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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. Total bullshit, and exactly what I'm talking about. They are dissecting down the natural flow of the game to a point where it becomes unwatchable. Everyone on the field and in the stands knew that was a catch and fumble, but hold on, THE NFL has a different idea.
  2. TRS with a 2 game advantage at this point is probably enough to win it, TBH
  3. "If you're going to San Francisco, please be sure to stick a flower in your arse" sorry...
  4. I bet you Manning isn't injured at all, it's just P.R. to "explain" his collapse. Great player, but he's finished.
  5. Sanders has big support on the coasts, but in middle America and the South he may as well be from Mars.
  6. Maqroll Watford 1-3 ManUtd Chelsea 1-0 Norwich Everton 2-1 Villa Newcastle 0-2 Leicester Southampton 1-0 Stoke Swansea 2-1 Bournemouth WestBrom 0-3 Arsenal ManCity 2-0 Liverpool Spurs 2-1 WestHam Palace 2-0 Sunderland http://pastebin.com/XiPuuxVt
  7. I didn't know Burnley fans despised Blackburn so much. There are some YT vids that will make you blush
  8. And whoever the next US prez is, they'll be more of a war hawk than Obama, even though he's a war criminal.
  9. Thats why the Putin-Obama photo must have them soiling their robes.
  10. lemme check if i have fs1 where i am, thanks
  11. Yeah, hopefully. I'm just being a bit of a curmudgeon, sorry man
  12. Likable guy with good points to make, but as a practicing member of one of the Abrahamic religions, he has some core beliefs that are pretty **** crazy
  13. My point was more that they won't mind one bit if the Allied powers and Russia too all get bogged down in one sloppy mess for a while.
  14. So my sister who is 46 has had a couple of brain scans done cuz she's been complaining of memory lapses, concentration lapses, fatigue. Our dad's mum had Alzheimer's and my dad complained of memory loss in the few years before he died of cancer. (His brother also died of Alzheimer's, so its in the family blood). So my sister's been worried. And rightfully so, because the results show a (paraphrasing) contraction of the brain, and brain matter loss well beyond normal for a person of her age. Her doctors say it could be: Lupus Lyme's disease Multiple Scelorosis Alzheimer's So, the first two are treatable, but still a struggle, the second two pretty devastating. She's getting bloodwork over the next month and should know what it is by New Years'. It's really scary, TBH, and I am heartbroken that she has to deal with this, because she is just starting to make some real strides in her writing, but she hasn't written anything recently because she can't focus. ****.
  15. And all the while, China is sitting back, watching, and waiting...
  16. hmmm, suddenly can't post YT link like usual
  17. Quite right. The near term strategy should be to try and decimate them and cripple their operations. But long term, it's the Saudis who bankroll them, and who will bankroll whoever comes after them that is the problem. And to bring it full circle, it's the US/UK funding of the Saudis which seemingly makes the problem totally intractable. Too much money being made on this strife to slow it down anytime soon. So what is the real solution?
  18. Blue ribbon to anyone who can guess at least 3 of them without looking it up
  19. That photo of Obama and Putin should strike fear into ISIS. With France and the UK as well, hopefully we can obliterate them. The tricky part happens after that. Like what to do with Assad. We could end up in a geopolitical quagmire with Russia propping up Assad while looking lustily at Iraqi oilfields and threatening our position in the broader Gulf region.
  20. They do, we are. Corbyn talked about it yesterday.
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