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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. Leicester City 1 Newcastle United 1 Aston Villa 2 Everton 1 Liverpool 2 Queens Park Rangers 0 Sunderland 0 Southampton 0 Swansea City 1 Stoke City 1 West Ham United 1 Burnley 0 Manchester United 2 West Bromwich Albion 0 Chelsea 2 Crystal Palace 0 Tottenham Hotspur 1 Manchester City 2 Hull City 0 Arsenal 4
  2. Jordan Valley, Chindie. Jordan Valley.
  3. Yep, season 3 is almost unwatchable. First 2 were good though. My sister has been raving about "Broadchurch"....is it any good?
  4. Counting Crows Matchbox 20 Dave Matthews Band DIE
  5. Mendelsohn, the actor who plays Danny is an absolute force of nature, and I hope he gets more good roles. The guy deserves awards for that performance.
  6. Great episode of "American Experience" on PBS last night about the US-South Vietnamese evacuation of Saigon as the NVA was closing in. Absolutely harrowing stuff, and some incredible heroism and compassion by high ups and regular Marines. Someone said something about war bringing out not only the worst in man, but the best. The latter applied to the evacuation, even though about 420 people were stranded at the US embassy. But they were able to evacuate about 150,000 Vietnamese in just a few days, and most of that number in the last 24 hours, a deadline which was going to be enforced by the NVA. Stunning program, look for it if you can, it's called Last Days of Vietnam.
  7. Who will draft the rapist? Helps to play in a dome.
  8. He authored this article about the development of Chinese investment in football which made for an interesting read, in particular the bit linking it to government policy. This seems to me to be the latest successor to the wave of Arab ownership and Russian ownership prior to that. I don't see what reason there is to be any more apprehensive about a Chinese influx. I genuinely believe it's because they "are all the same" to some. You know, the fellas with the funny eyes. Personally I am fascinated by how they might bring their cultural and business values (as well as their wealth) to a big club. I'll admit, it unsettles me, because the language and culture are so completely foreign, it's pure guesswork as to how they might run Villa. Russians and Arabs understand football, in China, football barely registers on the scene. A Yank like Lerner who spent years in England and speaks the language, can at least appreciate the tradition and splendor of a club like Villa, and despite his failings, has always honored the club in this regard. I worry about people who may not appreciate what they've got, especially if they'd be perfectly content buying West Brom.
  9. I can go to the store and by a 2 litre bottle of high quality Russian vodka, and I can do it every day if I wanted to. But I don't, because I'd be a total mess. Unfortunately, some alcoholics actually DO buy a huge bottle of vodka every day. You can't stop someone from self destructing if they are dead set on it. But do they deserved to be punished for it? Should alcohol be banned? There is also the question of government overreach. Does the government have the right to decide what I can or cannot put in my body? I say no they do not. Does the government have the right to prosecute me for crimes committed while under the influence of some substance? Absolutely. I think Denmark and Holland and Portugal have it right. They are not willfully blinding themselves to human nature. They've determined that it is in their countries best interest to make drugs legal and safe. Criminal gangs are put out of business, and quality of life is raised collectively. Treatment and education are the best means to address drug addiction. Not courtrooms and prison terms. You don't deserve to be in prison for using cocaine. And unless your dealer was knowingly selling rat poison to people, he doesn't deserve prison either, in my opinion.
  10. It's easy to envision a nightmare scenario...but the truth of the matter is, is that when heroin WAS legal, it was hardly a scourge. If it were legal again now, the same people who choose not to use drugs will continue not to use drugs, with some exceptions, probably a spike in recreational use initially, but then things would find their natural level. (Pure guesswork here, but not unfounded, I think) I used to be on the fence about abortion rights. I thought maybe it should only be legal for cases of rape or medical necessity. But my sister convinced me otherwise. She said women have always and will always find a way to abort fetuses, even if it means sticking a rusty coat hanger up there to do it. And she's right. That's why abortion services run by doctors should be universally accessible and legal and safe. I equate the abortion debate with the drug legalization debate. People have always and will always seek out and use drugs. Is it not in society's best interest to make those drugs legal and safe? The amount of drug related crime and accidental deaths would plummet. It seems counterintuitive maybe, especially if you're talking about hard drugs like heroin and methamphetamine. But all you need to do is look at how things are now. It's a nightmare. Here in New England, there's been a string of bad heroin over the last few years and hundreds of people have died. But if people knew that what they were snorting, smoking or injecting was consistent from fix to fix, deaths would go way down. And there's only one way to achieve consistency of quality and strength, it's through governmental regulation.
  11. maqroll


    25. Missed a few sitters.
  12. Everton are a mediocre side, and we're playing at home and in good form overall....why do you predict a big loss?
  13. Because I think it should be legal, yes. It is a travesty of public policy that is proven to be ineffective. There will always be another dealer willing to fill the void, but the machinery of the "War on Drugs" grinds on. Until there is a fundamental shift in how we view drugs, nothing will change.
  14. Of course Albrighton gets the goal. OF COURSE.
  15. I have seen it, and known people who have died from it. I also know people who have died from alcohol poisoning, and lung cancer from smoking. If you were to tally up the number of deaths due to over consumption of alcohol, chronic drinking, drunk driving, fatal violence and accidents due to alcohol compared to heroin, alcohol wins in a landslide. Now, if heroin were made legal and quality/safety measures were introduced, overdoses would plummet, and most of the crime related to heroin addiction (burglary, petty theft) would also plummet. The difference between alcohol and heroin is drunk people tend to become aggressive and make terrible decisions by fighting, driving, gambling, etc. The heroin user usually just wants to sit on the sofa. The problem starts when the quality and potency of the supply becomes unpredictable and people OD. If you had a reputable heroin company (Like Bayer once was), OD deaths would be rare. Not to mention the fact that hundreds of thousands of non violent heroin users and dealers are locked up in prison, which is a travesty, especially for the users. Same goes for marijuana and cocaine etc. Make drugs legal, tax them, regulate them, take the criminality out of it and watch as societies are uplifted.
  16. Alcohol and Tobacco kill millions more people every year than heroin. Should liquor store and corner shop owners be shot too? I think if you're a dope dealer with a bad batch but continue to sell it, you should have your legs broke and put in a cage for a long time if people die from it. But there's a double standard in play when it comes to legal and illegal substances. The social cost of alcohol is almost immeasurable compared to heroin.
  17. One of the few songs that are better than the original. Great romp of a tune.
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