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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. Psychedelic Noir. Very weird film. I liked it, but I'm not sure I'd want to watch it twice.
  2. Just watched "Limitless". Surprisingly enjoyable.
  3. Garden veggies are the best. My old man had a garden for the last 10 years of his life. He really enjoyed it, and he grew some great veggies. This time last year he was harvesting cucumbers and tomatoes.
  4. He'll get lost in the mix at Spurs. I hate to say it, but he'd have been much better off coming to Villa, cuz he'd have a better chance of playing more.
  5. MLS All-Stars 2-Bayern Munich 1 I couldn't be bothered to watch it though...
  6. John Kerry hard at work yesterday
  7. Dunno, to me, this is way too much makeup still. The photo of her at Coney Island, she looks like an all natural beauty.
  8. Tell me more about that 8 round revolver
  9. I think that's funny not because of the rampant lion, but because the whole crest is a scary looking monster
  10. Seems a strange move to make for a guy still in his prime.
  11. This thread is becoming almost as divisive as the "How Do You Wipe Yer Arse" thread.
  12. I gave up red meat about 10 years ago. Pork about 5 years ago. Chicken about 2 year ago. I eat turkey on Thanksgiving and Christmas. We get "kosher" turkey, cuz they say the animals don't suffer. Tastes incredible. I do eat seafood, but sparingly. Tomorrow night I'm going out to dinner with my cousin, and I'll probably end up ordering a scallop dish. Love scallops. But I can go months on a strict veggie diet. Lots of chick peas and pasta, fruits and veggies. I have high blood pressure and high cholesterol (both hereditary) so my diet is good for me. Every now and then I will get cravings though. Just the other night my neighbor was cooking bacon, and you could just about see a cartoon scent waft into my apartment window. But then I really think about bacon and my stomach turns. as a keen diver whose caught more than my fair share of scallops over the years and taken them home to gut and eat , i can tell you now the scallops suffer immensely .. you have to prise them open , ripping the poor thing then you have to use a knife to separate it from the shell ..all the while whilst it is still alive ..often they are still pulsing (probably death throes ) when you chuck them in the pan Somehow the idea of killing and eating a mollusk that lives in a mudbank doesn't seem in anyway similar to killing and eating a mammal. But at the end of the day, we all make compromises in many different ways. You may be right that scallops suffer, and feel pain, and maybe even the emotional distress that comes with pain. And you never know, I may phase out seafood from my diet altogether too...
  13. I gave up red meat about 10 years ago. Pork about 5 years ago. Chicken about 2 year ago. I eat turkey on Thanksgiving and Christmas. We get "kosher" turkey, cuz they say the animals don't suffer. Tastes incredible. I do eat seafood, but sparingly. Tomorrow night I'm going out to dinner with my cousin, and I'll probably end up ordering a scallop dish. Love scallops. But I can go months on a strict veggie diet. Lots of chick peas and pasta, fruits and veggies. I have high blood pressure and high cholesterol (both hereditary) so my diet is good for me. Every now and then I will get cravings though. Just the other night my neighbor was cooking bacon, and you could just about see a cartoon scent waft into my apartment window. But then I really think about bacon and my stomach turns.
  14. It's a boring little budget vehicle, but has it caused problems for you? My experiences with Ford have been very positive.
  15. Do you guys play on servers that tend to be filled with primarily British players?
  16. Most leagues don't have to play in 20F cold with mountains of snow everywhere. I think the schedule works fine as is. Plus it let's players get loaned out to European clubs in January, which is good for the league.
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