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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. I like the way okore gets the ball out quick and accurate
  2. It was a red card. Now we will be chasing the game, jeeeezus
  3. Always dress as Boba Fett whenever possible, it's a code I swear by.
  4. I call https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-13ww045Fo
  5. I see your Cassius Clay, and raise you a Joe Frazier-
  6. Rubbish stories or not, the Keane appointment has turned out to be a failure of management. Lambert needs to get a clue, his choice of assistants has been nothing short of ineptitude.
  7. Peter Pan has resigned from the club over the fan forum posts he made
  8. Given that we talk a lot about politics on this board, I am sure this site has had some spooks on it. I wouldn't be surprised if they've put names and faces together.
  9. Sanctions against Britain by the rest of the EU seem highly unlikely, but this is not good. And I bet Germany and maybe other countries are scrambling to find out if any of their own nefarious cloak and dagger operations could be similarly found out.
  10. There were a couple "surveillance" threads floating around, so I thought we could have one catch all thread. The latest from The Intercept
  11. maqroll


    Dick Cheney is appearing on NBC's Meet The Press on Sunday to presumably defend torture. While in office he liked going on Meet The Press, because he could set the parameters and control the message. Let's see if NBC uses the word torture or "advanced interrogation techniques".
  12. maqroll


    Might as well add ABC, CBS, CNN, the New York Times, MSNBC, the BBC, the CBC, Al-Jazeera, Le Monde, Globo, El Mundial, ad infinitum... who do ya trust
  13. maqroll

    Do you read?

    Invisible Cities is genius. Marcovaldo is much more accessible though, and very good. I loved reading Calvino. Not sure I'd have the patience for him now though, I read almost entirely non fiction nowadays. I was about to post the Invisible Cities suggestion. Or Borges. Borges is bonkers. I tried, but couldn't get far.
  14. Watched this, and really liked it
  15. I thought Fellowship was superb, Two Towers was ok, Return pretty good, Hobbit 1 pretty bad, Hobbit 2 better (helped that I watched it with my nephew) I'll be watching the last one of course, for one last trip into Middle Earth. I read the books so long ago, that I haven't noticed any discrepancies that may have otherwise pissed me off.
  16. This trade makes me sad. Not sure Grandal is on the up really? Numbers down since PED suspension and ACL surgery. Don't think he represents that much of an upgrade on AJ Ellis. The two young pitchers don't seem much cop either. I forgot about the injury. But he's still young and I think his ceiling is much higher than Kemp. Anyway, LA didn't want to sign the 30 yr old, often injured and inconsistent Kemp to big money, so they made the deal. Clearly they think Grandal is an improvement on Ellis. Time will tell. But Kemp's power is very patchy, even in Dodger Stadium. In Petco, he'll be a marginal power threat. Kemp post the all-star break was almost at the 2011 MVP* level at the plate. Defensively and on the base paths he was a non factor however. He's hit REALLY well at Petco during his career thus far. No idea if SD achieves anything in the near future but this is a good move for them IMO. It'll definitely put more bums in the seats. Kemp to me is a risky proposition, because at age 30, he has yet to put together two consecutive strong and injury-free seasons. Maybe he'll play looser under the dimmer media glare in SD, and maybe he'll have better luck with injuries. I hope it works out for him and SD. (until they play us.....)
  17. That's where Cespedes could have made sense, and Boston probably viewed it that way too. Your rotation is so strong, that you (perhaps) could have dealt your 3rd starter for Cespedes, which would have been a pretty fair trade as long as you had a long term option on him.
  18. maqroll

    Do you read?

    Invisible Cities is genius. Marcovaldo is much more accessible though, and very good. I loved reading Calvino. Not sure I'd have the patience for him now though, I read almost entirely non fiction nowadays.
  19. maqroll

    Do you read?

    King is a better writer than Manhattan lit snobs would give him credit for, but I think his stuff is better to read the younger you are. Like 16 years old.
  20. Isn't Bob Dylan about to issue a CD of Frank Sinatra covers? Yep. Should be a glorious train wreck.
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