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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. When is Warlords due out, anyone know?
  2. maqroll


    I think there should be a "Hate Small Dogs" option. Ok, maybe a "Hate Small Dogs Except Jack Russell Terriers" option.
  3. maqroll


    Strange that some breeds are helpful in that situation and actually used to alert people to an oncoming seizure. I think because Pit Bulls have been bred to increase their ferocity, many of them can "switch", even if they are raised and trained properly and seem normal over a long stretch of time. Too much irresponsible breeding. Back in the day, it was Doberman's, but that viciousness has been largely bred out of them.
  4. My nephew was a preemie...so small he could fit in the palm of my hand. Now he's almost 12 and one of the tallest kids in his grade!
  5. It's a trap. 4/10. Would. Not. Bang Grotesque Pre insane Minaj would have been a hells yes
  6. Come on and sign up for the weekly pick 'em league, you pussies!
  7. Yeah, probably. Anyway, most Americans probably think Jordan is a basketball player.
  8. Not MLS related, but this is the only thread about football in the states, so I thought it should be mentioned that the Manchester United-Real Madrid match in Ann Arbor, Michigan saw the biggest attendance for a soccer match in the history of the USA- over 109,000 people showed up! Amazing, really. 109,000 people for meaningless match between two foreign clubs. The sport is here to stay, be damned the naysayers!
  9. I know I need a crown on my lower left molar, but she's telling me I need 2 more...at $1300 a pop, I think I'll play it conservative.
  10. I have the feeling my dentist is trying to sell me on unnecessary work
  11. Thats exactly how its being told in the media. Israel, wrong, Hamas, wrong, palestinian civilians innocent and as usual the innocent are the ones that suffer. Not sure which media you're reading but its definitely different to mine if you find a different story to that Agreed. I haven't found one media source that has been in any way supportive of Hamas, and they shouldn't. Hamas is the worst thing to happen to Gaza since Israel. There needs to be a West Bank-Gaza unity government, and quick. Hamas needs to be forced to disarm, Israel needs to agree to a complete halt to hostilities, a halt to settlements and lift the blockade. As it stands now, even if they stop the bombing and pull out of Gaza entirely, there is a humanitarian nightmare just beginning to erupt. The IDF destroyed the one power plant that Gaza had. No lights at night. Bombed out hospitals operating on generators. Total nightmare. What's fascinating to me is that I've not heard a peep from Jordan or Saudia Arabia, or any of the Gulf states. The outcry seems to be coming from the West.
  12. Didn't click on the link, but if it was done before the ceasefire, it's irrelevant. It'd be newsworthy if they did it after the ceasefire.
  13. Gay Zombie Sharknados Er, sorry, that went too far.
  14. maqroll


    Preki (Pedrag) Radosavijevic? He played for Everton didn't he? Pretty sure he played in the game at Villa Park during 1992/93 when remarkably (for late 20th Century football) there were 2 Australian goalies on show in the same English Premier League game for the first time (Messrs Bosnich and Kearton - whatever happened to him?). Anyway - surely Preki wasn't American - not with a name like that? Yes, all Americans are named Jones, Smith or Johnson
  15. I think someone is still living in the 90s. mexico is worse now?? but the problem still stems from columbia,peru and bolivia. The problem stems from the insatiable appetite of Americans and Europeans for cocaine, and/or the drug laws that criminalize it.
  16. Rafa Marquez has just signed for Verona. An experienced hand in defense can only be beneficial to little Tony.
  17. Except that the Mexicans were colonists themselves, having already defeated the Aztecs and subjugated the Mestizo masses. Israel as we know it was drafted up in an office building by bureaucrats. I don't think there is an historical parallel that compares to Israel/Palestine.
  18. Grealish looks ready, IMO. Get him in there, cuz he seems to play without any fear and has an attacking instinct that we need so badly in midfield.
  19. What myself and others are extrapolating from the article is a general tone of authoritarianism in the wording of the statement, regardless of the validity of their rules. I was wrong in saying that they aren't in a position to make demands of supporters club members, but they manner in which they have looks clumsy, and it's just bad PR at a time when the club needs all the good PR it can get. But I stand by my "Laying down the law" comment, because that's how it comes across (to some of us). And again, I read the article. But feel free to not believe me!
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