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Everything posted by maqroll

  1. Not quite...but the NRA is working on it.
  2. We'll find out in Cleveland soon enough. But it's not looking good.
  3. AR-15 military assault rifles are legally available in many states, some of which allow for open carry. The dude in the camo t shirt and rifle in Dallas had that right. When the DPD put his photo up on their Twitter feed calling him a suspect, they signed his death warrant. Good thing the guy turned his rifle over to police, who let him walk away. That dude was probably minutes away from having his head blown off by pissed of police.
  4. The US Navy has confirmed "American Sniper" Chris Kyle lied about receiving the Silver Star medal. #whatahero
  5. It's still a crisis. And what's worse is gun ownership has rocketed while gun laws have loosened.
  6. It's really hard not to feel totally hopeless about this country. I'm going to a protest tonight, and in the back of my mind I wonder if some psycho redneck is gonna pull up and start shooting. It's a legitimate fear. Imagine being stuck deep in the ghetto though. Bullets fly at you from all directions, every day. Every big city in America has a little war zone of it's own. People have no future. The middle class is disappearing, the working class is being pushed to the brink..homeless are everywhere, people are paranoid and reactionary, and gun sales are at an all time high. I read today that more American civilians have been killed by gunfire over the last 10 years than all the American soldiers killed in WW2. I'm just assuming that it's true.
  7. It's brutal. I was watching Sky News coverage of the Dallas shootings, and it was like I was listening to adults not snot nosed shitheads
  8. A fifth cop has died now...
  9. A fourth suspect is holed up in a parking garage right now...total nightmare
  10. I'm not sure that argument lines up with the current situation. Police have plenty of guns already. the only way Trump can exploit this is to find a muslim or immigrant connection, or promote a false one.
  11. If he can blame this on muslims or immigrants, then yeah
  12. That's not even being discussed right now, the whole thing is so static...I'm worried things are going to really spin out of control beyond this current madness.
  13. 4 cops dead, 3 more in critical condition. Bomb threat to boot. **** hell.
  14. Two more black men murdered in cold blood by police in a 48 hour span. Marches and protests all over the country, and in Dallas things got really ugly, with three cops killed by sniper fire. It's going to be a long **** summer.
  15. David Trezeguet for the trifecta
  16. Let's hope this is a better game than yesterday's
  17. Fat Norm was golfing pigeons in his local park at the time, the guy who they sent to the UN was Colin Powell, who proceeded to make the case for the invasion, even though he doubted the veracity of the intelligence he was provided. That's because there was none. The "Yellow Cake", the "Meeting in Prague"...all proven lies.
  18. Based on what? In retrospect, it was just about the worst possible thing to do in a country like that. Our governments act as if "democracy" is the end all be all, while mocking it every day through their own diabolical control methodology, and how it's applied on a local, national and global level. Hussein was a psychotic asshole, but he served an important function which has become all too clear now. If they wanted regime change without a massive military expenditure (and all the juicy profits to be made from it), they could have done it through the tried and tested CIA way. But there was bloodlust, and a cabal of people who were drunk on power, mentally unsound, and wanted to destroy a country.
  19. Bush was just a dumb flunky, the architects of the whole thing were the insane Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld and Cheney, all three of whom should be perishing behind bars, if The Hague had any legitimate mandate. The whole **** thing is the biggest black mark on America and Britain since the slave trade.
  20. It was willful fabrication from the start, let's not fall for their bullshit.
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