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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. No...but there are millions of white and even some black Southerners who think the Confederate flag stands for "Heritage Not Hate", ignoring the fact that the Confederacy was set up primarily to protect the system of slavery.
  2. Maybe not letting psyco's pack heat would be a good start. Until the Yankee gun laws are changed you are always going to get incidents like this. That's not what Jamie was getting at, we were talking more about race relations than gun violence, although both are clearly problematic
  3. So, we still talking about a 19 year old enjoying his vacation?
  4. We've been looking at ourselves for the last 50 years though, and the same issues exist. I agree, the flags and statues are only symbolic, but I just don't know if there's a cure for what the real problem is.
  5. S.C. is the only state that still flies the complete flag. And the flag is fixed at full mast. So when the state lowered the American flag to half mast after the shooting, the Confederate flag appeared extremely conspicuous and highly insulting given the circumstances.
  6. In the wake of the Charleston church massacre, there's a big push to have the Confederate flag removed from Southern state capitol buildings, and state flags, as well as statues of Jefferson Davis (Confederate President). And even right wing Southern pols are agreeing that they should go. Really amazing, actually. It will not be popular with a lot of conservative voters though, which makes it a hot potato issue as the presidential primaries get going. Should be fascinating to watch it all unfold.
  7. I kind of like that they don't spell the plot out for you at every turn. You're left to work it out on your own. Which I'm still trying to do....
  8. The conversation was about coffee, not freeze dried caffeinated granules. They don't even say coffee on the tins. My grandmother considered "real" coffee to be the instant stuff. She recoiled in horror once when I offered her a freshly ground and brewed cup of Hawaiian Kona, the silly bird.
  9. one of the dumbest players I've ever seen kick a ball for villa waste of raw talent
  10. why the word soccer infuriates so many people its a word created by the english and adopted by americans, aussies, canadians and kiwis. to this day the term soccer is still used by the bbc, world soccer magazine, etc. why the ffff is it such an annoyance to people
  11. non story that is being stoked by the red tops in search of anything they can use to sell papers can we move on now
  12. How many more times what? Will he be passed out on the street? Hopefully none. Will he be photographed sitting in a chair? Probably hundreds. It depends what we want to hang him for really. How many more times will he be photographed with carrots is the real question. How many more times Jack? Carrot Thief, call the police
  13. great beard by keano. embarrassing how lambert copied him. what a sad and depressing photo. shudder
  14. Vaughn has a kind of natural charisma which probably allowed him to break into Hollywood. Good looks when he started out didn't hurt either. But whereas Farrell gets better and better as an actor, Vaughn has plateaued off. He doesn't have the ability to get out of his own way, which is sort of the key to being a good actor.
  15. Douchebag of a player. Yeah, I said it.
  16. Just finished watching Ep1 of the 2nd season. It's good, but not near the sensuous feast of the first one. They did a good job of setting up a few different story lines, and it has it's very good moments. Vince Vaughn is still corny, unfortunately. Just not a great actor, even with decent writing. Farrell is much better, and support cast is good. But the phenomenon of the original is not going to be replicated on this one.
  17. maqroll

    Carles Gil

    i hope he gets a fair shake
  18. Had a waitress at the bar I work at ask me to tell her how much change she should give a customer if the check was $22.68 and the customer gave her $25.00. She said she wasn't good at math. Another waitress ordered a Tanqueray margarita. She didn't know the difference between a margarita and a martini. Brutal.
  19. Just back from this seaside bar. Never seen so much bad white people dancing in my life. Off beat, clapping wildly, jerky spastic body movements. And no inhibitions about it, bless em.
  20. So many other factors involved. Imminent proprietorship Negligable earnings versus volatile asset transferables Modified speculative market rating Fiscal viscocity Preemptive liquidity analysis Executive flatulence Any deal is far from done IMO
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