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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. Pointless bringing on Westwood instead of Gil. Unless he was going for the draw which is a negative approach at 65 minutes and at home having won 3 straight games. And as it was, we couldn't even manage a draw, partly because Westwood couldn't quite break up the play that started their move. Swansea at home was a game we really need all 3 points from considering the fixtures coming up.
  2. Grats to Kath Viner, the first female Editor-in-Chief of the Guardian.
  3. maqroll


  4. the dancing is almost as good as the non-lip syncing
  5. Calling Villa Park a "sh*t ground" is just demonstrably incorrect, as anyone with eyes ears and half a brain would tell you
  7. Black beans with jalapeños and India Pale Ale
  8. It's surely no different to the likes of trailer park trash, po' white trash, redneck, hillbilly, good ole'boy, hick and so on. Or the northern city equivalents, like Townie or Guido, or the insidious "Wigger", which is pretty ugly.
  9. It's incredible isn't it? I try to guess the area where [insert talking head here] is from, but if it's not Scouse, Brummie, Cockney, or Southwest where they have rhotic accents, I often struggle. If it's a strong Yorkshire accent I can sometimes guess that one too.
  10. Being a bit of an Anglophile, having lived with English people and and being on here every day for the last 10 years, I've definitely picked up phrases and words and use them sometimes with Americans who look at me like I have two heads, or probably think I'm trying to be something I'm not. But when nothing else can describe a situation like "taking the piss" can, it's hard not to use some British terms sometimes.
  11. Baby snatcher! That's incredible man, you deserve some public recognition, is this in the news at all?
  12. when you've got no one but yourself to blame
  13. Haha, yeah, that example is pretty extreme, (and stupid). I think what explains the phenomenon is that because The USA has been such a dizzying ethnic melting pot, immigrants clung to their heritage as a way to keep a semblance of normalcy during a time of upheaval and hardship in their lives. Ethnic bonds were strengthened as a means to gain traction as a group. Just about every European immigrant group succeeded because they were able to establish themselves this way. So whereas one's ethnicity and traditions seemed an afterthought in Europe, in America they became an instrument to get a foothold and gain power. Those ethnic tags stuck, even if one's relationship to Europe became more and more tenuous over time and generations. But it's also been a way to differentiate oneself from other groups. Italians and Jews could be mistaken for each other, Germans and Danes, etc., so loudly and proudly declaring your ethnicity could sometimes save your skin. It's also a pastime here to talk about how your family came here and how they established themselves. The stories can be incredible, and usually are. I think a lot of Americans also feel like they owe it to their immigrant ancestors not to forget where they came from, and we shouldn't. Despite the time and distance, we carry on the same traditions, share the same myths, sing the same songs. So I think its natural if part of us wants to feel a connection with the land where we draw so much of our identity. I'm American, but I'm also Irish, Dutch, English and Italian. Maybe it seems silly to you, but it's fundamental to me. It adds more meaning to my life.
  14. If the fight is going to be as boring as you predict, who could blame those "idiots" for booing having spent thousands of dollars for a seat? Strange post.
  15. I can't recall the last fight that generated this level of hype. Maybe Tyson-Holyfield 2...The fact that these guys dragged their feet on this fight for so long may have actually turned it into a bigger spectacle now, even though they're both past their prime. In any event, the fight will break all kinds of records, the money flow is going to be silly, the spectacle will be one of those boxing events that only happen a few times in one's adult life, if that. So......what do you guys think? Who is going to win?
  16. I miss the old days But I've come to the conclusion that "You can never go home again" applies to WoW as well...
  17. It seems like it's used more as "completely" or "totally" in the UK, whereas the article addresses its use as "very." It's funny, because when I hear someone say, "That's quite good," to my ears it sounds kind of English in an archaic way-- and that makes sense since so often we Americans like to imagine British people mostly being from the year 1915 or so. Imagine what, I took this photo last year in London I like how the font is gothic so the Germans could understand what it says
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