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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. Villa dong their best Brazil impersonation
  2. Clark no idea what he was doing there
  3. Michael Jackson said the opening bass line and drum beat were the inspiration behind "Billie Jean"
  4. Shame that Stilyan Petrov's name will always be linked with Tonev at Villa.
  5. At illegality. Well, haven't you wrapped yourself up in a nice blanket? If the law allows it, then it is legal... Sure, blanket, whatever. I'm not speaking in general terms, here. I'm speaking of this case. There has been a massive influx of foreign fighters to IS, dozens of whom are confirmed Aussies. Australian intelligence determined that illegality was imminent, and acted to thwart it. In this instance, I'm willing to give law enforcement the benefit of the doubt.
  6. Assuming this whole episode sees the light of a courtroom(s) (and clearly it will), police tactics will be called into question, especially if there are people who feel aggrieved at police action. When else would the outcome of the tactics of these particular raids be assessed? I'm sure the raids in theory were legal/constitutional, that the police had probable cause, went to a magistrate for a warrant, etc., so whatever case they have against this guy can actually be heard without being tossed due to lack of proper police procedure. What is possibly in question are the tactics used in the raids, and whether they were over-the-top. What better place than a courtroom to determine that?
  7. At illegality. I don't know what this is referring to.
  8. And know if the manner in which the raids were conducted was appropriate. I'm willing to give law enforcement the benefit of the doubt on this one.
  9. Is it just me that would have laughed my tits off if Hester had slipped over or got caught thanks to his showboating That dance step thing was his tribute to Deion Sanders whose TD return record he was about to break. Sanders was in the stadium as part of the broadcast crew, and that dance step thing was his "creation" back in the day. I do love it though when showboaters get caught and the fumble at the 1 yd line....
  10. Yep, it's a slippery slope, and once the custodians of free societies throw away their handbooks and become agents of surveillance states, we've lost the "war on terror"... We have to hope that the Australians acted within the law.
  11. If a heavy handed police raid on an apartment block is enough to turn someone into a jihadist, I'm guessing they'd have to be pretty well indoctrinated already.
  12. At least Tampa have a cool uniform tweak
  13. I reckon that's not high on the Aussie's list of concerns if they arrested the guys who intended to do these beheadings. Just as it wouldn't be much of a British police concern if they broke a couple of wrong doors down while arresting the two guys who ended up beheading Lee Rigby.
  14. Yep, the hatred is real there, it will be vey interesting to see how Madrid handles a Yes result. It would be a real shame if it led to civil unrest.
  15. No wonder only 150 of them made the trip.
  16. Partizan fans against Spurs UEFA notified of it at halftime, but did nothing.
  17. maqroll


    Nope, Millwall is still a location. I think we've named them all.
  18. Meanwhile 200+ from the Muslim community in Sydney were said to be protesting about the raids. I'd rather 200+ ruffled feathers than 1 single innocent person have their head severed off in a city square. Assuming that the intelligence was correct and the apprehended will be proven guilty, I've no problem if they went in there and scared people out of bed and broke a few windows. Hopefully the courts will determine that the police actions were appropriate given the threat. If they were too heavy handed, then at least the offended live in a country where they can pursue legal recourse.
  19. Larry Ellison just resigned as CEO from Oracle....
  20. Should make for a tense Classico....
  21. Massive raid in Australia yesterday, dozens of Aussie muslims with connections to IS were arrested, with one particular plot revealed to publicly behead a random person in Sydney...there's a huge muslim population in Oz, mostly Lebanese and Syrians, many of whom feel marginalized by Australian society, and probably have no qualms about carrying out atrocities. Good work by Aussie intelligence.
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