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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. Palestinian protesters...half comprised of undercover Israeli security forces who suddenly turn on them, kick the shit out of one of them and respond to rocks with a hail of gunfire
  2. maqroll


    can't wait to see it all go tits up
  3. Nah, he's not going anywhere until June
  4. Things starting to heat up again in Israel/Palestine...With Obama on his way out, and Netanyahoo re-elected, the Zionists might be thinking they can start making more incursions again.
  5. plenty on here have always maintaned a healthy skepticism about Fox
  6. The Leicester game was a total Sherwood bottle job, and it's has been the players' psychological burden ever since. Joker.
  7. Yep. What we need is a pragmatic manager who will set the team on a course where we can start getting some **** results. We aren't going to finish higher than 15th, even with a manager change. But if we don't make a change, we are going DOWN. It's been 5 straight years of this flirting with relegation bollocks, and eventually we will simply GET RELEGATED. We have a manager who was useful in a short term, has a decent eye for young talent, but beyond that, has proven to be the number one hindrance to even drawing at home against crap opposition. He needs to go. Now.
  8. My Dad got me the World at War box set for the Christmas before he died. We'd watched some of it together on TV, and we both loved it. I miss my Dad, cuz he loved history, and was always keen to talk about it. Hard to find people like that.
  9. Chelsea struggling? No problem, just play Aston Villa.
  10. More toilet paper needed. What a shit show.
  11. It'd be nice to see the same team sheet for a stretch of time. For me, I'd go with: ---------------------------Guzan-------------------------- Hutton---------Richards-------Clark----------Amavi --------------Gana----------------Veretout-------------- Adama-----------------Gil---------------------Grealish ----------------------Gestede----------------------------- Is this lineup relegation fodder?
  12. maqroll


    "Magic carpet ride of development" HAHAHA
  13. Well, let's see what happens. Somewhat telling that there has been total silence from Lerner and Fox, and no players have been rolled out to say anything in support of the manager.
  14. Sorry I thought everyone had seen this https://youtu.be/tiPkYt09awo Haha, no, I hadn't seen it. A reading my post again makes me sound like an old fuddy duddy
  15. Nah, it's only Monday night still. If he's not out by Wednesday, he'll be here for the Chelsea match.
  16. I could pick 20 members of VILLA TALK to pick a proper side, set the team up right according to the opposition and make astute substitutions. Delegate all the training ground stuff and dressing room talk to Wilkins and Co. Sorted. And I'm serious.
  17. Sabathia to miss playoffs for alcohol rehab, must be pretty severe...
  18. Same, can't stand all their fair weather fans and the ugly dome and fake turf.
  19. Blimey, Fox is copping it now......He was fantastic a few months ago, as was Sherwood. I would like to know who & where all these messiah's are. Its the blame culture at its best......I'M Sorry guys.....We are haemarroging goals in every match resulting in unacceptable results. What the answer is, I don't know.....but it seems to me for what we are criticising sherwood for changing the team until he gets it right( and i do share your concerns)..... we are promoting the same process with managers.....just keep sacking them until we get a winning one. By and large, I think Fox is a benefit to the club at this point in time. But he's not infallible, and if I think he's made a mistake, I'll say so. You might dismiss it as "Blame culture at it's worst", but I just call it assessing his performance. He made the right move sacking Lambert, but he made the wrong move extending his contract last September. He's also made a pretty massive error in not having an open interview process for the full time job, instead just giving it to Sherwood. It shows he's a bit naive on the football side of things. Just about everything Sherwood has done since the Bournemouth game has been shambolic. His interview in which he essentially admits he doesn't have even a semblance of a plan or philosophy should really make you pause and wonder if he's in fact in over his head, and just how much longer we can afford to keeping fumbling around in the dark like this. You call it blame culture, I call it critical thinking.
  20. It's pretty damning stuff. Maybe he wants to get fired?
  21. His slouching in his seat in the dugout when the score was 0-0 really pissed me off. Way to instill confidence and spirit, Tim.
  22. Ignoring any possible jokes that might exist within your post, I'd recommend a regular white caulk and just paint over it...or if you don't want to paint it, use a clear caulk, but you'll still see it's sheen.
  23. Still, should be a great **** series
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