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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. Other than the state, it would be the targeted person him or herself. In the case of Jihadi John, he declared himself an enemy of the state by his actions. If some English psychopath in Borneo was targeting English tourists and killing them, and there was no authority to stop him from continuing, I think it reasonable for Britain to use it's intelligence apparatus to eliminate said psychopath *if* capture and trial was unlikely or too dangerous.
  2. High marks for out of context quote The point is, if you are an enemy combatant of the state, proven by your actions, you should forfeit your rights as a citizen and the protection under the law citizenship affords. Jihadi John is a case in point. He butchered Englishmen for the Islamic State. Was he not then fair game for elimination? As a pacifist (believe it or not), ideally such characters would be captured, returned home and made to stand trial, but if there is a continuing threat from such men to continue to murder combatants, and, more egregiously, non-combatants, then they should be targeted. But better yet, I believe, (believe it or not) that this wouldn't even be an issue if we just stayed the **** out of the Middle East.
  3. If a racist killer with a gun, or a psycho maniac with a rifle start shooting at a police officer, the officer has the right to shoot to kill. If a citizen of a country who takes up arms with a group or militia or army who have declared war on said country, I believe that country has the right to shoot to kill. What's the difference? If a bad guy wants a trial, he should surrender.* *I fully understand that this statement conflicts with the Guantanamo extrajudicial affront to justice that has occurred.
  4. Fox is a spin doctor, no doubt about it. But that's his job, I suppose. He's the big smile back slapper who smoothes over the edges (or tries to).
  5. In fantasy baseball, there is head to head, but also rotisserie, which is solely points based, and subsequently a better measurement of manager skill than the flukiness and luck of head to head which can obscure manager skill (which has clearly happened to me in this league this season ) I wonder if Yahoo does roto NFL too...
  6. I think we need a bit of luck to kickstart the revival. A fluke win on a fluke goal, anything to get some momentum going. If Swansea, Sunderland, Norwich and even Chelsea continue to struggle, then there is still light ahead, an opening...it's possible to do this. Cue The Great Escape song...
  7. Ha, well, let's see. I scored more points than two of the playoff teams and came within just 17 points of surpassing two more. So that's down to luck, and why head to head is not the ideal measurement for a manager's skill. I lost my top two draft picks to injury as well, which has played no small part in my 5-9 record. I'll be back next year with a an appetite for destruction...
  8. <-----------------Winning the Pick 'em league, bitches!
  9. I resubbed the other day, cuz I had a few nights in a row with nothing to do. I decided to level my monk who I'd left off at 90. I'm 93 now, questing as Windwalker, and healing dungeons. The healing thing is still pretty foreign to me, but I'm viewing it as a challenge. The first one I ran the tank said I was a great healer, the second one I ran, I barely kept everyone alive, it was a complete shitshow. But I am enjoying it, which is nice. When I ding 100, I'll unsub again. But it's always good to check in on Azeroth. I took my 100 Alliance hunter up to the Hinterlands, just for the atmosphere. I saw a Horde warlock and helped him with a quest.
  10. It could be worse, you could have joined the other draft league...
  11. We are a couple of wins away from dragging ourselves out of the bottom. It is still just December. With a couple of impact buys in January and a little momentum, we can see ourselves to safety. I understand the fatalism, but there is a fight on, and we need to take our gloves off for it and get behind the manager and players! UTV!
  12. To make us think you don't really care if you win, when clearly you do
  13. I am of two minds with Leicester. I want them to break the Sky monopoly. But they are still Leicester City, whose supporters were singing our name mockingly yesterday. The only thing they want more than to see us go down is to win the league. So really, at the end of the day, I hope they capitulate at some point to the pressure and go on a losing streak.
  14. maqroll


    Yeah, no excuses for Fabregas, Hazard and Costa. Hazard always struck me as aloof, so maybe now that things are going badly, he can't really be bothered. Never struck me as a real team guy.
  15. Having read the books back in the 80's, I always wished they'd make movies of them. 30 years later, it's an MTV series. They clearly put some money into it, but I can't help but think it won't capture the magic of the books.
  16. Watch Cueto do his elbow again within 2 years.
  17. Thats what you get for being a cocky bastard
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