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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. Agreed. LFG kept everyone in cities sitting around talking crap in trade chat. Not fun. Also the way they made everything a mad rush to level cap, with the xp boost heirloom gear, the group quests that got nerfed so you could solo them...so many things that turned the game from a unifying social experience into a project in solitude....
  2. I can't help but laugh after the documentary showed their gleaming plasma-cooled swat team secured never exposed to cameras before boner inducing mega server pod of awesomeness, and it all bugs out and crashes on the launch. Not quite the infallible game company after all....
  3. i think maiden were good through powerslave...downhill after that
  4. It's hard to put Iron Maiden on the list because they have succeeded in the industry despite no radio/video play, whereas these other bands are everywhere. I used to love Maiden, but grew out of them. Great music when you're 17, but it doesn't hold up that well when you're in your 40's...I still have loads of respect for them though.
  5. After the Stones stopped doing cover songs, they got quite good, and recorded some very original, vibrant pop rock. After Brian Jones died, they morphed into a blues-rock outfit, and still made good music. Some say when Mick Taylor left, they started to suck, but i still like their stuff up through Tattoo You. But that was 34 years ago. They've been pretty awful ever since. But they had a very good run, IMO.
  6. Not drinking my brand of coffee in the morning. I'm grumpy when I wake up and want everything to go my way.
  7. Yeah, there's a whole industry built up around a cult of death. You can add Sublime to that list, a group who released one album posthumously to it's singers' death, and it went triple platinum. And it's very mediocre.
  8. We should all do a Scotland/Catalonia thing and secede edit: successfully*
  9. I never thought I'd have to queue to get on my shitty low pop server...
  10. Lambert always looks constipated. He's holding on to a big one, and we're in the danger zone
  11. Cleverley would be awesome if he was 4 inches taller and named Gareth Bale
  12. I generally don't quite get them either.
  13. I should have added another 10 bands up there, to be honest. But I still have to go with Aerosmith, what a shit band. They started off ok, then pressed the suck button. Just like Def Leppard. "High and Dry" was a solid hard rock album. Now look at them. Terrible.
  14. Should be wide open with lots of scoring. Another good road test for us.
  15. I predict a big night for Bryce Brown, my DeMarco Murray replacement this week.... COLLUSION!
  16. Hour 3 of crazy lag and d/c issues across lots of realms, apparently. Great start to the day, then everyone running in place and cursing Blizz...
  17. russell brand for fifa prez he will show humanity the way
  18. He'll be off to Man Utd in January. If not then, he'll leave for free in June. I say sell him, reinvest the cash right away. Hopefully Okore will be prepared to give it a go finally as well. Losing Vlaar is not the end of the world, I just hope we hold United's feet to the fire and get 6m for him.
  19. Just finished the opening quest line, and now I'm getting to work on my garrison. Fun so far, the game looks really good, more polished.
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