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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. Someone needs to fake an injury to slow this down
  2. Look at all the villa players just walking around while leicester runs
  3. Not disagreeing with what you say but other than a spate of airline hijackings in the early 80's i can't remember Muslims targeting the west specifically until more recent times .... Almost as of Gulf War I was the catalyst rather than the Balfour declaration or the crusades As someone mentioned earlier, the means by which small groups are able wage small battles against the West exist to a much greater degree than ever before. That said, Paris dealt with Algerian bombings back in the 60's. But now that we live in a much more interconnected world, the idea that attacks have arrived at our doorstep is not a surprise. Greater access to a broader variety of weaponry, the ability to communicate via the internet etc., gives them an ability and capability they never had before.
  4. Does lambert tear into his team or brew the tea at halftime
  5. Look at sanchez bossing the midfield, love it
  6. he had a moment there to play it to tekkers
  7. I remember the days of Nigel Bigglesthorpe and Sir Robert Faggot-Pophamberry. I was a ball boy for a season, and I remember we had to personally inflate the balls by mouth. Hard work, but a free steaming mug of cow's blood made it worth the effort. Back then, the Holte End was a just muddy hill, and at halftime, we'd chase a ball of cheese down that hill for entertainment. There was always at least one serious neck injury. I remember the league cup semifinal against Aldershot, when Basil Hoppingbottom headed home the winner. That's when Villa Park could hold 280,000 people. Glorious days. I eventually graduated from ball boy to grounds crew, and I'd spend every Monday after school shoveling cow manure onto the pitch to keep it fertilised. I remember the grounds crew playing a prank on one of the youth team players when we buried him up to his neck in manure. We left him there for three days. He demanded a transfer after that incident, and he was sold to Quigly Town. That player turned out to be Carlton "The Shitkicker" Hogg, and we all know about his exploits for Quigly. I wish we never shoveled a drop of cow shite on that young man. But it's hard to argue against destiny.
  8. If you look at the modern history of the West versus majority Muslim countries, the West wins the title of aggressor hands down. France's North African colonialist oppression, Britain and France meddling in Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan etc., drawing arbitrary borders, creating the state of Israel, supporting the repressive Saudi royals. The USA meddling in Iran and Iraq, overthrowing X and installing Y, and becoming Israel's sugar daddy. There is a reason why they hate us, and it's really not about our "freedoms", it's about us supporting repressive regimes and intentionally keeping the whole area underdeveloped. This is not to excuse the atrocities they commit, usually in the name of their god, but there is a reason they're not mad at Mexico or Finland. There is a civil war going on in the Muslim world, and even if we extracted ourselves in every way from their world, they'd still be at each other's throats. But we make ourselves a very convenient target for their anger and frustration as along as we keep poking their hornets nest. And then we wonder why we got stung.
  9. TheJosh may well have taken the title for dumbest person on the internet. But what's worse is there's like 2 other guys who defend his opinion! LOL
  10. I demand that you take back that apostrophe
  11. Things are going to get rough in France.
  12. Flummoxed by my car battery issue. The thing kept dying every few days, I'd jump it, and then inevitable death. I bought a battery charger and got it to full charge. Last 10 days, no problem. Until yesterday after a very cold night. Then today, after another cold night, it started right up. I'm thinking the battery just doesn't have much juice left, but it's only 2 years old. I'd rather not buy a new battery, but the alternatives aren't much better. Any gear heads have any advice on this?
  13. Weightlifters argue over how many days there are in a week- http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=107926751
  14. That is true. But imagine how he will develop, playing with the likes of Bale and Ronaldo in training. And he will see how hard they train and will hopefully not relax and think he has made it. All in all, I think Ajax would have been the best choice. But I think Madrid is a better choice than becoming the biggest fish in a small German club, where he can "relax". 2 years of first team football at a club like Ajax who have a brilliant youth development pedigree and then a big move would have been the smart choice. Real Madrid is where established stars from other top leagues go to sit on the bench, let alone unproven prodigies.
  15. Maybe us at VillaTalk can pass around a collection plate and send it to Randy, just to get us over the hump
  16. This situation sums up where we are right now in the United States. There are those of us who are repulsed by his glee in killing "savages" and who think that a film celebrating him is racist pro military state propaganda, and those that think he's a hero "defending our freedom", and that those critical of Kyle and the film should be shot as well. One look at Twitter and you heart sinks.
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