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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. Seeing as we are deemed crap - shouldn't that be shit-outs??
  2. Sherman is just a trash talker. Plenty of guys talk trash, it's part of the game. I like Sherman, cuz he's like Gronk, only smarter and not as goofy.
  3. maqroll


    ultimate troll job there
  4. NICEEEEE Public Enemy sampled the hell out of that tune
  5. Gonna have to add that to my list. Right now it's: Gone Girl Nightcrawler Inherent Vice
  6. maqroll


    I don't quite see the appeal of it as a spectator sport, but enjoy playing. I'd prefer to watch billiards or table tennis before darts.
  7. I keep going back and forth with how I pronounce "data". For most of my life, I pronounced it like "Day-duh" Lately I've been calling it "DA-duh" half the time. I'm confused and annoyed by this development.
  8. Looking at their website, they haven't changed a thing since the 80s, lol. But that look is in style again, only took 25 years to come back around.
  9. League goals scored from Villa midfielders this season: 1, Joe Cole.
  10. Whatever happened to PONY sportswear?
  11. IMO, the international community needs to give them incentive to fight beyond just for their immediate survival. An independent Kurdish state is long overdue in northern Iraq. Kurdistan, FTW. That would be one big step towards the ultimate goal of stabilizing the area.
  12. if Fox was as smart as he'd like us to believe, he'd have 5 names on speed dial ready to replace Lambert at a moment's notice.
  13. Sadly, I think perpetual war in the Middle East is what buoys the stock of Lockheed Martin and Raytheon et al and thwarts any meaningful and effective attempts at resolving these conflicts. Eisenhower's warning was spot on, but nobody listened.
  14. Nah, I can't stand him. He's a big dumb jock, but he's gregarious and clearly has fun. He's not one of those boring, sullen, monotone a-holes that are so common in sports. I like Gronk.
  15. Nah, if sports can make you jump for joy and scream and hug people, sports can also rip your heart out and crush your soul, and if tears are an emotional outlet for someone under either scenario, I've got no problem with that. Being a passionate fan can be emotional. Being a Boston and Villa fan, I've had plenty of heartache, but I've never cried. I've destroyed inanimate objects out of pure rage, however.
  16. These crazed jihadis just keep coming though, that's the problem. Wherever there is a weakened government, they take root. (Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria). Iraq was a basket case in many respects under Saddam Hussein, but it was a stable basket case, and Al-Qaeda nor ISIS would have ever dared to set foot inside Iraq if he was still in charge. It seems to me the best way to destroy these terrorist groups is to try to stabilize (sorry Tony) these countries so there are no power vacuums to be exploited. We can bomb targets forever and they'll still keep coming, because the bombing only perpetuates the instability. ISIS wants and needs us to fight them, that's their whole raison d'être. So we can keep playing into their hands, and they can keep recruiting for the Holy War they're fighting. An alternative strategy would be humanitarian missions, military engagement only in defense (sorry Tony) of refugees, and hardcore diplomatic efforts to try and get these countries more functional and less of a magnet and breeding ground for psychopaths.
  17. It'll be interesting to see just how ferocious Jordan's response is besides killing the prisoners they had.
  18. I remember seeing a beheading video years ago and still haunts me to this day. Horrible horrible stuff. I guess morbid curiosity got the better of you, as it did me, all those years ago. I remember those Faces of Death movies. A buddy of mine loved that kind of crap. I always hated it. I've refused to watch any of these ISIS videos. They want us to see them. **** ISIS.
  19. I have no problem with the Edelman sign, Sherman was boasting about 24 points to the camera, now it's a meme used to rib him. He's a big trash talker, so he can take it. The Bitch Mode shirt is classless, and pretty bold coming from a RB who isn't nearly as good as Lynch. Pats brass should've been on that. Bad manners from Blount there, especially with kids in the crowd.
  20. Boston police played down the situation, calling it a "non-factor"....
  21. 1. In a motor vehicle with an open alcoholic container 2. Littering 3. Lewd and Lascivious Behavior "Gronkgate"
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