not.
  4. Especially when Barkley is getting picked. Beggars belief.
  5. You make me laugh. If scoring 1 goal in 7 games as the only positive contribution is all a player needs to do to keep his place in your opinion, then there is no point in addressing anything else you say, as you clearly have very low standards.
  6. Nakamba was our best player in the 2 games he played and got dropped. Barkley, goal aside, has done less than nothing in 7 games. This one change would have meant a completely different game dynamic where our midfield was not constantly overrun. Its no coincidence that as soon as Barkley went off Brighton were suddenly much less threatening. Also no coincidence that our best performances have been games where Nakamba has played as he helps us control midfield areas. Barkley is a luxury player, and as we are in such bad form, we cannot afford to keep him in the starting 11. Pretty simple.
  7. Honestly, I didn't stick around long enough to hear them. But that makes it more frustrating. If he sees the issues, and the issues continue... Didn't he say himself, the team is a reflection of him?
  8. Leeway on not making changes when its clearly not working? Leeway on playing someone who is a complete liability and offering nothing for 7 games? Leeway when Nakamba keeps getting left out despite clearly being in the best cm in the games he has played? Leeway in not rotating players when playing 6 games in 18 days despite players clearly looking fatigued? Not making subs when playing poorly? 2 years of the same issues, sorry, I'm all out of leeway.
  9. I never wanted him in, and my stance hasn't really changed. Great bloke, Villa fan, but I don't think he's a particularly good manager. Good coach, improves players, but tactically, poor.
  10. Team selection was wrong setup was wrong Half time team talk had no impact Subs had little to no impact. Extremely frustrating seeing DS making the same mistakes now that he was making 2 years ago.
  11. In fairness Grealish's control has been just as bad tonight
  12. One sub would change the dynamic of this game but DS wont make it until its too late
  13. So watching the midfield underperform game after game and doing nothing is acceptable for you is it? It is clearly not working and the manager is doing nothing about it. 7 games with the same issues. I'm not the one in need of getting a grip here, I can assure you.
  14. I've lost all respect for DS. Our midfield clearly is not working with Luis, McGinn and Barkley and he hasn't the bottle to change it. Cowardice at best, incompetence at worse. Pathetic not changing this.
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