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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. maqroll


    Cheers, guys. I think maybe snowy thought I was bigging myself up by saying that I've been substance-free for a while. I was just trying to let Ruge know that it can be done, it had nothing to do with stroking my own ego. I also was not trying to sound superior to anyone who chooses to use whatever they want to use. I was just responding to Rugeley's post, which seemed like he was kind of distressed about his drug use. Sometimes the tone of what we write is not always interpreted the way it's meant to be. I'm hoping that's the case here. This thread went off the rails, didn't it?
  2. useless picked Swansea. Bold flavor.
  3. maqroll


    I'm logging off before I get the urge to have a drink!
  4. maqroll


    Amazing that someone would choose to parse words in order to find something to ridicule in this particular conversation.
  5. maqroll


    Interesting that you consider something that I'm proud of "bullshit". And my encouragement to Rugeley "bullshit".
  6. maqroll


    It isn't. It's giving advice which is fine. Some of the other stuff that you (and others) have posted is puritanical bullshit. Yes. I'm interested in what the "puritanical bullshit" that you think I've posted is.
  7. maqroll


    He's said he feels rage and despair due to his cocaine abuse. He's not posted these things on here for laughs. I've given him some advice based on my own experience beating addiction. If that's "puritanical", so be it. I hope it helps him, even a little bit.
  8. maqroll


    I used to drink too much, and smoke cigarettes. When I did cocaine, I'd just drink harder and smoke more. And sometimes get up to no good behavior. It's all just terrible. They all feed into each other. I'm 10 years drug free, 10 years nicotine free, and 3 years alcohol free. It's a like a grand piano has been lifted off my shoulders. I feel free. Keep trying to live clean. If you slip up, try again. I can't stress enough how vital exercise was for me to getting over the hump. And then just little things like cutting out junk food, eating more vegetables and fruits, drinking lots of water, and herbal tea. Small, healthy steps that restore a positive mentality. Try to find something to pursue, even if it's just reading books about a topic that interests you. Focus on your family. You could open a trust fund for your son, and every time you feel like buying drugs, smokes or booze, tally up what you would have spent on them, and put that money in the trust fund.
  9. maqroll


    Remember the despair and rage and everything you have to lose next time you feel like copping. Go for a run, work up a sweat and get the endorphins flowing through your bloodstream. It's a much cleaner high than putting god knows what up your nose. I speak from experience, I used to abuse drugs, cocaine included. Tell yourself you've had your days of fun, and leave it behind. Otherwise, it could very well ruin you. Feel free to PM me.
  10. I'd love to see him play a full 90 minutes against Newcastle. Let him show what he can do over an entire match. He hardly had a touch yesterday.
  11. He's useful as an 80th minute sub to come on and fly past tired defenders. Bent needs to be in the side until Benteke gets back.
  12. Good post, Legov. You are right, the key word is effective. In the US public school system, It's typically a choice between Spanish or French, but how many high school students graduate having effectively mastered anything about either language? I'd say a very small percentage. In one ear, out the other. That said, for some students, it sticks, and they go on to gain fluency. There is little practical sense in mastering French for US students. I think schools should drop French for Mandarin, and then students would have the choice between two languages that would be useful to them 20 years down the line.
  13. Hopefully PL brings in 2 more good players and with a good result next week, Ron just might be convinced to sign on the line which is dotted.
  14. At least 4 points are vital over the next 2 matches, cuz after those we have a hellish run against top sides.
  15. English is number one; it's the default language around the world for business and diplomacy. That said, you could drive from Patagonia to San Francisco and Spanish would be what you'd want to know. Seeing as we'll all be workers in a Chinese sweat shop eventually, Mandarin should be taught in secondary schools in the West. 1. English 2. Mandarin 3. Spanish
  16. There was a film called "The Killing Fields" back in the mid 80's, based on a true story and friendship between a NY Times journalist and a Cambodian journalist who was captured by the Khmer Rouge. Real waterworks scene toward the end.
  17. 3 of every 4 German submariners were killed in action during WW2.
  18. .unfortunately yes, as we speak the missus is changing the bed because its covered in blood(shes on) and because there is cough cough shit on it
  19. Love it. Meltdown 2.0 is officially underway the new Stewart Downing Who?
  20. Stoke were truly awful, so I'm taking a pinch of salt. Nonetheless, fantastic start to the season. Great work rate from the whole side, very solid debuts by all the new Villans. I'd sit CNZ for Grealish next week, Gabby for Bent and Westwood for Sanchez.
  21. Good effort, just not enough quality in attack. Why Bent is not out there instead of Gabby is dumbfounding. Same old CNZ...
  22. Bent would have buried that, why is he not playing?
  23. maqroll


    Interesting that the only business we were doing all summer was frees...until back to back 4 year money deals.
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