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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. QB without a personal agenda
  2. maybe delph signed cuz he was told there are a few more quality signings coming this week...and I'm sure his contract has a release clues if relegated but sinclair and ba, while not boner-inducing, would easily make for a more formidable attack
  3. Another gripe I have with the PC mentality is some of it's more strident practitioners literally want to ban books. It's the point at which the left goes so far left that they merge seamlessly with the right. There are numerous American novels, some considered classics, who have characters who use the word "nigger". For this reason alone, there have been calls for these books to be removed from college curriculums, disregarding the value of the books as entire works, and the lessons to be learned from racially charged words and terms that were bandied about liberally in mainstream literature 125 years ago. Banning books at a university. Boggles the mind.
  4. Please elaborate. The dog the Dambusters had was named after a racial epithet beloved of rappers. It's become a bit of a talking point over the years as they want to remake a Dambusters film and the dog is a surprisingly important element of the story (although ultimately it's name doesn't matter, but for accuracy...) Ah right, I remember hearing about this
  5. He hit a serious dry patch with Newcastle after being prolific for a while. It's basically what ended his spell with them.
  6. I agree with this 100%. What I have a problem with is when offended people conjure up outrage from their own misinterpretation of an action, a statement, a word, etc. It reminds me of an incident in D.C. several years ago when a white aide to the black mayor used the word " niggardly" to describe someone. A black staffer took offense to the word, mistakenly correlating it to the word nigger. It became a mini scandal and the mayor forced the white guy to resign. When clearer thinking eventually prevailed, the guy was rehired, but it's this kind of stupidity that can lead to blind groupthink which can be very destructive and also make it harder for a legitimate claim of racism be heard amongst the din.
  7. There's also the United Negro College Fund, still in existence, but also hasn't bothered to update it's name to better reflect the times. There exists an Offended-Industrial-Complex here in the States which reigns supreme on university campuses and on left leaning blogs and websites just waiting to pounce on every new "microaggression". Heterosexual white men are almost exclusively the target. Some deserve to be called out on their racism or sexism or elitism, but all too often the OIC makes a mountain from a molehill and weakens any subsequent legitimate gripe the offended might have. Cabbagepatch seems to have been given a pass, largely helped by his own quick mea culpa, and maybe the fact that he's viewed as someone from a background that didn't expose him to everyday common parlance.
  8. Spores from the mold of what fruit were used for the first mass production of penicillin?
  9. Yes, well played Lambert. A loan deal to see if he can still kick a ball, then reassess.
  10. It's possible under the Delap Clause; Section B28, Article 519.
  11. What a bunch of criminal masterminds. This Poyser guy got the longest sentence too. Look at his dead eyes. All of them look like remorseless scumbags. I hope they do their full sentences and rot.
  12. 25 point bonus if you pick the exact scoreline. I'm still in this!
  13. Fabian needs to start scoring goals.
  14. Coastal town south of Boston-
  15. As a back pain sufferer, I find this post rather exciting, actually.
  16. Did Rugley sneeze? Doubly appropriate GIF, cuz that character from Blow is from the Boston area, waheeee
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